Blog Post Looking Forward!

I just watched Dead Men Tell No Tales. I think a story quest based on the plot of the movie where you ultimately fight (Spoilers) Salazar at Poseidon's tomb. Kinda like El Patron's battle, but underwater. The quest could include having to recruit Jack Sparrow, Henry Turner, Carina Symth, and Captain Barbossa. It'd be a good chance to add new islands like Saint Martin (with bank missing) and that star island. Then after defeating Salazar, the reward for the story quest is the Trident.

  • A property ownership function where you can purchase a small island and construct different houses or fortresses from materials you purchase or plunder.
  • House- The house is used as a personal storage and safezone from pursuing enemies. the house function can be altered as the game progresses through beta stages.

  • Fortress- A fortress is used primarily in guild warfare. (Pvp will be on everywhere except the major islands). The fortress is used as a base for your guild to defend your guild’s loot from enemy guilds. guild warfare will be discussed next.

  • Guild Warfare- Guilds will be more dynamic unlike the original game which was simply a group of players. Guild Warfare allows large factions of players to attack other guilds anywhere. (if a guild enemy is on a major island like port royal, you can still initiate a small battle with them but certain authorities [npcs] will be trying to break you up) Guild warfare can take place almost anywhere. On the high seas, Guild warfare is very immense and detailed. Guild Fortress Warfare is the most intense version of guild warfare. A ship can approach a Guild Island and bombard it, automatically starting a guild attack (only if players are online in the guild). The fortress will store guild loot that is shared among players in a guild and during a fort attack, they must defend it with cannons or counter attack by launching a ship to attack that ship. If the fort’s defenses are weakened, the attackers can dock on the island and begin besieging the fort on land. most of the fight takes place here. Destroying a fort will give many rewards to the attackers based on the power and wealth of the defending guild.

  • Three new storylines- “The devil’s triangle” features the quest for the trident of poseidon. “The Atlant Tide” features the quest for the lost city of atlantis washed ashore on davy jones’ locker and its riches. “The Witches of Tormenta” features the quest for the magic powers of the wisdom staff and calypso’s riches.

  • Ships- Ships must be purchased or constructed.
The Baleinier- A more swift version of the Brig, used for quick looting and stealth attacks on enemy ships.

The Bergantina- A strong ship with 25 massive cannons and medium armor

The Corvette- A decommissioned navy shipped similar to the frigate but with slightly more firepower available to players.

The Fluyt- More of a barge, it is used for looting with the highest cargo capacity out of all ships but is not heavily armed.

The Hulk- A well armored and heavily armed version of the fluyt with a bit less cargo capacity and low maneuverability.

Ironclad- This ship is awarded to players after completing all story lines and finding the olympus key and opening the omega chest, which is found at Atlantis. the chest provides instructions for constructing the Ironclad along with other legendary loot.

  • Islands
Davy Jones’ locker is an island reachable only under the influence of the Davy Jones Curse, found at isla tormenta.

The Prison of Mordillah is a prison island featured in the pirates of the caribbean movie, dead man’s chest. here players will free crew members on the quest to “The Atlant Tide” The island is fully explorable after completing that portion of the story.

Isla tormenta- now on the shores of the island the player can stumble across the kraken while sailing their ship

Isla de las muñecas- this island does not have a connection with any story missions but some future missions might come into play here. The island is littered with thousands of dolls. The island will be more of a mysterious touch and has a disturbing vibe similar to Raven's Cove.
After seeing many other suggestions, a lot of people agree that the guild system has to be revamped and most of the game's resources will be focused on this particular aspect of gameplay. I fear that with the addition of an advanced guild system, players will no longer be interested in participating in story quests and only focus on looting / pvp. There should be more incentive and motivation to do stories, a simple rank up and item award at the end is not enough. With guilds being the major focus, story quests should award guild-based awards. (bonuses for guild wars, new guild island improvements, etc.) and these awards are multiplied if the stories were completed with guild mates. You could go as far as making specific island improvements / guild abilities available / unlockable only if all members of the guild have done a story quest. You could even introduce specific quests for guild members to complete together in order to unlock special guild - shared items and island improvements! Having these features will ensure that the game stays balanced and dynamic. I would hate to see the fun and nostalgic exploration aspects of stories die away. Make TLOPO Great Again!
I like the sound of trading. Some people have loads of duplicates and what not. Some people look for a specific items or are in need of gold. So they would be able to help them in a pinch.

And as ever. Buying and selling stuff is only to what the buyer is willing to put down for!
Will it affect you? If the answer is no then why should other people not get it. Besides ruining the loot thing.
Tbh, I can’t see it ruining loot. If you don’t have duplicates then it is unlikely you’d trade away the only item you have. In a sense of PvE it wouldn’t break the game as everyone has an equal chance to kill enemies. I can’t see trading breaking PvP because you’re gonna use the best items you’d have anyways.
I remember sailing with the Marceline, .... I'd like to see The Crew have those impromptu appearances(not stress tests, or meet and greets) where they ask unsuspecting pirates to take a spin on the seas(what with the urban legend of sea god ships and gear you guys have ^^), especially thrilling to new players I'm sure.