Pirate Bullying

I don't really mind if another player starts fighting whatever I'm fighting, back then (and now) I wasn't worried about 'rep stealers' like other people. I find it laughable when some players fear that their're losing rep because someone else is there. I did a little test of that a while ago, you actually get more rep for having someone with you, and I don't mean in a crew, So don't freak out if someone comes. If you don't have a heart to ask them to leave, move yourself. You might get some weapon that you wanted for a while so where else.

Anyway, all that has been said is in no way 'bullying' for me. There just one thing, that get me so PO'ed that sometimes, I want to reach through the Computer screen: The Bloody Doll Glitch. You all know this one, when you attune someone it takes one point of health away from you. And two times I've saw this done on a low lvl basic, a few 50's were doing it when he was AFK. All of them had fun, and called him 'noob!' 'lol wat a noob'! Besides the fact the way they use the words in 'lol wat a noob' has stupidity written all over it, I've come to hate the word noob. I never use it, never will. Two times I saw this and I didn't do a bloody thing. I'll tell you this: next time I see this, I'll put a stop to it. I don't care if they'll get angry. How would they like it if it happened to them? If this wasn't a Disney game, I would tell them to P-off and go somewhere else.
What you do in this game reflects what you do in real life; your morals. If someone is KO'ed and you help them, you're more likely to give a homeless person money. If you AFK attack a low lvl in the game, you're more likely to be a person that takes joy out of other people's pain/troubles. (Hope you have a great life... )
Out of all the others this is what I call bullying. anything else is Just being annoying and/or mean. AFK attacking low lvls would always be the # 1 on my list for bullying in this game, and if you do it, then you're no friend of mine.
I agree Basil except for one thing. See I did a little expirament meself and I was fighting Dark Hart and by myself using throwing knives I get about 135 to 150 rep per kill. Then someone walked up and started attacking. I started to get about 85 to 100 rep per kill which still isn't bad, but is less then what I was getting. I did this for all of my weapons and found the same results in the rep decreasing by about 20 rep every time. I did this three times each weapon and the same results cam each time. So technically you get less rep. But I totally agree on the Bullying aspect of your post. And I never say noob, in fact that word is banned in my guild. But if I'm fighting and I see the rep decrease by more then that I kindly ask them if they can leave or switch servers or even go to a different area of the same place. Meaning like if I'm in the Thrall room go to the Gold Room. But in no way am I mean about it.
I understand Johnny, it's just stereotypical to some how many members of I N F E R N O act rude. I have a friend there, not all of them are jerks.
it is sad that a few bad apples can give a guild a bad name. their must be something to this however, i too have run into about 3 of them myself. you can not be bullied unless you let them. i just stood my ground and they ended up leaving as i was not getting rattled. one guy was so bad that i told him i was going to pm his GM on the forums, at that point he left. their GM is on the forums and maybe it would be good if he knew how some pirates in his guild are acting. i know the guild i'm in would not put up with any members bulling others. good post mak-ster, this needed to be put out there.:arrrrr:
it is sad that a few bad apples can give a guild a bad name. their must be something to this however, i too have run into about 3 of them myself. you can not be bullied unless you let them. i just stood my ground and they ended up leaving as i was not getting rattled. one guy was so bad that i told him i was going to pm his GM on the forums, at that point he left. their GM is on the forums and maybe it would be good if he knew how some pirates in his guild are acting. i know the guild i'm in would not put up with any members bulling others. good post mak-ster, this needed to be put out there.:arrrrr:
Aye I agree. I have actually told Ned this many times as me and him are friends. He said he knows some of the guild members are rude, but he can't really do anything about it.
I agree Basil except for one thing. See I did a little expirament meself and I was fighting Dark Hart and by myself using throwing knives I get about 135 to 150 rep per kill. Then someone walked up and started attacking. I started to get about 85 to 100 rep per kill which still isn't bad, but is less then what I was getting. I did this for all of my weapons and found the same results in the rep decreasing by about 20 rep every time. I did this three times each weapon and the same results cam each time. So technically you get less rep. But I totally agree on the Bullying aspect of your post. And I never say noob, in fact that word is banned in my guild. But if I'm fighting and I see the rep decrease by more then that I kindly ask them if they can leave or switch servers or even go to a different area of the same place. Meaning like if I'm in the Thrall room go to the Gold Room. But in no way am I mean about it.
Strange, I got more rep when doing it. It was just a few points though
I don't really mind if another player starts fighting whatever I'm fighting, back then (and now) I wasn't worried about 'rep stealers' like other people. I find it laughable when some players fear that their're losing rep because someone else is there. I did a little test of that a while ago, you actually get more rep for having someone with you, and I don't mean in a crew, So don't freak out if someone comes. If you don't have a heart to ask them to leave, move yourself. You might get some weapon that you wanted for a while so where else.

