Pirates Online Closing 8/20/2013

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:eek: Hopefuly the fourms will continue!
Im thinking of getting terminated on the last day.
Well, let us enjoy the last 2 days of this jolly game. Sail the seas! Battle the enemies! Play for Free! Pirates for life! Pirates for adventure! Pirates of the Caribbean!
The day when POTCO was closing, I was at a football game... I was playing in the game and just i got home i went to check forums and I see Pirates Online Closing Sept 19 -_-
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I'm still trying to wrap my brain around Disney's thought process for this mass closing of MMOG's.

Disney has 4 sources of income. They shut down 3. They lost the money that came with those 3. They lost all customers that paid for those 3.

Disney has just lost all that money. They will focus on the 1 left. They will focus on Club Penguin.

In order to make this closing be worth it, Club Penguin profits will have to dramatically increase. There is no reason why profits from Club Penguin will dramatically increase, or even increase at all. What guarantee is there that Club Penguin profits will suddenly increase? Who would be providing that increase? Certainly not the players from the games that were just shut down. And why would someone who is apathetic towards Club Penguin suddenly want to join and hand over their money?

I myself have been paying for a CP membership, not that I've actually logged on in who knows how many years. The second I found out the MMOG's were closing, I pulled the plug on that. Disney didn't make money off of that. They are losing it. Disney is just too inept at dealing with customers in a way that makes them want to come back to see that this is not how to win new customers over. Personally, I think it's boycott time for everything Disney-related, endorsed, and owned.
Crazy Busy on Tortuga. Great to see all the people.

Let us not forget mates that we are pirates and we are immortal!

United we stand and divided shall our enemies fall.

When we fly that black flag and shout commands we are truly free.

Never once did we think to surrender, but always to conquer all that we saw!

Take everything and give nothing back my friends.

"Bring me that horizon!" I would say. Let us take on a new horizon and take it like we always do.

Forever shall the era of the pirate live, mates...

Well... an era has ended... and my Disney boycott has begun. Thanks Disney for listening to those petitions for TT and POTCO, some of which with thousands of signatures, thanks for listening to your fans who have been protesting across the internet... thank you Disney. Thank you for showing us the truth about you. Pirates of the Caribbean Online as of about four minutes ago is dead... and hopefully the Disney Corporation is next.
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