Announcement Game & Web Server Notifications

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7/20/2017 @ 11:31 PM EST:

Servers will be coming down to push 1.3.6. Changes include:
  • Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to launch their ships.
  • Fixed an issue with cannons not being created on ships.
  • Swift Foot's effects are now working. NOTE: the effect will not persist across servers at this time. This will be corrected in a later release.
7/24/2017 @ 9:55 PM EST:

We'll be pushing an update momentarily for 1.3.7. Changes include:
  • Fixed an issue with displaying an incorrect message when a guild name was rejected (rejected - not a duplicate name!
  • Fixed an issue where players would not leave their crews when teleporting cross-shard.
  • Fixed an internal exception with the Whitelist.
  • Potentially fixed an intermittent crash with throwing knives.
  • Potentially fixed an issue where enemies would die twice, granting double loot and reputation.
7/24/2017 @ 10:55 PM EST:

Servers are open to all.

Just a note: We are aware of memory issues affecting players since 1.3.0. We have been looking into ways to combat this. Since the game currently has a max memory ceiling of 2GB due to the nature of it being a 32 bit application, many players reach this point after about 2 loading screens and the game crashes. Making the game LAA (large address aware - support for 4GB) has been discussed, among other solutions.
Just a small update on this:
Just a note: We are aware of memory issues affecting players since 1.3.0. We have been looking into ways to combat this. Since the game currently has a max memory ceiling of 2GB due to the nature of it being a 32 bit application, many players reach this point after about 2 loading screens and the game crashes. Making the game LAA (large address aware - support for 4GB) has been discussed, among other solutions.
We're going to begin work on a 64-bit binary. This means that the application will not be bound by the limits of 32-bit architecture, allowing for it to allocate more memory than is currently able to be allotted. There is no ETA on when this will be completed, but we hope it to be sooner than later.

Once the 64-bit binary is released, it will co-exist still with the current 32-bit binary in order to support legacy systems that still run 32-bit operating systems. Support for 32-bit will be phased out at some point in the future, though a timeframe is not definite on that.

MacOS was recently ported to 64-bit with 1.3.0 (hence why support was down for an extended period of time) in order to safeguard against Apple's phasing out of 32-bit application support in 2018.

It's worth noting that our audio engine still has a leak associated with it as well. We plan to change audio engines soon, which might hopefully address further memory usage issues.

We really appreciate everyone's patience during this time. We know things have been rough lately in-game stability-wise. Thanks, everyone, for hanging in there. You are all dedicated testers and we appreciate your support very much!
8/2/2017 @ 10:00 PM EST:

Gameservers will be coming down in a few to push a pretty sweet update (1.4.0). Changes include:
  • Fixed a bug where player skills would get "copied" over to enemies.
  • Updated the way that enemy ships fire at players.
  • TLOPO is now Large Address Aware (LAA). This means that, while still a 32-bit application, it now has a memory ceiling of 4GB as opposed to 2GB.
8/7/2017 @ 12:11 AM EST:

Login and web servers are down, though the game servers are still operational. We are working as quickly as possible to identify the issue and bring the servers back up. We apologize for the inconvenience!
Echoing this from last night. Seems whenever a huge district reset happens, it sends a shockwave of sorts out to some of our other nodes. We know this is a huge inconvenience and is definitely one of our top priorities to address currently.
8/27/2017 @ 5:20 PM EST:

Just an update: we've encountered a minor problem during deployment that affected several of our production nodes. Each node will need to be fixed one by one - this is a mildly time consuming process. Unfortunately, TLOPO will be down for at least another 2 hours until fixes can be applied.

We'd like to reassure everyone that some issues don't manifest until updates are put on the production server. We've extensively tested this update for several weeks now. We know this is a hype-killer and it will bum a lot of people out. The development team is actively working to correct this issue. The servers should be operational sometime this evening/night.

Thanks for everyone's understanding. We know you all are eager to experience and test out the Black Pearl and the new looting fixes - we are too - but sometimes things go wrong. Sit tight!
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