Anyway, all that has been said is in no way 'bullying' for me. There just one thing, that get me so PO'ed that sometimes, I want to reach through the Computer screen: The Bloody Doll Glitch. You all know this one, when you attune someone it takes one point of health away from you. And two times I've saw this done on a low lvl basic, a few 50's were doing it when he was AFK. All of them had fun, and called him 'noob!' 'lol wat a noob'! Besides the fact the way they use the words in 'lol wat a noob' has stupidity written all over it, I've come to hate the word noob. I never use it, never will. Two times I saw this and I didn't do a bloody thing. I'll tell you this: next time I see this, I'll put a stop to it. I don't care if they'll get angry. How would they like it if it happened to them? If this wasn't a Disney game, I would tell them to P-off and go somewhere else.
What you do in this game reflects what you do in real life; your morals. If someone is KO'ed and you help them, you're more likely to give a homeless person money. If you AFK attack a low lvl in the game, you're more likely to be a person that takes joy out of other people's pain/troubles. (Hope you have a great life... )
Out of all the others this is what I call bullying. anything else is Just being annoying and/or mean. AFK attacking low lvls would always be the # 1 on my list for bullying in this game, and if you do it, then you're no friend of mine.
I saw people doing this to an AFK lv2, so i attuned her and kept healing her. The people there yelled at me to go away, and threatened to report me. I constantly encounter them on my travels too, and every time they recognize me, they call me a "noob." I use the word noob only to describe a new player, if that! I never use it to insult people.
I saw people doing this to an AFK lv2, so i attuned her and kept healing her. The people there yelled at me to go away, and threatened to report me. I constantly encounter them on my travels too, and every time they recognize me, they call me a "noob." I use the word noob only to describe a new player, if that! I never use it to insult people.
Aye your a good pirate Richard (Ain't that an Oxymoron Good Pirate lol) I wish the rest of the Caribbean were like you mate.

Strange, I got more rep when doing it. It was just a few points though
That is strange. But like I said I really don't mind 20 points being lost. Now if it goes down drastically by like 50 to 60 rep then I will kindly ask them if they could use a weaker attack or leave.
I agree Basil except for one thing. I did this for all of my weapons and found the same results in the rep decreasing by about 20 rep every time. I did this three times each weapon and the same results cam each time. So technically you get less rep. But I totally agree on the Bullying aspect of your post.

I totally agree with you, Jim. I'm the same way too. There was a thread in the past about 'rep stealer', and that was what I stated. It just came down to an attitude; the way we socialize. How hard is it so say things nicely to others, we have nothing to lose to say things nicely. Whether that is asking someone not to kill what I'm killing, or ask someone to leave (apart of whether or not he/she should leave). It's an art of communicating nicely with others.

However, expecting someone to respond to what we ask is apparently a totally different story. If we ask nicely to the guild for help or support for doing something and we do not get, that's not a bullying subject. And to tell you the truth, ppl have other things to do that others may not know (I'm one of those who hardly announces what I am doing or even respond to any chat, unless it's personally addressed to me). It may not be anything personal at all.

