Discussion MEGATHREAD: TLOPO/POTCO Lore Discussion

These made me think of Beckett's Quarry or someplace on Padres del Fuego. I don't think there's lava in El Patron's Mines so I don't think Raven's Cove would be the answer to the 'heat' portion of the description.
Yes, but the ghosts could still be "haunted" by the heat from the battle, as there was definitely a lot of fire (burnt barricades, buildings, etc.). It could be related to Padres, but this is just one of many possibilities of what it could be. We'll just have to wait and see, thanks for your input and ideas!
The news post they just sent out sent my hype level through the roof! I can't wait to see the "Big News" that's going to be revealed, but I'm sure it won't disappoint!:excited::woot:
Looting mechanics aside, I have to say that Davy Jones’ crew might be some of the most idiotic people in the world. Why would these people — who are already cursed with a horrific fate that (among other things) makes them have skin made of seaweed — decide to hoard a bunch of Cursed Weapons from El Patron’s expeditions. Either curses cannot overlap or these loonies figure “hey we’re already cursed let’s make it even worse on ourselves.”

Jimmy is all legs and no bloody brains.
Looting mechanics aside, I have to say that Davy Jones’ crew might be some of the most idiotic people in the world. Why would these people — who are already cursed with a horrific fate that (among other things) makes them have skin made of seaweed — decide to hoard a bunch of Cursed Weapons from El Patron’s expeditions. Either curses cannot overlap or these loonies figure “hey we’re already cursed let’s make it even worse on ourselves.”

Jimmy is all legs and no bloody brains.

Some insight to the lore. Won't go into too much detail, but essentially, the Cursed Blades originate from Davy Jones and his crew. El Patron just stole them. That's why he and is crew were cursed with the Evil Curse of Doom.
I’m wondering what happened to the Magic after the Marceline found out that Captain Walter was deceased. I know that they found it and Ezekiel Rott, but I don’t recall them bringing it back. Logically, it would be given to Xavier Hench since he was made the new Marceline Guildmaster, but this has never been confirmed. Part of me wonders if Walter’s Ghost just sailed it into the afterlife himself.
If Pete Abred and Loretta Jenkins are Ghosts of Raven’s Cove, how did they manage to leave the island after death only to be found and brought back to the Cove by pirates? If they’re able to, does that mean the other Ghosts can do the same? I’m fairly certain El Patron and anyone associated with him cannot, as they are bound to the Mines, but that still leaves many questions about the townsfolk.

The crashed ship near the mineshaft elevator apparently belonged to Robert Bistol, the late husband of Loretta, but his spirt has yet to be seen. Is it possible that he somehow survived?

The colors of Ghosts do little to help solve these mysteries. It’s possible that green are for those who are innocent and never took a life, but Old Sooty was a cannoneer. He most certainly blew people to smithereens. Doctor Belrog and Kudgel are also not our friends by any means, but I suppose their professions as a professor and a Navy soldier respectively make them more innocent.

Orange is given to El Patron’s crew and Captain Cromwell, all of whom were cutthroats, murderers, and looters. Obviously, their selfish traits carried over, but note that Captain Walter appeared as an orange ghost at one of the last Story Times in the original game before it closed. He was initially blue, so what does this mean? Was our good Captain succumbing to darkness?

Red is for those who felt sorrow and rage after death, and let it consume them. Obviously this would be over a grudge towards Roger and Beckett, so why wouldn’t Widow Threadbarren become a Rage Ghost? Obviously she’s extremely vindictive, demanding you sink many ships in Jolly’s fleet as a form of vengeance, yet she is a green ghost.

The black ghosts such as Foublerto, Cicatriz, El Patron, and his other lieutenants are likely those who were directly affected by the “Evil Curse of Doom” from El Patron’s weapons. This does not bode well for anyone who completed the Raven’s Cove Story Quest if it means we will suffer the same fate.

The most baffling of all, however, are the blue Ghosts. The other Ghost GMs I mentioned took on this blue form, and so did Captain Walter after his death. What does this mean? Perhaps blue is simply the color of lost souls who needed others (in this case, us) to guide them. Alternatively, they could be those who have unfinished business. Constance Sorrow and John Moses were reunited by pirates, and they passed on to the afterlife together. It is important to note that these two were not from Raven’s Cove. Constance’s spirit persisted after death because of her grief for John when he was unjustly hanged. His spirit was freed when pirates slew his undead self, which had been enslaved by Jolly Roger. Once they were together again, they moved on, as the reason they had been kept in the mortal world had been resolved.
The same could be said for Captain Walter. He could not pass out because he appeared before us telling pirates to help the Marceline Guild “find the truth.” His business with Rott and the others was not complete. We never found out what this “truth” was before the game closed, so he never passed on. I suspect it had something to do with the duel he lost against Rott.
The last blue Ghosts are the ally Traitor Ghosts, who hid one of the idols sealing El Patron away so that his evil could never escape the Mines. My theory is that they felt responsible for the atrocities their Captain committed, so they tried to do the right thing by ensuring no one else was harmed. Once we help them and take the idol from them, they disappear for good. They likely knew hat we intended to defeat El Patron, and they could pass on happily knowing that their vigilant watch over the Mines was at an end, for we would put an end to Humberto Diaz’s torment.

