Weridest names on POTCO ever.

I cant say the names here due to them sounding like 'bad' words. The reason that they were accepted in the game I think proved that they weren't approved by a person but by some dictionary that doesn't catch the pronunciation.
If it's a dictionary, why did it not let me use Jesse James or Tim Tebow lolI have a friend in game named "Cheese" and I had a pirate named "Artoo Detoo" ... I think there are some other weird ones I've seen, but don't remember themjust remembered another friend of mine, "Practical Intelligence"
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Gotta love the food names!! We have a Spare Ribs in guild, Spicy, Ginger, Salty, Pepper, and Cookie. I tried to make one named Dip n Dots but no matter how I spelled it, they refused.. so Marshmallow was born. I think there's also some kind of pie in guild ;)