Looking For Guild

You will get TERMINATED if you use voice chat... Disney knows what you're doung by your in-game behavior, so it is nearly impossible to hide it.
Disney needs to think of the safety of younger players before the older players, because this is a game with a majority of kids.
This is a lie. Disney can have no knowledge of what you are doing by game behavior. You can not tell if they are voice chatting or sitting right next to each other. This is not a reason to get terminated. I voice chat with my family while I play. I have not received a warning or ban what so ever for it. The day I do is the day I quit pirates. They can't just assume things. Its one thing to be banned for sharing info its another to be terminated based off of behavior alone. I know many families including mine that sit in the same room and play. Meaning we won't be typing to each other but that doesn't mean we are voice chatting. Also, My guild has itts own chat block on our guild site so we could be talking there too. Disney can't ban based on behavior.
This is a lie. Disney can have no knowledge of what you are doing by game behavior. You can not tell if they are voice chatting or sitting right next to each other. This is not a reason to get terminated. I voice chat with my family while I play. I have not received a warning or ban what so ever for it. The day I do is the day I quit pirates. They can't just assume things. Its one thing to be banned for sharing info its another to be terminated based off of behavior alone. I know many families including mine that sit in the same room and play. Meaning we won't be typing to each other but that doesn't mean we are voice chatting. Also, My guild has itts own chat block on our guild site so we could be talking there too. Disney can't ban based on behavior.
Yes, they can, a friend live chatted with them because they were banned for voice chatting in the game and they asked how they knew and the worker said with these exact words-
"We had suspicions you were voice chatting with a member of the game. This member was too young and you have been terminated for making this young player unsafe."
And did I say they will every single time? No, I DID NOT. I said they will IF THEY ARE SUSPICIOUS. The player was only 7 by the info submitted when they made the account. If the players age is too low/high, they will ban/term unless they are related. If there is relations such as family, they will dismiss it and not care.
Simple as that.
They ban me for playing while talking with my younger brothers like that.. I will seriously hold a grudge against Disney.
They suspected? They wouldn't know if no one spoke of it guild chat, crew chat, public chat or even whispers. This is one of the reasons why the ETC has its own site. It allows player to communicate without fear of the mouse.
I just need a technical explanation of this. We can argue all week long and some of us are just not going to be convinced (I'm one of them). It really does not make sense unless they can track the account (IP) and the voice chat application electronically? Anybody can enlighten us with this, IT ppl, please?
Disney has NO WAY of detecting use of an outside voice or text chat such as Skype, XFire, Ventrillo, Yahoo, or MSN. My guess is that there is far more to the story than what your friend is telling you. I'd pretty well bet that your friend was banned for exchanging contact info with the other user in game or for openly discussing outside chat while in game chat. Or in some other way giving away the fact that they were chatting outside the game. Tracking an IP only tells them when a particular computer logs onto their site. It does NOT identify to them other programs running on that computer, programs not associated with the game. To my knowledge the only programs that Disney is able to detect are game hacks and speed glitch hacks as these will effect the clock speed of the computer used to access the game
Wow lol what a can of worms ive opened here.
To whoever it was that said "dude why dont you just type?" I hate typing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also i hate trying to batte and type at the same time......DUHHH!!!

Voice chat makes the gaming experience ALOT better!

Alot of you are apparently unaware of just how common voice chat is in this game despite all the urban legend horror stories youve heard of the ban hammer lol.

Furthermore as ive stated b4 im not going to pay to play if i cant use voice chat.
Anyone from now on that does not have a valid reponse Please refrain from putting your two cents in here. Hound is looking for a guild not a debate on what can and cant be done in the game. If you dont have a guild offer feel free to head to a different thread. Thanks. I will be deleting any further messages that do not fit this criteria. to those of you supporting what he is looking for thanks to the others beware the white gloved hand of the mouse as it is ever looming :fight:XD
As i don't know of many guilds still using voice i can assure everyone it is very alive in this game and was THRIVING greatly i assume before some of you even made your pirate or knew the game existed. Though it may not be with the guilds we have associated with this site...theres still a ton of guilds out there lol. With a couple guilds my pirates have been in Xfire and Ventrillo were required but as these guilds no longer exist i cannot point you in the right direction Hound. I think the best thing for you at this point would be to break the trend, make your own guild, and enlighten some newer players to the ease of your own personal voice chatting revolution on Pirates. Good Luck!
Thank you JM, I didnt realize what a controversial topic this was lol.

But then I also didnt realize there were so many little kids here at first either.

I found a guild not long after I posted here but I'm keeping my options open and so maybe with one eye I'm still looking hehe.