There are holes in these explanations, but until they are filled, this is the best I can do. Are there any contradictions I missed?
Looting mechanics aside, I have to say that Davy Jones’ crew might be some of the most idiotic people in the world. Why would these people — who are already cursed with a horrific fate that (among other things) makes them have skin made of seaweed — decide to hoard a bunch of Cursed Weapons from El Patron’s expeditions. Either curses cannot overlap or these loonies figure “hey we’re already cursed let’s make it even worse on ourselves.”

Jimmy is all legs and no bloody brains.

The denizens of Tormenta are not voluntarily hoarding the treasures of Davy Jones. The stuff on the island are things he doesn't want other people to have, but he doesn't want to have them on his ship or anywhere near him. As for brains, the crew of Davy Jones have practically none.
They are nothing but zombies after living so long have lost all recollection of who they are and why they are even there.
The denizens of Tormenta are not voluntarily hoarding the treasures of Davy Jones. The stuff on the island are things he doesn't want other people to have, but he doesn't want to have them on his ship or anywhere near him. As for brains, the crew of Davy Jones have practically none.
They are nothing but zombies after living so long have lost all recollection of who they are and why they are even there.

I was mostly being sarcastic. All of that was basically just a lead up for the (atrocious) Jimmy Legs joke.
I was mostly being sarcastic. All of that was basically just a lead up for the (atrocious) Jimmy Legs joke.
I have a whole story in development that explains everything you were joking about. My role play group is just on the verge of figuring it all out too (they just met El Patron and did not die, neither did they even have to fight him, obviously he isn't the same guy depicted in the game).
I have a whole story in development that explains everything you were joking about. My role play group is just on the verge of figuring it all out too (they just met El Patron and did not die, neither did they even have to fight him, obviously he isn't the same guy depicted in the game).

Always nice to meet a fellow writer.
All right. I'm back here. What was, and perhaps will be again, my favourite thread. I suppose I'll... do these weekly, daily... every other day... I don't know. Still recovering. But let's begin.

Lore Suggestions from the Loremasters 1
The Ghost Bosses based on the Seven Deadly Sins each contributed to the eventual downfall of El Patron's Crew in their own way.
Ira's anger caused discord and tension between other crew members, causing hostility to break out among them.
Gula's selfish hunger drove them to take more than their fair share from what little food they had left, bringing them even closer to starvation.
Envidia's... well, envy, made them spiteful towards their fellow crewmates. They carried an air of distrust and resentment with them that caused a rift between themselves and their superiors.
Pereza's laziness was dragging the crew down. They needed all hands on deck, but Pereza refused to contribute.
And so on.
You get the picture.
Lore Suggestions from the Loremasters 2
Ghosts appear in orb forms when they are so thoroughly wracked by emotions that they are unable to maintain a more human form. This happened to the still-mournful Constance Sorrow and to several of the other Ghost GMs when they were still trapped. This is why the Rage Ghosts are barely able to maintain their human forms, and only seem to be able to do so long enough to kill someone who lingers too close.
Following that same line of thought, Ghosts whose human forms turn pitch black with red eyes when they become enraged have an extra detail that we cannot see due to the game graphics: when they are furious, not only do their forms darken, but they appear as they did when they died.
In the case of El Patron's Crew, they would all appear gaunt and dried due to death by starvation.
Madam Zigana claims to have been killed by Roger, but we don't know exactly how. He allegedly snapped her staff in two, but we also get a burnt one. It's likely that he torched her with voodoo fire for her resistance. So her more "angry" form would appear charred and horrifically scarred by the flames that had eaten her flesh as she was still alive.
The Clubhearts had their souls drained as they lost hand after hand of poker, so they would probably have withered skin and empty eye sockets as if all the blood had been drained from their body.
Lore Suggestions from the Loremasters 3
Shamus O'Malley and Jesting Jessica both belong to a Guild of Holiday Tricksters and enthusiasts who come around on their favourite days to celebrate. The Frost Family are also part of this Guild.
Lore Suggestions from the Loremasters 4
Captain Ellison Shaw had a reputation as a cunning and fearsome Pirate Hunter before he was hired by Lord Beckett as the leader of the EITC Black Guard. The Marceline Guild is the only prey to ever slip through his fingers, and he holds a grudge against Rott for taking the life of Captain Walter when it should've been him. Now that a notorious pirate has been taken off the board, he has received new orders from Beckett to handle more clandestine operations.
Lore Suggestions from the Loremasters 5
Loopy Lawrence caused the enormous cave-in that blocked off the mines in Hollowed Woods with his idea of storing gunpowder in large pumpkins. It didn't end well.

Bonus: All right fine. Since this is something I'm pretty sure is a mistake that isn't going to be rectified, I'll just fill in the giant hole here. The reason that Steel Shot is effective against Ghosts while Silver Shot is ineffective is that the Ghosts are not technically dead. Their spirits linger on and are very much alive, but whatever was left of their physical bodies has long since decayed. The Dark Curse made them immortal, just not in the usual way.