How do people last so long at sea?

My Sailing Is a tad different , I Tag from afar and strip the Last Masts just as they come in Range of Broadsides and then Use broadsides. Better of both worlds , Just watch out for that Corsair that Spawns next to ya !! lol Nah ! I hunt Black Harbingers and Death Omen , Just wish they'd Give out Max Rep like on Potco !
I think sailing it's like driving, some better than others, it takes time and you will develop the feel for it.
Personally, sailing is like my second nature, I love it and it comes easy to me, I never sunk unless due to disconnect or completely boxed in by other ships due to lag.
If it wasn't for looting I would do this all day long, hopefully the sailing loot gets buffed so its on par per amount of time spent.
In fact I have just completed few material runs on a quiet server with a very handy pirate which was only level 5 and/or just by myself.
Anyhow, if you or anyone else needs help sailing just give me a shout in game.
a few things never park in front of broadsides, leave corsairs alone,use full sail and turn to make emergency adjustments to avoid hits, as well as dropping sail sudden to drop out of their arcs. remember that a trigger happy crew also not noticing repairs are needed in rough situations is just as much to blame for sinking as any helmsmen its a CREW effort, unless solo sailing then its all on you. likewise its asking to be sunk to grapple when you have other ships agro or hunters are near , yet many poor crew do it anyway, leave boarding for before you have a bounty on you or its just asking for a visit to davy jones express style. if there are many ai its far better to get ship at 100% before turning in to face them(repair) and if all else fails sail for nearby ships to assist in sinking. you only have to "tag" a ship once to get reward, either its sunk by you or 6 ships later by someone else. once you have a full ship upgrade and time to learn the ins and outs of shot shucking its insanely easy,at the start it can be as insanely hard if you think you are the only ship on the ocean and have to insert those shots point blank with belly up broadsides. not every shot is going to hit, think ahead and sail accordingly till you get that solid shot chance is better than panic firing all directions and hitting only waves. use the sea mobs, but also avoid the inside of mobs as some love to box you in or cut you off as that tally is closing, just to get a tag that gunners can get at range. far better to move with than against the flow of traffic, as does being less greedy and more aware of other ships ai and players can take you far to avoid fatal situations, and live to sail longer. sailing is only as hard as you make it on yourself, friends and guild mates as well as faithful crews can carry most situations. lastly crew as a gunner can help level sailing greatly , not directly but by improving ship broadside skills by better ship gunnery -when you sail i.e. better broadsides ,faster reloads, barrage damage long before you need fury skill or have good sailing skills because that extra gun skills can turn a chore into a pleasure thats far less effort. its also that chance to meet and friend competent sailors and gunners to invite for crews latter, and avoid those afk lurkers and slackers as you identify them by name.
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