In this case about 'bullying', we discussed noob-calling to begin with, and some others defined bullying diffently. I agree with Basil too, that what he explained was considered bullying, because clearly:

1. it was one (the afk victim) against more than one. Uneven number of fighters definitely show unfairness.
2. it was low level against the high level players. Uneven level of fighters definitely show unfairness.
3. it was an 'afk' player against a 'non-afk' players. Clearly it is not fair to fight someone who does not know he/she is being beaten up.

Based on those parameters (and we can probably find more), it's easy to catagorize actions that are considered bullying. For instance:
4. calling names with unproven basis (generalization, stereotyping)
5. calling names for the sake of showing superiority without any reason or to make others feel inferior (for instance, calling noobs to others that they think they could own at pvp)

I have a case when my pirate was in lvl between 25 and 30-ish. I just landed at Port Royal, and there was a guy pirate who started a random praising on my pirate. I did not have any reaction at all to that, and before I knew it, a pirate lass raising cane on me and that guy. This is a 'funny' setting (sarcasticly :rolleyes:); she accused my pirate of flirting with that guy while I did not say anything. And that guy started lying all through his teeth and even said that my pirate was the one who started it. After that, some 5 pirates started coming and surrounding me (so it was me against 7 of them). And they started to make interesting comments on the topic. I - as all of you who know Jade O'Hayes - had to stand up for myself. I told that guy, the lass and the crowd what they exactly needed to hear. Then this pirate lass whispered to me, saying that it was all supposed to be a joke; a role-playing joke. Excuse me? And took victim of a total stranger who just landed in there? Very nice ... :mad:

I told them that it was a cruel joke, and that they needed to learn not to bully some strangers (a new person in the environment, in some sense). I ended up reporting that guy who started all of this, and after I told the lass what I thought about her joke, I came so close to reporting her as well.

What do we learn from this? That 'bullying' can be in the form of 'verbal abuse', not just 'physical abuse'. Watch out for our tongues, guys, the same one can praise and lift someone's spirit, but also can kill spirit and ruin someone's day.
He hates me because i'm an atheist. OF ALL REASONS! It has nothing to do with the game, and it's wrong. I really wish if they wanted to role-play, they would do it in a way that doesn't negatively effect the rest of us.

I mean, we're not in the 1600s anymore! We don't persecute people who are a different religion, race, etc.
i am a have an atheist friend and he is cool . behind you 100%
He hates me because i'm an atheist. OF ALL REASONS! It has nothing to do with the game, and it's wrong. I really wish if they wanted to role-play, they would do it in a way that doesn't negatively effect the rest of us.

