POTC: Master of the Seas (Phone App)

Update! 1.4.0

Being the Master of the Seas has never looked so good! New visuals come to the high seas in this latest update.
Is anyone having problems with request I've gotten well over 100 crew request I sent out but don't seem to get a reply for any of them.
Does anyone else only put there new points on the energy? I'm a lvl 34 at the moment with 170 enregy.. I have 13 HP LOL! So I don't go battle much
I play MoS daily! Level 132 at moment. And in response to where to put your points....ALWAYS on energy! once you get to night seas, the quests take so much energy that you wait forever if you can't hold much nrgy! also, build up your crew as fast as possible. Look at the leaderboard. Those guys have thousands of crew members. and they are needed!
Can someone answer my question?
If you are referring to the email you need to enter, that is still pretty glitchy. I've contacted DisneyMobile and they say, as usual, that the developers are working on it. no worried though. the game will play without that.
Is 1.4 only for the iphone? It's not showing the Android marketplace I'm looking in.
It's out for android now too. couple of things to be aware of:
**Bulk gifting. we've done some experiments and have learned that bulk gifting goes into the server one way and comes out completely random. so if you are suddenly receiving low level gifts from your crew - it's not their fault.
**You can now move up to 10 pirates to the top of your crew list to gift separately! use the red arrow icon to the right of the pirates name. I have over 2100 crew and find this a HUGE time saver.
**Invite crew function is now glitchy. I haven't been able to invite anyone in since update. <sigh>
**salvaging wrecks - now has more that are gems!!! yay!
**gems...prices have lowered back to what they were! 99 cent for 22 gems again. w00t!
My friend plays MotS alot, and he says that with more people in your crew, you get more gems on the fifth day. This sounds cool, but is it true?
My friend plays MotS alot, and he says that with more people in your crew, you get more gems on the fifth day. This sounds cool, but is it true?
No sweetie, it's not true. I'm sorry. But I own all the gem mines ( have finished 22 islands) and with the gems from those, from the wreckage in the sea. the fifth day reward and even the unlocked chests, I get about 50 gems a week.
Just to clarify, I am not the end all be all of knowledge. ;-) But I play with a group of people who are as obsessive about the game as I am. They have done comparison charts, lists of crew, gifting analysis, inventory inspections to better equip ships. Oh my. you would be amazed! I have responses to this thread alerting me if you have more questions.
As my invite button is frozen due to the new update (sigh) please put me on you crew SeaHawk. I'll be happy to check out your stats and see where you can get stronger if you like. ooh..mathematical algorithms...NyteSong is nerdy! LOL