"SUPER_heroes" of the Caribbean ~

Do ye feel that it is counter-productive to have too many games developed by ex-POTCO players?

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Shamus The Brute


~ Today is Sunday, June 22, 2014 ~

As we all know, "Pirates of the Caribbean Online" (POTCO) was cancelled by the higher-ups of either The Walt Disney Company or Disney Interactive on September 19, 2013 - International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Since that moment in time, there have been a total of:

  • 276 days that have passed (in other words, 9 months and 3 days duration of time)
~ Despite our circumstance, we as brethren :flag: seek refuge within the confines of every (Caribbean) tavern/soup kitchen/bread line to where the shifting of the weight upon the soles of our feet alternate from side-to-side as we stand, waiting patienly for news to be conjured up related to the opening of our NEW "fortress of solitude." Only then, mind you, will our black-stained hearts resolve to the truth of accepting the notion to move beyond POTCO's past to where once and for all, closure can occur on a personal level due to player/developer actions of these so-called, SUPER_heroes of the Caribbean!

Five for Fighting - "Superman"
Oye! Within the heat of the tropical Sun :shark: (within the context of these 276 days passed), the status update of the various POTCO new game/emulator games arrrr each listed below:
  1. Pirates of the High Seas (cancelled)
  2. Buccaneer's Online (cancelled)
  3. Pirates Online Uprising (cancelled on 9/4/2014)
  4. Caribbean Pirates Online (evolved into a 'non'-POTCO project; does not apply anymore to this list)
  5. Pirates House (questionable)
  6. Pirates Online Emulator (questionable)
  7. POTCO Infinite (cancelled)
  8. Pirates Online Rewritten (active; formerly 'Pirates of Legend'; merged with TLOPO)_
  9. Black Flag Online (active)
  10. Pirates of the Golden Sea (active; merged project with 'Pirates of Outcasts.' For a brief period of time, was also merged with 'Buccaneer's Online')
  11. Pirates Redemption (active)
  12. The Legend of Pirates Online (active; absorbed 'Pirates Online Rewritten' via merger)
  13. Tales of Mist (active)
  14. POTCO MC (Minecraft; active)
  15. Pirates of the Great Abyss (active)
Now I know what ye be thinkin'; is this all that there is, lol??? :confused: Aye, this be true. *Best be understandin' though that if pirates of the Caribbean were any busier, what time be left for pillagin', plunderin', lootin', and/or drinkin'?

To each his own, me say and...SHIVER ME TIMBERS to all Super_heroes with capes ... everywhere!

(Thread note: for further information, please visit JDP's youtube and review corresponding 'comments' made to each video)
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Oh by the way I'm making my own game, Captain Redhorn the awesome's pirates online. We are really far on the production process I already have a computer to do it on!!! I need donations (approximately 1.25 million) for every 100K you donate I'll give you a green ribbon!! Thanks guys

Someone really needs to capitalize on a meme for all these remakes. There's some good material here.
UPDATE: 6-23-2014 ~
I had inadvertently left "Pirates Online Uprising" out of the mix and have since added that gaming project as well, to the thread's above list.

~ FLY_ ON ~ :rolleyes:

UPDATE: 6-26-2014 ~
Upon hearing news today of the development of "Pirates Redemption," I have since added that project to the gaming list as well.
@JohnnyDaPirate - Is "Redemption" a changed name of any projects I have already listed? :confused:

Also, to let everyone know, Buccaneer's Online has merged into "Pirates of the Golden Sea," according to JDP's channel.
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UPDATE: 6-23-2014 ~
I had inadvertently left "Pirates Online Uprising" out of the mix and have since added that gaming project as well, to the thread's above list.

~ FLY_ ON ~ :rolleyes:

UPDATE: 6-26-2014 ~
Upon hearing news today of the development of "Pirates Redemption," I have since added that project to the gaming list as well.
@JohnnyDaPirate - Is "Redemption" a changed name of any projects I have already listed? :confused:

Also, to let everyone know, Buccaneer's Online has merged into "Pirates of the Golden Sea," according to JDP's channel.
Pirates Redemption is it's own project being created by a mate who goes by Shadow.
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Pirates Redemption is it's own project being created by a mate who goes by Shadow.
Thank you. :)

UPDATE - for @Shadow X3498: Aren't you Bryan Smith, the developer of Pirates Redemption and owner of the below youtube channel:
I see that you were "quite knowledgeable" concerning the python coding used for POTCO. *Was wondering, how come you choose to go the Unity3D route for your game rather than python-based emulators (such as being used by another remake or POU, as just examples)? :confused:
And most of them where made after poths closed down
Aye, I had noticed that too...
I will have to agree that having so many different games in the works is counterproductive.

While I recognize the need to "regroup" the community, (and I certainly wish all the best for those who wish to pursue the development of such a task) having this many games simply deters from that goal. From Shamus' list, there has been (at one point) SEVEN concurrent projects. Hypothetically, if all of these projects were to be completed, several things have the potential of happening:
  1. Fighting for membership - competition to get users, potential conflicts
  2. Confusion - having so many games would make it difficult to find friends and keep the pirate community TOGETHER
In no way am I implying that the first item will happen, but the second is almost inevitable. In addition, I do not aim to disparage all of the hard work being put forth by the various development teams - managing a project of this scale is quite an undertaking. I think it is fantastic that the community is still passionate and wants to "revive" its roots. My intent is only to shed some light on the potential consequences of having so many different entities - it will confuse the users and only be a detriment to bringing the community back together (which should be the overruling goal).