I mean, we're not in the 1600s anymore! We don't persecute people who are a different religion, race, etc.
I agree 100%! I was insulted for being a hardcore Christian- I hate how people always think they're better for being a certain religion. Whether someone is Islamic, Athiest, Jewish, Catholic, or any other religion, they are still people too. Same with race. It's funny how many people find the most pointless reasons to hurt someone's feelings and bring them down.
I agree 100%! I was insulted for being a hardcore Christian- I hate how people always think they're better for being a certain religion. Whether someone is Islamic, Athiest, Jewish, Catholic, or any other religion, they are still people too. Same with race. It's funny how many people find the most pointless reasons to hurt someone's feelings and bring them down.
I have friends who each have different religions. Some that do not believe, some that do. But we're still friends because of this 'rule:' If you want to keep your friends, never talk about Religion or Politics. It worked so far.
I have friends who each have different religions. Some that do not believe, some that do. But we're still friends because of this 'rule:' If you want to keep your friends, never talk about Religion or Politics. It worked so far.
Totally man. Me and my friend in real life had issues because we used to talk about that stuff. I kinda have an unspoken rule on pirate to never talk about that stuff with my friends.
Aye mate and what did you do to deserve it? Does joining a guild merit these type of things... how petty is that.
I get this kind stuff all the time for the exact oposite reason, for being in a new, unknown guild that no one cares about (my guild Elite Covenant). I mean does it make a differance that I am in a small, not well-known guild? I still call the newbies noobs but I DON'T HATE ON THEM! In fact i'm usually gald to help them! :iagree: But seriously I remember clearly when I was on basic access that this happened to me on several occasions. Gee wiz!! Get a life! These "Noob Hunters" are total losers in my opinion. I remeber my friend having this happen to him and he couldn't escape! So, he reported those scum! In fact, the one player who was in charge of it at the scene (the guy who was encouraging the others to do it) got a temprary Ban! Good for him! I enjoy seeing jerks get a taste of their own medicine! Well thats all I have to say, but if you ever fall a "noob" in their eyes, and this happens to you, report those punks! I hate to see people trying to enjoy a good game, and have their experience ruined by some jerk. It's just like Xbox Live, only LIVE is way worse than POTCO.....
I get into this almost on a daily basis. I'll just be looting and some people will start screaming at me to leave. I usually don't respond, and then they threaten me, and eventually I just leave because I hate getting involved into fights. It annoys me so much, how hard is it to nicely ask somebody to leave. Clearly, very hard for some people.
Ik r. When someone does this to me I calmly ask them How much extra do they pay to have their own server? If they keep yelling I will usually leave, just so that I don'get to the point of snapping. And as Mak said, if they wish to level I will leave, or even stay and heal them, but if they are looking just to loot, and want me to leave regardless of the fact that I was there first, I will ignore them or leave.
Very well said. And its not nice for people to judge someone based on their guild- or on anything else for that matter. Plus, it is a place for many to escape the problems of their daily lives, which we don't know about btw, so its just the good thing to do to be nice to others. Sometimes it is hard to control your words when someone pushes your buttons; but it is the right thing to do and you would not want someone being mean to you either. :D
Ikr I have so many friends, that are great people, but were in INFERNO and got reported by people just because they were in INFERNO. A few of them actually left the guild because of it. It's a shame that a few guys decided to mess with some people awhile back and now all of INFERNO are Pegged as Jerks.
Ikr I have so many friends, that are great people, but were in INFERNO and got reported by people just because they were in INFERNO. A few of them actually left the guild because of it. It's a shame that a few guys decided to mess with some people awhile back and now all of INFERNO are Pegged as Jerks.
lol it wasnt just a few people that entire guild ( well not all of them there were a few good pirates in it ) made fun of me and my friends challenged us to pvps and when we beat them they said we cheated and reported us and we didnt do anything against what they said we didnt even jump constantly as they saw me theyd make fun of me and i used to know their GM in fact i was there when he made that guild he used to be a good pirate till he made the guild then he started being mean and so did a couple other friends that joined his guild when he made it i wound up deleting all of them for being jerks
lol it wasnt just a few people that entire guild ( well not all of them there were a few good pirates in it ) made fun of me and my friends challenged us to pvps and when we beat them they said we cheated and reported us and we didnt do anything against what they said we didnt even jump constantly as they saw me theyd make fun of me and i used to know their GM in fact i was there when he made that guild he used to be a good pirate till he made the guild then he started being mean and so did a couple other friends that joined his guild when he made it i wound up deleting all of them for being jerks
Hmm I have only met a few of them that were jerks, but I guess I just don't know a lot of them lol. I have been offered a position there plenty of times, but continuously turn it down. The GM has never done anything wrong to me, so I have nothing against him, but I have been in more then enough pvps with INFERNO people, because they wanted to fight, so I brought the fight and beat them every time lol
Hmm I have only met a few of them that were jerks, but I guess I just don't know a lot of them lol. I have been offered a position there plenty of times, but continuously turn it down. The GM has never done anything wrong to me, so I have nothing against him, but I have been in more then enough pvps with INFERNO people, because they wanted to fight, so I brought the fight and beat them every time lol
lol the guilds name was originally B L A D E masters but he changed it to Iferno and thats when he started to be a jerk