Ship of the Line Release Date Rumors.

Think it's LEGIT?

  • Yep!

    Votes: 10 13.0%
  • Nope! D:

    Votes: 34 44.2%

    Votes: 33 42.9%

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Yes me and Jerry were an test, there are no spots but there is one bug at the top where you sink into the floor

:confused: In my understanding - from following this thread since we started talking about it last year in this Forums - not having repair spots were one of the 'bugs' that they had ... among all other bugs of SOTL on test. That was why it was not supposed to be released, because it was not completely finished on developing it.
John, I can guarantee from personal experience of sailing and gunning aboard a ship of the line that hunters even with that are extremely difficult. See, the ship of the line doesn't have repair spots, not because it's a bug... It's not supposed to, it has so much life already. It can get sunk against hunters, and I have got sunk on it against hunters.
John, I can guarantee from personal experience of sailing and gunning aboard a ship of the line that hunters even with that are extremely difficult. See, the ship of the line doesn't have repair spots, not because it's a bug... It's not supposed to, it has so much life already. It can get sunk against hunters, and I have got sunk on it against hunters.
How much does it cost to repair the Ship of the Line when it's been sunken. I imagine it would be a lot.
No clue mate, see the Dark Destroyer doesn't belong to me... It belongs to Micklai Skulls (sorry if I spelled first name wrong), and he just goes AFK while it's on public, and whoever steers, steers. When he comes out of AFK, he usually guns if somebody is already steering. I leveled up sailing to level 14 by sailing the SOTL, and levled up to 17 in cannon by gunning on it. Can't wait for a new update on test because that's when he's solid on test and has his ship out a lot.
No clue mate, see the Dark Destroyer doesn't belong to me... It belongs to Micklai Skulls (sorry if I spelled first name wrong), and he just goes AFK while it's on public, and whoever steers, steers. When he comes out of AFK, he usually guns if somebody is already steering. I leveled up sailing to level 14 by sailing the SOTL, and levled up to 17 in cannon by gunning on it. Can't wait for a new update on test because that's when he's solid on test and has his ship out a lot.
No clue mate, see the Dark Destroyer doesn't belong to me... It belongs to Micklai Skulls (sorry if I spelled first name wrong), and he just goes AFK while it's on public, and whoever steers, steers. When he comes out of AFK, he usually guns if somebody is already steering. I leveled up sailing to level 14 by sailing the SOTL, and levled up to 17 in cannon by gunning on it. Can't wait for a new update on test because that's when he's solid on test and has his ship out a lot.
Yeah,I wander what the next update will be
From what I've calculated, it will cost 360 gold when it's sunk. (to repair a Ship of the Line - Approximately)
I think when everyone was talking about trading and Ship of the Line coming out I think it is coming out, but now to live. I think it is coming on test soon.
Wow... It's coming really soon. They usually have a new news article every 3 days, and right now they are stalling with news... It's coming. Start collecting.
It looks like it might actually come out soon, peepz. If not that, a big update. It was accidentally released a year ago- August 2nd, 2010. Maybe, just maybe, Disney meant to release it tomorrow on test? If I'm right, give me all your moneys. Lol no, jk but still >_>
It looks like it might actually come out soon, peepz. If not that, a big update. It was accidentally released a year ago- August 2nd, 2010. Maybe, just maybe, Disney meant to release it tomorrow on test? If I'm right, give me all your moneys. Lol no, jk but still >_>

Well, people did say "Disney released it on accident and it was not ready for testing"

There is a possibility that they were originally supposed to release it on August 2nd of 2011 (Not 2010).
The date was probably right but not the year. (A slight chance)