Pirate Bullying

Johnny Mak

Lead Mod
Ahoy Pirates,

It has come to my attention and i have looked into it a few times that this is quite frequent in our Carribean. More frequently of course on the more traveled servers such as Abassa and Andaba, but i believe it to also not have boundaries. I'd like you all to take it upon yourselves to just be nice to one another. THIS IS A GAME folks and for some this is all they have to escape the brutality of the real world we are already trying to escape. Now i know that some of you here have taken part in such bullying. I will not go into naming names or guilds but i know some are more known for it than others. Whether your out looting or leveling remember YOU do not have a right to that area. ok so you were there first? NICELY ask them to leave or go to another area the servers may have been deleted but there is still plenty of room to roam around without seeing anyone. Does it get tiring when folks rep steal or barge into your area that you have staked claim to... yes of course... but like i said above these folks may have had a terrible day and what did you do? Piled onto it. Think of not only yourself some times. As for the true bullying on the more packed servers i report anyone i see doing it. I'm not claiming to say that I or Spania have ever been without our faults i too have said some unkind things in this game... things i will never be able to take back and have hurt others by saying. What i'm getting at is as a community i say we set the bar start being nicer to folks. Don't wander around going hey Noob this or hey Noob that... its a truly disgusting word the way most use it. Don't forget YOU yourself were a "noob" at some point. the person you are talking down to could be a young child or a grown up either way its unnecessary.
Moral of my story is take some time to pick up other players... dont bring them down. If your having a terrible day dont make someone else suffer for it. We all come here to enjoy ourselves for the most part. A few sick individuals go out of their way to make this a terrible place but the majority are just here to play the game. Not all pirates were scoundrels folks. Some robbed and pillaged purely on necessity to survive. Be NICE to one another you are not better than anyone else here this is a game, and rightfully so i bring out the Karma card... Everything moves in Circles folks, please believe if you are one of the truly sick folks that come on just make others miserable it will come back to you.
I raise my glass to all of you that hear my words and don't choose to roll your eyes. This is a heart felt message from me to our community. Lost Respect must be Earned back and please believe i dont hand mine out daily.

*NOTE please do not call out players here if that is done i will delete the post. These folks know who they are.
Maybe getting more good players is a way for the POTCO powers that be to be motivated enough to make some improvements?....
There are more then enough people calling me INFERNO noob all the time, it gets annoying...
Aye mate and what did you do to deserve it? Does joining a guild merit these type of things... how petty is that.
Honestly, most people I've met from inferno are J E R K S, they are self centered, selfish and very immature. No offense meant to you if you are not as I described below.
Aye Jeremiah, all guilds have there set of bad apples but remember this... not everyone in these guilds act this way give folks a chance is all i'm asking. Do not generalize for a few folks.
I understand Johnny, it's just stereotypical to some how many members of I N F E R N O act rude. I have a friend there, not all of them are jerks.
I get into this almost on a daily basis. I'll just be looting and some people will start screaming at me to leave. I usually don't respond, and then they threaten me, and eventually I just leave because I hate getting involved into fights. It annoys me so much, how hard is it to nicely ask somebody to leave. Clearly, very hard for some people.
I get into this almost on a daily basis. I'll just be looting and some people will start screaming at me to leave. I usually don't respond, and then they threaten me, and eventually I just leave because I hate getting involved into fights. It annoys me so much, how hard is it to nicely ask somebody to leave. Clearly, very hard for some people.
AYE mate as i have taken up looting myself, i have become pushed back into the old days...back when everyone was furious with you for being in "their spot" lol. Once again i say petty very petty. I have taken up my own little fight for this cause. Most of the time in this area of the bullying if the member is looking to level i'll let them have the spot. As long as they ask nicely of course :) lol
I was in INFERNO for a few days, and I had to avoid any full or even ideal servers. Every time I would see someone they would call me an INFERNO noob. Could not privateer and could hardly loot... Too many stereotypical people in this game. Gets on my nerves....
I get into this almost on a daily basis. I'll just be looting and some people will start screaming at me to leave. I usually don't respond, and then they threaten me, and eventually I just leave because I hate getting involved into fights. It annoys me so much, how hard is it to nicely ask somebody to leave. Clearly, very hard for some people.
Yep... You can do the following:

  1. Ask them to ask you nicely and apologize for leaving.
  2. Explain to them it's a public are and spam them by copying the spam (CTRL + C) and then pasting the spam in the game chat (CTRL + V) over and over again. Like here is something you can keep copied, "This is a public area and I am allowed to loot here!!!". Copy that and paste when somebody yells at you. :DD
Ik, WAYYYYY too many people classify other people as noobs, INFERNO noobs, loot stealers, rep stealers, blunder noobs, EITC noobs, etc. There will be negatives and there will be positives. Its all part of the world.
Aye. This game be full of those who wish to stereotype each other for guilds. I'm sure we've all seen the men in black, calling one another lords, who take role-playing to a level that involves bullying. Not specifically calling them out, however, many in this game wish to bully. I remember in 2007, this game didn't have much bullying. Abassa used to be a nice place to meet friends, or just have some fun. Now it's full of people who wish to torment others.
Aye. This game be full of those who wish to stereotype each other for guilds. I'm sure we've all seen the men in black, calling one another lords, who take role-playing to a level that involves bullying. Not specifically calling them out, however, many in this game wish to bully. I remember in 2007, this game didn't have much bullying. Abassa used to be a nice place to meet friends, or just have some fun. Now it's full of people who wish to torment others.
Why doesn't Disney try to stop this? It's illegal to bully minors online in over 32 states already... I believe that includes Cali.
Why doesn't Disney try to stop this? It's illegal to bully minors online in over 32 states already... I believe that includes Cali.
He hates me because i'm an atheist. OF ALL REASONS! It has nothing to do with the game, and it's wrong. I really wish if they wanted to role-play, they would do it in a way that doesn't negatively effect the rest of us.

I mean, we're not in the 1600s anymore! We don't persecute people who are a different religion, race, etc.