TYVM A Much-Needed, Well-Deserved Thank You

This thread never fails to make me smile. Ya'll are really great for keeping it going. I know it is very much appreciated. <3
Don't get me started on how wonderful you are too @katnypp :) The only reason I haven't done that yet on this thread is because I figured you might not like me dragging you out in a public thread and talking about you :D

I can picture it now, me dragging you by one foot, you kicking and screaming, telling me off in kat language... Me having to subdue you with a glass of wine... You sitting on the ground having to listen to me say nice things about you while you glare at me. :) In my imagination it's glorious! haha!
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Don't get me started on how wonderful you are too @katnypp :) The only reason I haven't done that yet on this thread is because I figured you might not like me dragging you out in a public thread and talking about you :D

I can picture it now, me dragging you by one foot, you kicking and screaming, telling me off in kat language... Me having to subdue you with a glass of wine... You sitting on the ground having to listen to me say nice things about you while you glare at me. :) In my imagination it's glorious! haha!

Mr Remmy!!....a glass? Really?..................you should at least offer @katnypp a full bottle!

I'm just going to copy and past my other post right here, as it seems appropriate here also... As this time the game is down in preparation for the MONUMENTAL big step forward in development and I just wanted to thank you... THANK YOU TLOPO Team for all of your hard work and diligence in reaching this point! I am SO proud of you! Congratulations!!!! :D

Thank you so much for this exhaustive correspondence! It was enjoyable to read and fascinating to see the footsteps that took place before I joined a mere... Well... Days shy of three months ago. I wish I had stumbled upon you all sooner but am grateful for @Gracey continuing to talk up the old game, which led me to explore Google a little and eventually find you. :)

I enjoy lengthy, detailed blog posts and hearing from my friends on the Team. I believe that the vast majority of the individuals who are active in the forums love interacting with the TLOPO Staff. I know I appreciate you all so very much and, as a person who can count my real life friends on one hand, consider you to be friends... my family here. I am so, SO very proud of you all and the monumental task that you not only chose to take head on, but have succeeded in overcoming time and time again. CONGRATULATIONS!!! *raises a mug*. I appreciate you allowing me to join you on this journey and even though I can be a big pain in the rear sometimes, I hope I have added some encouragement and smiles in the last few months. Thank you to so many team members for mingling with us in the forums and interacting with us. I know that takes extra effort and sometimes an awful lot of patience but you are so appreciated.

As far as additions, my only request would be to continue to keep doing what you are. There is a 'more logical' aspect to additions to game play and you all have done some great work in that department. Adding material in a way that makes sense... Ahem... but on behalf of @Gracey... She wants more wardrobe room for outfits. With all the awesome clothes and new outfits coming out each month, she gets sad that she has to get rid of items and outfits that she still loves to wear. *winks and laughs*

By now my acknowledgement and thanks might sound a little bit like a broken record, but I assure you each post is heartfelt and sincere... THANK YOU! Again I am so very proud of your dedication, hard work, professionalism, kindness and generosity. I hope each and every team member feels and understands that and if they don't, you just send them my way and I'll be honored to tell them.

I look forward to continuing on this journey with you... and if things work out in the next year or so for me, I have a little surprise for you as well.

Good fortune and safe journeys, 'til next we meet! :)

Now.... Keep fighting on and working so hard to reach each goal! I'm proud of you! RUNG! RUNG and claim what is yours! Haha!
Rung Jack Sparrow Finished.jpg
BIG Congratulations to the team for keeping the down time to a minimum by denying the laws of physics in implementing the update/upgrade! :D

And.... Errr.... THANK YOU to all of my TLOPO Pirate Clan for making me laugh and keeping me busy making memes and having fun with you during the down time by goofing off with me in a fun, clean and hilarious way :) You.... all.... are... AWESOME!! *fist bumps* ;) Two armored thumbs up!
Here's to a special person who makes everyone smile and makes sure everyone is welcome in the forums.

Alright. Here is where I would do my cliche build-up to this person, SO, here goes.

*insert emotional music*

Fairly fresh to the forums, this person has already made a bigger impact by me and is one of the most caring individuals out here. This person will never think twice to wish you a good day, or tell you to smile, and will always have an upbeat attitude that makes us all here love the forums.

In all honesty I always look forward to having profile posts by this person because I know that it will make me smile and turn my frown upside-down. With the huge amounts of contributions made to the forums by this person, I love the forums now more than ever before.

This person has a pretty awesome sense of humor that could make ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE laugh, (which is always good - I mean you feel good while laughing, and it's good to feel good because then you yourself become good. Are you following mate?)

This person is @LunaStorm. On behalf of Pirates Forums and myself - we say thank you for everything that you do and we love you <3
Here's to a special person who makes everyone smile and makes sure everyone is welcome in the forums.

Alright. Here is where I would do my cliche build-up to this person, SO, here goes.

*insert emotional music*

Fairly fresh to the forums, this person has already made a bigger impact by me and is one of the most caring individuals out here. This person will never think twice to wish you a good day, or tell you to smile, and will always have an upbeat attitude that makes us all here love the forums.

In all honesty I always look forward to having profile posts by this person because I know that it will make me smile and turn my frown upside-down. With the huge amounts of contributions made to the forums by this person, I love the forums now more than ever before.

This person has a pretty awesome sense of humor that could make ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE laugh, (which is always good - I mean you feel good while laughing, and it's good to feel good because then you yourself become good. Are you following mate?)

This person is @LunaStorm. On behalf of Pirates Forums and myself - we say thank you for everything that you do and we love you <3
Well spoken Mate! And I VERY much agree! :)
Here's to a special person who makes everyone smile and makes sure everyone is welcome in the forums.

Alright. Here is where I would do my cliche build-up to this person, SO, here goes.

*insert emotional music*

Fairly fresh to the forums, this person has already made a bigger impact by me and is one of the most caring individuals out here. This person will never think twice to wish you a good day, or tell you to smile, and will always have an upbeat attitude that makes us all here love the forums.

In all honesty I always look forward to having profile posts by this person because I know that it will make me smile and turn my frown upside-down. With the huge amounts of contributions made to the forums by this person, I love the forums now more than ever before.

This person has a pretty awesome sense of humor that could make ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE laugh, (which is always good - I mean you feel good while laughing, and it's good to feel good because then you yourself become good. Are you following mate?)

This person is @LunaStorm. On behalf of Pirates Forums and myself - we say thank you for everything that you do and we love you <3

I know it may have seemed to some as a bit of a over reaction but that's because as I was reading the post I was honestly thinking to myself "oh wow this is beautiful. I can't wait to see who it's to.".

So you can imagine my total surprise when I got to the end!! LOL

Thank you for your beautiful words. It means so much to me :thanks:

I am glad I have managed to bring a bit of sunshine to some here and I love the forums and my forum family (you know who you are :wave:<3).
First thing I do in the morning is check to see if there is any new members I can give a big welcome to and a smile:)
And last thing at night in bed I do a final check on everyone ;)
Oh and in-between that time I check in about every 20 minutes lol.

Again thank you so much! <3