The Air Is Cleared


This thread is an original post on the Castle...

"Ahoy the fine pirates & mates of the Castle. It has indeed been a very long time since any pirate here has heard from Emerald Regiment. I am not sure if any mate has been wondering about the guild's fate, but if so, I feel the air must be cleared, as much as possible. I am here to simply inform others of what the guild has become as of now.

Emerald Regiment, since the last post here (March 14th) thrived for about three more months, stronger than ever. However, due to the unfortunate circumstances, Emerald Regiment found itself without a guildmaster. Blade had left the game and transferred guildmastership to our very own third-named co-guildmaster, Lord Davy Menace. I returned to the guild partially and was made an officer after dramas I will not be naming for the privacy of the guild's officer core. However, by the time this all occurred, I had felt it was in my best interest to quit payment for the game and leave. Blade still remains an office in Emerald Regiment, however highly inactive. Since Blade has been gone, and with no word of return, the activity level of the guild has notably slowed down. At times where there would be about 35 members online, there is now around 6-11 at any time, with little or no officers online. Quite a few officers chose to leave the officer-core and the guild, causing members to follow. We have dropped numbers immensely. At this point, I have seen very low-activity from our current guild-master, and I am sure all currently-loyal guildmates are beginning to see a sudden, harsh change in atmosphere. I am grateful, at this point, for the remaining office-core that has chosen to stay active. I am also very sorry for the officers that chose to leave Emerald Regiment. At this time, it would be extremely fortunate if the original officer-core could stay together to keep stability, but it seems as if their ties to the guild were only to myself and the past guildmaster. I put blame on myself for many of the officers leaving - after all, when I had departed, many chose to follow.

I know not what the future holds for Emerald Regiment, but as stubborn as I can be, I do want to finally announce, we're going to need help to get through this. Any officers that have left, and the ones that are left now, I ask that older officers consider returning, and the current officers to begin to work together as a family once-more to help the guild get back on its feet. What will become of our current-guildmaster, I am not sure, for I have not seen him active at all lately, which is as deeply saddening as it is disappointing.

If there's any help anyone can offer to Emerald Regiment, anything, it would be highly-appreciated and very-much welcome. There is many great people in this guild, and with a guild still very young and very-much full of potential, I'd hate to see it go down so quickly and bluntly, especially after all the time and hard work put into making it one of the top guilds. I thank the Castle for the many friends we've made here and what we've learned here, and the opportunity to have a guild-section.

I'll keep this thread updated about Emerald Regiment and its situation, in the attempt to kick the guild back onto it's feet. Thank you mates.


*copied and pasted from the Castle"

I hate to take things into my own hands, but it seems I must. Emerald Regiment, despite the past incidents is still my family, a family I put time and hard work into creating, and am still very proud of.

All of the above letter applies here too. We need as much help as we can get. And I'll work to get into a better position to help the guild as much as possible.

My main goal, right now, is getting ALL old officers to return to help restore the guild to its former heights. I realize some will be extremely reluctant to return, and some will not return at all - but this can be a new beginning, I know why most of you officers left.

Stability is going to be needed, and that's what the original officer-core kept, and right now, the current officer-core is much too small/inactive to keep the guild stable. We need activity levels to rise, and for the current system to speed up. Here on Pirates Forums, there are a few past officer-core pirates here. If you could come into contact with me, that would be appreciated. (And to one of you, who for privacy I won't name, I heard what happened & I understand. The past is forgiven. Feel free to contact me.)

If anyone has anything, advice, support, PM me or post here. I'm determined to bring Emerald Regiment back to its feet and on the oceans once more.
I admire your determination and belief that you could revitalize your guild to its previous glory. I can't help, but good luck!
Good luck, you sound very determined and that will help alot. I don't know how i could help, but i would love to help you. I once lost a guild due to this same thing and i would hate to see it happen to this guild.