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My funniest moment on TLOPO (which had me DYING laughing) was when I was out sailing with some of my mates.
@Pharaoh, @ThatCreepyKnit & some others who I'm not sure whether or not they have a forums account.

We had a full cargo, but didn't have the crossbones yet to start sinking hunters. So we figured we'd go after other people's hunters.
We started attacking one that was going after a sloop. We had it almost to zero health on their hull, with their back side completely damaged.

All of a sudden the sloop disappears and the hunter enters

Nuff said.
A few days ago, the loot at Darkhart was pretty dry and everyone was complaining about the lack of loot, and being the logical person I am, I told them all to believe in RNG. 30 minutes later, I started to doubt my own belief in RNG, so I sort of put out my desire to find out the drop rates of loot in the public chat. Well, a few minutes later, we finally got a skull chest, and right at that time, I got a message from an admin that the drop rates are the same as Disney's, and I freaked out like crazy because it was coordinated with the skull chest dropping.
My funniest expierence ey? I tell ye me tale, lad!
When I was recording on a different pirate, when I finally was where I was on me original Pirate.... I though: Let's play poker and give away so much money as I can.... advancely I got 2 pair and everyone was going with me so I though.... If I win this that would be fun.... Guess what I won 222 gold!!!
#Pirate's Life

poker begins on:
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well i was playing potco with a friend for long time....after potco closed i lost this friend because started to play other games.... when i saw tlopo released and i told him he was suprized because noone believed that potco will ever revived....the funniest moments were when we had our first skype voice calls and playing again together as a team our favourite game laughing and try to remember old maybe my story was not funny but it was something i wanted just to say because tlopo remind us the team work and old friendship while playing !!!!
At one of my numerous deeds in invasions saving lives I traded my life for another, when I was giving the tonic for a fellow pirate I suddenly was one shotted by a powder keg but the guy with the tonic were so alcoholic that the bottle remained in his mouth, right after he revived me and we laugh a lot.
A funny experience I had: My friend and I were on his war brig and we were just making fleets of ships to plunder but, an alligator glitched on the ship and injured my friend and he accidentally clicked "Go to Jail" so it was only me on the ship. I couldn't steer and cannon and fight an alligator at the same time so I just went for the cannon. Eventually he came back and another person came on. My friend was steering and he then crashed when we had around 20-25 war ships(ex. war frigate, war brig, etc..) on us so the level 6 and I were trying to cannon but it was too late. We got off the cannon as my friend came back and he yelled "RUN!!" and we started scrambling on the deck and we sunk and saw so many ships swarming and shooting. When we saw the sinking animation I crashed.
This was a funny experience I had in TLOPO and i hope you share the same humor with me but it was way funnier in person XD

This is my key drawing
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The funniest memory I have is from last summer. I was on the beach of Port Royal, fixing a ship and then I turned around and walked down the beach, and then I turned around and out of nowhere this ship sailed right past me, and I was on land. I was so confused at first, but eventually I laughed. Didn't happen again, but I certainly won't forget it!
T'was a stormy mid day afternoon. I had just bought my trusty 3500 GP Galleon and was ready to take on the seven seas, and then I saw it. I was about to fight my first flag ship, with absent mind that I would actually have to board the boat. Without this knowledge I had spent the next 15 minutes in an intense battle of broadside cannons and spams of my left mouse button heard throughout the house. I had taken her health down... but then came the boarding. I shot my grapples perfectly without any misfires, I boarded the ship with my trusty rusty broadsword and straw doll, and to my surprise I saw a singular skeleton at a bulky level 20. By this time I thought I had won, having more tonics at the ready to fight this foe, until I swung a powerful 20Dmg strike... Only to be met with 8 100HP attacks in return. To put it bluntly I'm still sore from the events that came afterwards, but I thought it would be a good story to share.
The most funny experience I had was kinda few days ago, I wanted to board a ship for my first time with a friend, so I decided to board a Death Omen, after disabling it we used the grappling hook, when we did the Death Omen started spinning so many times without reason and going through my ship, so I decided to sing "You spin me round" on Teamspeak and laughing so bad....and in conclusion we ended up dying on the enemy ship anyway.
So one time when my friends and I were playing, we were all meeting up to fight the wasp queen and as my friend Justin landed his game crashed and on the Skype call we hear him yell "No" in a really weird way so we all started to mimic him. He spoke up and said "Well that's okay because I have a beta key so i can get on whenever... unlike you guys." and he started laughing pretty hard. Then one of my friends in the call yelled "Get a life Justin!" and in the background of Justin's house we hear his mom yell "Justin tell them about family movie night! You do have a life!" Everyone in the call just dies of laughter and Justin is yelling at his mom to stop while everyone in the call is asking about "family movie night". Probably one of my favorite memories I've made on this game.
The design is simple and the key is based off one of the ones the dog had it its mouth from the movies. The skull is from that ring Captain Teague wore in Worlds End.
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Back When I Played POTCO It Was Just Me And My Brother Most Of The Time But He Joined A Fancy Guild (Forgot The Name)
But Since I Didn't Have Member And He Did Leveling Up Was A Problem For Me And There Was A Level Requirement To Join The Guild,
But One Day Me And My Brother Were Hang With His Guild And There Were About To Go Fight Some Skeletons That Were Lvl 38, I Was Only Around Level 15 I Think So One Of The Guild Masters Decide To Invite Me For The Time And We Walked To Where The Skeletons Were, Of Course Me Being The Little Kid That I Was Ran Ahead And As Soon As I Rounded The Corner I Had Knifes Being Thrown At Me And Sword Slashing Down On Me, I Think I Got One Hit Off A Skeleton Before I Was Sent To Jail. As Soon As I Re-spawned In The Jail Cell I Got A 'You Have Been Kicked For Your Guild' And Me And My Brother Laugh Until The Next Raid At Port Royal. That Was A Great Time In My Life.

