Announcement Need a Key? Say no More!

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A long while ago I had Pirates of the Caribbean online Me and my brother had played it sense the moment it came out. 2007.... Yes I was 3 I was a very young gamer don't judge me. Now my brother being old, he had played it longer so he deserves this key more. He had also played it sense it came out and was astatic the moment he heard about this remake. I along with my brother would sail of on a frigate and take down what ever we found. STORY TIME: I would never sail a boat because I never could tell right from left so I would just button mash both of the cannons praying to lord that it would hit. Now at my age I'm a lot better at games and I can tell right from left so I will definitely have a better experience. When I was 6 I wrote a book about pirates of the Caribbean.... Its is not very good looking but its a good memory. I went hunting but unfortunately I could not find it. Short reason why I would like the key is because: IM A NO LIFE GAMER WHO NEED MORE GAMES TO PLAY. But a longer more convincing reason is. When I was little this game was the highlight of my life and the biggest thing I remember. I just want to play it again and get further and especially get to play with my brother like we used to.
A story from the late stages of Alpha that I wont forget soon....

A long, long time ago on a dark and stormy night... Well I guess it was not really stormy, since the developers had not added weather yet.. Shame.. I must start over. A long, long time ago on a sunny and beautiful day! That doesn't sound quite right....

Well anyway Jack Cannonskull was a very bored pirate. It was in late Alpha as I recall and he was wondering around, wishing for some fun. So good ole Jack messaged his friends and said "Hey guys come on board my ship!" Sounds like a good idea right?.. So Jacks mates were showing up aboard the ship. Jack knew there was no enemy ships to battle, no flagships to board, not even good ships to sail.

Then it happened! cue the best idea ever! LIGHT BULB....

Jack decided to take his friends on a tour around the islands. Every stop they made he would give them information about the island from his vast knowledge of the game. (except for the fact he couldn't remember which one was the French undead island and which one was the Spanish undead island).... So Jack sailed around each island saying things like "Isla Cangrejos" Its known for its infestation of Spanish undead pirates which is not quite right COUGH COUGH..

So you thought that was the funny part huh? Ha no... If it was I would have absolutely no chance at winning this thing , now may I continue???

So Jack quickly typed trying to remember any cool facts about the islands. Finally after a lengthy trip Jack Cannonskull told the crew. "Thank you all for coming aboard I really appreciate it. So guys where do you wanna dock? CLEARS THROAT um guys where do you wanna dock? You choose guys just tell me."

After hearing silence for a little while Jack got off the helm to check on his crew..
Jack was angry... REALLY ANGRY... The devs had broken how many people were on the ship so Jack thought there were people.
Jack looked back in the chat to see that his crew had been gone since about the tour of the third island!!

I'm not that bad at talking?? am I? :(
My funniest moment was probably in one of the invasions in the old POTCO game back in 2013-ish, I was taking part in an invasion against Jolly's forces, successfully crippling each wave. During one of the final waves before Jolly came, I had typed "Well this is easy.", and when it came time for Jolly to set foot on Port Royal... Well, things went bad from there. I was around level 40 and had recently completed the Raven's Cove Story Quest, so I had my first cursed blade Spinecrest. I was very cocky at the time, thinking I could mash through any wave of enemies I wanted to, so I went to where Jolly was. A few other people and I were fighting him, I said to myself "Holy crap, this is extremely easy! He's not even doing anything to hit us!" and then it hit me... One shot by his chain move, there must have been a ton of high level folks on that island because I've heard he is stronger when there are more people taking part in the invasion. I was so angry but at the same time it was funny, eventually we took him down but I still kept dying because I was practically a level 40 vs a theorized level 100 Jolly Roger... RIP, Dead Men Tell No Tales... Until now, lol.

Plenty of other tales I am just remembering after typing this, like LaShafe (Queen Anne's Revenge boss) running off the ship and never being able to kill him, stuff like that.

