Question Key reward

As a Key holder I am Not worthy of anymore then anyone else IMAO ! If anything at all I'd prefer the time spent creating such a thing be put to better usage ! ARRRrrrrrrr .................... :jar:

P.S. The thought of being a FLounder ? .......... Founder . I think Is just a tad too much due to the fact I believe that was for the POTCO players !
I have high hopes that the reward will either be a founder tag or an alpha/beta badge. I'd be happy with some exclusive clothing/weapons, though.
I just want something to forever commemorate the fact that I had a key. I don't care if it is something small or useless, I don't care what it is. I was just so grateful to get it in the first place. I want to be able to have proof of that. I made darn good use of that key and I don't want to have all that beautiful time forgotten and just fade in with the rest of the players. I don't have the best luck when it comes to winning things and so such wonderful things don't often happen to me in life. It gave me hope in the meaning of my existence to gain that Beta Key. As stupid as it may sound it actually made me cry tears of pure joy. I want to hold on to that memory and have something to embody it.
I just want something to forever commemorate the fact that I had a key. I don't care if it is something small or useless, I don't care what it is. I was just so grateful to get it in the first place. I want to be able to have proof of that. I made darn good use of that key and I don't want to have all that beautiful time forgotten and just fade in with the rest of the players. I don't have the best luck when it comes to winning things and so such wonderful things don't often happen to me in life. It gave me hope in the meaning of my existence to gain that Beta Key. As stupid as it may sound it actually made me cry tears of pure joy. I want to hold on to that memory and have something to embody it.

^ this

also...i cryed alittle when i won my alpha key :p
I loved POTCO. I started playing early in its life, but only really started playing between 2010-2012. I was only 10 when I started playing for real and I didn't have the mindset or skill to get really deep into the game. So when it was closed in 2013, I was sufficiently upset, but I didn't try and see if it was being remade until 2015.

At that point I believe TLOPO was only open to key testers and a little later the devs added a time slot system. I got myself a time slot and noticed there was only fishing and potions.

I knew progress had been made, and more progress would be made, but that was the last time I played Alpha. I didn't know obtaining a key was easy, or that you could even dig for them (correct me if this is wrong). That's why I didn't get upwards of 30 keys like others have said.

So, I guess rewarding the more dedicated players are fine, but giving them a founder tag is a little bit much. Maybe make it a "Tester" tag instead. Like others were proposing before elsewhere, use email to see whether or not you played alpha or semi-open beta if possible and then those people get an "alpha tester" or "beta tester" tag.

I know right now that would be the majority of the players, but I feel anybody who was at least dedicated enough to play using time slots in alpha and queue times in beta should not be left out.

That's just me.
The key was the reward. Darn entitled kids

Wasn't it the devs who decided it first?

i think founders coin is ok, most people with keys have been here a long time. i joined before alpha even opened! if that isnt a founder then idk what is

So, should someone who created an account in March, and lucky enough to have acquired a key receive something that someone who didn't get a key and was playing since January doesn't?

As a Key holder I am Not worthy of anymore then anyone else IMAO ! If anything at all I'd prefer the time spent creating such a thing be put to better usage ! ARRRrrrrrrr .................... :jar:

P.S. The thought of being a FLounder ? .......... Founder . I think Is just a tad too much due to the fact I believe that was for the POTCO players !

Yes, it was for POTCO players, who had played in the first few months the game was running, we've been playing during the beta, finding bugs and reporting them. We are the beta testers much like those who were founders in POTCO.