The funniest (and saddest) experience I had was the other day when I decided to go give Foulberto a beating. I just randomly made up a decision to sail to Raven’s Cove, slink down into his bunker, and whip him, presumably with some other people who had thought to do the same. So after getting to Raven’s cove, and bumbling around a bit, I found the entrance with the fire bats by it, entered it, and starting running down one of the hallways, along the way I found a few ghosts and starts beating them up until I thought I could kill the one with a sword, turns out, he does quite a bit of damage for a level 32 pirate. So I then found myself running down hallway backwards and ran right back up to where the fire bats are. Then I went back down but skipped the ghosts to simply find a big empty room, I thought to myself “Where is Foulberto?!?!” no one else was even in the room. Then I remembered seeing a different passage way back at the start, so I run all the way back, and then go down a different hallway, that one was even worse and led to a dead end. So I started randomly running around in the cave, and at the same time yelling in my guild chat “I can’t find Foulberto!” and “Where is Foulbero???” or “Someone help me solo Foulberto!”. After that, I assumed that Foulberto Smasho was not in the game yet, and I was wandering the halls in a caves getting being angry at something that did not exist. To this day, Raven’s Cove has only meant “The place where Foulberto Smasho was not” and I will not be returning there forever.

Here's my horrible artwork, I am not an artist and could not draw to save my life, I could not remember what a skull looked like, so I had to look up pictures of human skulls internet, also I could not figure out how to put a picture on here instead of a link to the picture.
Aye, a funny story ye be asking for? Alright then lads and ladies, Ol’ Captain C. Stormwater will tell you a tale about the time he earned the name Captain “Cheatin” Stormwater.

Are ye fond of poker? Out on the Caribbean many are, so many in fact that should ye rustle with some of the undesirables out there ye might find yourself a spare playing card or two. Having been throughout all the seas in me travels, I had collected my fair share of these cards, and decided to try me luck at the table as having heard the stories about backwater pirates making it after a few games.

Arriving at the table it had seemed that a pirate before me had just won big! She took her pile of winnings out the tavern and reaffirmed my belief that should I play, I’d earn my keep for the rest of me pirate life.

Winning is an addiction though me hearties, and Ol’ Stormwater here was winning up a … heheh … storm! It had been a good day and I’d decided I needed to make this the final game for I had already won a dishonest man’s fortune! With all the earnings I had made, I bet me whole lot against those wealthy blokes! The final card had shown itself and the money was mine!

Alas good friends, having too many cards up ye sleeve can prove to be a problem, for when I stood up to shake the blokes’ hands, cards shot from me sleeve like the ammunition from a musket!

It was off to the locker for Ol’ Stormwater, but the blokes in red let me off quickly after a few rounds with them! Needless to say me hearties, I still had a few cards up my sleeve!

A few cards up my sleeve.png
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