"No, even better... It is a drawing of a key!"
Key Drawing.png
Key Drawing 2.png

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So I have this good friend, Clara Killigrew. She and I, we're like butter and bread. Thick as thieve she and I. Us. One day, we be out sailing near Cuba hunting skeleton ships for a quest we're working on. As is customary for us, we were shamelessly flirting while being sunk by a skeleton ships broadside. Twice I might add. Somehow, we got it in our heads that I was going to be king of the world. And that turned into us deciding to write a book where I'm set to become king of the northern hemisphere and Clara is to become queen of the south. In the story, both our characters concoct a plan to make the other fall in love with us, then we'll kill the other become the undisputed ruler of the world! But we both have the same plan, yet neither of us know it. So here we are hunting skeleton ships, discussing a book where our characters plot to make the other fall in love with us. It works but now we both love each other so how can we fulfill our plan? And then, our guild mate skull Fracture is brought into the story. It's decided that he was a dragon that was turned into a man by an evil voodoo master. Angry and alone, he sneaks into our palace and kills us both there by becoming emperor of the world. So we concocted a story that starts as a scheming romance. Turns into a pure fluff romance. Then it's tragedy. And finally, there's a happy ending... If you're character is named Skull Fracture. And we worked all that out while sinking to skeleton ships only twice. :p

And yes, if I win I'm going to give my beta ket to Clara.
Might as well give it a go! I edited my image to incorporate a key. This was done in inkscape as a vector file.

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When i search by digging for the key and still got nothing and when I do quests and sailing
The funniest think that happened to me in the game was when by sailing I can't find more red ships to shoot at
The Others have had their fun, now let me tell you my tale..... There I was, North of Tortuga on a quest to sink five EITC Ironwall ships, little did I know that the Navy, EITC and even Jolly Roger were planning to Assault Tortuga that very day with their Greatest legions of Ships! I saw no less than ten War Frigates of The Undead, Six Warships of the Navy, and Thirteen(I not be the lyin type matey) EITC warships, all laid out in a massive blockade of hull and sail and Iron. I approached them cautiously, but to no avail as I was nearly destroyed by the onslaught of fiery cannons. I then took heed of my sensible side, and sailed away quite swiftly towards the Crab Island, but Jolly himself was waiting for me there, with a fleet of French Flagships at the ready! All three powers on my tail, I flew through the two nation-controlled islands and just barely made it to Cutthroat after fighting through a Spanish Shadow Crow. That day I went off two thousand pieces of gold richer, and an all new, fabled broadsword at the ready. I do not tell this story lightly, mates, do not underestimate the power of the Caribbean's mightiest warriors. I sit here now, in the Ratskellar pub, squandering my hard-earned doubloons on Rum and card games, a fancy new Sloop in the dock, telling this tale so it may spread through the Caribbean as I did that fateful day I nearly lost my right to plunder freely.
I was exploring Driftwood Island trying to find a nice place to level up my sword. I found this nice area where I can kill a bunch of wasps at once. I rounded them all up, but i soon noticed there was a glitch where the wasps can float in the air very far away from me and still attack me. I couldn't reach them even with my gun, so i just stood still, awaiting my inevitable death...
One funny coincidence was