Just my two cents.

I'm a Head Project Manager and Developer of Pirates Online Rewritten. I always told the staff the main goal is not the forums, the site, other projects or creating a new game. The main goal of another remake was suppose to be to re-create POTCO on one server till it was quality enough to be a ONLINE beta another remake. Yet, the team without my knowledge started talking about sharing the programs and coding that are incomplete with friends... someone brought up making them "Alpha keys" and Gleaming and X Jumper approved the idea of theses "Single Player Alpha Keys" Once I heard about it I was STRONGLY against the idea of them from the start, why you may ask?

1. They are WHOLE programming files which take up a very large space on one's computer and sometimes creates bugs and slow down your computer.
2. They are basically GIVING AWAY the another remake project decoded and all gift wrapped ready for hackers to learn when the games comes out.
3. Lastly, put to much time into working on Alpha "SINGLE PLAYER" when it comes to any online progress it's just being pushed to the side more and more each day...

My advice for Pirates Online Rewritten is to close the Alpha, stop giving away alpha keys, start worrying more about the online release date and to put it simply, stop putting news before work. I coded another remake Every, Single. Day. Making more and more progress and a goal each time I opened the programming. The staff and developers I see on another remake is getting more "I want the title and give me the programming you have" Rather then "I will do anything to help get the game back online!" :/

As for the other projects, I don't know enough about any of them to even comment about it. - If they last more then 6 months then I will reply.
UPDATE: 6-29-2014 ~
The game, "Caribbean Pirates Online," has been added to the thread's main list of potential gaming projects.

POTCO108 via Skype, that's the only way I know of contacting him.
Thank you. :) Was hoping he/or she (do you even know of a 'name') was on a particular forums; this way he/she could communicate openly about the game's own development.

Since some players don't rely upon Skype to communicate, was hoping he/she could receive the message.
Thank you. :) Was hoping he/or she (do you even know of a 'name') was on a particular forums; this way he/she could communicate openly about the game's own development.

Since some players don't rely upon Skype to communicate, was hoping he/she could receive this message.
I'll give him the message.

Thank you. :) Was hoping he/or she (do you even know of a 'name') was on a particular forums; this way he/she could communicate openly about the game's own development.

Since some players don't rely upon Skype to communicate, was hoping he/she could receive the message.
He wants you to communicate with him via Skype, he's currently working on the server.
I'll give him the message.

He wants you to communicate with him via Skype, he's currently working on the server.
Well...IF he is doing this for ex-POTCO players themselves and not to just serve his own personal interests, he needs to be communicating his intentions openly on a platform most ex-POTCO players use. Does that make sense?

By making players come to him, this is not quite the open door policy ex-POTCO players seek as they strive to understand the details behind any POTCO new game/emulator project. Anyway, I hope that makes sense. :confused:

Thanks for speaking to him/her JDP and...it is my hope that you could provide for him the above message because I really do have a legitimate question to ask of "Pirates Online Uprising" and since I don't use Skype well, I think you can understand my own dilemma. :)

: July 5, 2014
Although this update reflects a change made over the past 4-5 days, "Buccaneer's Online" had un-merged from the cooperative effort it made with POTGS and is now again a development project of it's own.

As such, the list (status) update for "Buccaneer's Online" reflects now this change.
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Now I know what ye be thinkin'; is this all that there is, lol??? :confused: Aye, this be true. *Best be understandin' though that if pirates of the Caribbean were any busier, what time be left for pillagin', plunderin', lootin', and/or drinkin'?

I like the odds better with several games being developed. Sure, if a community came together and everyone agreed and put energy into that project it is more likely to succeed. But we have seen a different reality. Everyone has an opinion...Make likeo potco, improve on potco, new from scratch...

The reality is that most games in development will never make it to the public and many that open to the public will fail in a short time. In my opinion, the more games in development, the better the chance that at lease one will truely succeed. May the best game win!
The reality is that most games in development will never make it to the public and many that open to the public will fail in a short time. In my opinion, the more games in development, the better the chance that at lease one will truely succeed. May the best game win!
I hear what you are saying but below is a concern of mine that has always been an issue for me.

Many of these games in development are expected to ask for "donations" from players, at some point. As such, numerous gaming projects will attempt to position themselves at the end of the receiving line of ex-POTCO players whom are willing to "pass the buck" (literally). :piratemickey: So then, what good does that do to the community as a whole in consideration to the odds stated where only one or two games will likely succeed?

If donations are pooled together towards one or two (main) gaming projects, the odds are more favorable (rather than unfavorable) towards creating positive change and eventually, a game's release. However, this can only be achieved if everyone within the community are included within the actual planning of such funding.

***The last thing this community needs is for a project to pose as a legitimate project to only then cancel itself and either pocket the money or have said money transferred over to a completely different project without the community's acknowledgement!
The only project I think has a 100% probability of success is one of the Minecraft ports of the game. That one being "Minecraft: The World of POTCO" What they are doing is relatively simple. They are taking the models of the islands, ships, etc... and importing them into Minecraft. Right now they are made of smooth stone, but the author has expressed that he intends to "texture them" later on.