One day I was quietly minding my own business on the beach of Tortuga doing a quest, peaceful right? WRONG! This level 4 for sake of him I'll call him Ben. Ben came up to me and said "I Can beat you in PVP any day" I laughed with my level 19 self a level 4? Challenging me? Right, he was thinking he could beat me with his level 3 sword. Two of his "pals" were like "I'm sorry" And I was like It's fine one day when PVP works I'll show him that I've always been better. Ben was acting like a level 50 but he was really a 4! What in the world was that kid doing?
Key And Compass
Tlopo, Key and Compass White.png Tlopo, Key and Compass Black.png
I already have a beta key, but I wanted to submit this anyway since ye don't get an opportunity like this often. Just wanted to share it and have a chance that this is put into the game.
Well, I've seen some gems floating about in the forum so I doubt my dandy little story will prove to be much, but here goes anyway after all a laugh is a laugh. I preface this with being back in the old days, before the original shut down. I was doing Privateering for the spanish, a few buddies on board leveling cannons. Firing off the coast of the French isles at a few phantom ships floating around as I skirted and kited them around the shore. Shouting Open Fire! Every time I could. And a particular player likely wishes I hadn't. A sudden burst of lag, but the cannoneers didn't stop firing. When the smoke, or rather lack of it, cleared there was a poor already sinking light sloop. Right between the crossfire of the phantom and our galleon. I shrugged it off, figured it was done, privateering all in good fun. They sunk the phantom and i continued my rounds about the isle. Oh, but this boy wasn't done. Three more times he appeared, returned with his sloop. Then a Galleon. Then a War Frigate! Each time my sailing and a few good friends cannon skills putting him in the drink again. Finally, and I've never seen this 'afore. He spawned onto the water and actually called parley. We were so dumbstruck, we heard him him out. He asked us all for an hour so he could gather a crew, then we'd do some crew pvp on land. I was all in favor of that, so were my lads and lasses. So we gave him his hour and we docked and teleported over to rumrunner's, the agreed meeting spot. Near an hour passes, and there he is this pale and dark lookin' pirate with his crew. So we start up the battle. Pistol and cutlass and daggers flying. None of these pirates have a staff mind you, and I'm the only one packing grenades. This goes on, a few of mine go down, a few of his go down. Turns into two on one, me and two of theirs. I do two more cutlass swings, then just drop a grenade at me feet and watch their health bars implode. And I'll never forget the final words. "You cheated!" "Please. We're pirates! And the terms of our crew battle were not part of that Parley."
Back in the original game, there was a cool feature in sailing where one could see and interact with characters—both players and NPCs—aboard other ships. Players could shout stuff through local chat to people on the other ships, and if the ships were close enough, they could lock onto enemies and hit them with guns, grenades, or staves. You could also shoot them with the cannons, so grape shot actually made sense in this version of the game. (Unfortunately, this feature was removed after a while. I think that it would be a good feature to add to this new rendition of POTCO.)

At the same time, there was a glitch involving the war galleon (I think other galleons could make it work too, but the war galleon did it the best) that allowed a player to run on an invisible surface in the air. The glitch would be triggered by running and jumping against a certain ledge on the ship. One would still move with the ship, but he or she would no longer be limited by the normal confines of the ship and could run to the islands or other ships.

Now, I was messing around in Ship PvP on the French side, trying out different tactics, when I figured that I could try using this glitch to my advantage. I brought my war galleon out away from all the islands so that the Spanish players wouldn't find me, triggered the glitch, and ran toward the PvP islands. It took a while, but I finally got into the midst of the battle. I managed to run onto one of the Spanish ships that wasn't moving (it had to be still because I was still technically running on my own ship, which wasn't moving, and a player can't move as fast as a ship can), and I started to attack the players, who were extremely confused. I still remember their reactions of "how did you get here?" and "what the garr" as I wrecked them with my staff. I wasn't so good at Ship PvP, but I was pretty gnarly at Player PvP. Their ship sank after I killed all of them, and, the thrill of the battle still in me, I did this with three other ships before my war galleon was sunk. A Spanish ship had come across my ship near the World's End, and since my player was in the ship arena, it took me a moment to figure out what had happened.

Even though it was relatively short-lived, I would say that this is the most fun that I had while playing this game.
Eh, funny experience. I was sailing on a ship. One by one, other players got disconnected, then came back. Eventually, the game made me the head of the crew. So I was like, "Look at me. I am the captain now."
View attachment 84193

Ahoy, everyone!

Beta Keys are as rare as Legendary Weapons nowadays, aren't they? Well, not today! The Crew has designed a contest that will award 10 players with Beta Keys!

In order to enter, all you have to do is post one of the following on this thread
(entries only, please do not post questions here):

a) A drawing of an item for the Keepers of the Code guild, preferably a key. The best drawing will become both a sail emblem and a tattoo that will be shown off by Game Masters in-game! Other 4 winners will win a key.
The drawing must be in black and white.

*Original works only, entries copied from Google Images will be disqualified

b) Tell us about a funny experience you’ve had in-game! Make us cry from laughter!
300 words maximum or a video no longer than 3 minutes.

5 winners will be chosen for both the drawing contest and the story.

Accounts with serious or repeat violations of our Terms of Service are ineligible. Winners will be announced on June 24th, 2017!

Good luck, mateys! If you’ve got any questions, shoot a private message to MMDR.
View attachment 84193

Ahoy, everyone!

Beta Keys are as rare as Legendary Weapons nowadays, aren't they? Well, not today! The Crew has designed a contest that will award 10 players with Beta Keys!

In order to enter, all you have to do is post one of the following on this thread
(entries only, please do not post questions here):

a) A drawing of an item for the Keepers of the Code guild, preferably a key. The best drawing will become both a sail emblem and a tattoo that will be shown off by Game Masters in-game! Other 4 winners will win a key.
The drawing must be in black and white.

*Original works only, entries copied from Google Images will be disqualified

b) Tell us about a funny experience you’ve had in-game! Make us cry from laughter!
300 words maximum or a video no longer than 3 minutes.

5 winners will be chosen for both the drawing contest and the story.

Accounts with serious or repeat violations of our Terms of Service are ineligible. Winners will be announced on June 24th, 2017!

Good luck, mateys! If you’ve got any questions, shoot a private message to MMDR.
View attachment 84193

Ahoy, everyone!

Beta Keys are as rare as Legendary Weapons nowadays, aren't they? Well, not today! The Crew has designed a contest that will award 10 players with Beta Keys!

In order to enter, all you have to do is post one of the following on this thread
(entries only, please do not post questions here):

a) A drawing of an item for the Keepers of the Code guild, preferably a key. The best drawing will become both a sail emblem and a tattoo that will be shown off by Game Masters in-game! Other 4 winners will win a key.
The drawing must be in black and white.

*Original works only, entries copied from Google Images will be disqualified

b) Tell us about a funny experience you’ve had in-game! Make us cry from laughter!
300 words maximum or a video no longer than 3 minutes.

5 winners will be chosen for both the drawing contest and the story.

Accounts with serious or repeat violations of our Terms of Service are ineligible. Winners will be announced on June 24th, 2017!

Good luck, mateys! If you’ve got any questions, shoot a private message to MMDR.
The funniest moment I can remember is that I played this game when I was little and the antimations of the ghost pirates would scare the absolute hell out of me! XD

Funny Experience: A while back when I first started playing the beta, the EITC and the Navy were battling each other on the high seas. I was a wee little level one sailing for the first time (in tlopo, thousands in POTCO). I noticed 2 ships glitched inside of each other. 1 EITC sea viper and the other a Navy Ferret. They were fighting each other, while inside of each other which I was absolutely bewildered and hysterical at this point. I hit each ship with a cannon ball couldn't care less about me. They sunk each other at the same time and I got the treasure from both. I laughed pretty hard at it and I hope you do too!

Hope I have a fighting chance and good luck to all the others as well,

My funniest time on POTCO eh? Well turn the lights down low and listen to my story, It was a dark a grew some day at sea... It was just me all alone on my ship... It was extremely dark I said "I feel brave" I sail to the closest island in my Galleon, In this case Padres Del Fuego... I see a ship off in the distance I had my music up and then it happened a glitch that makes others look like child's play. I sank a ship it came back up right next to where I sank it but what was funny was I had the song "Hello by Adele" playing and when the ship came back it the song said "Hello from the other side." I laughed so hard my stomach felt like it got kicked by a mule! Sorry no photos though.
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