The Banned Page

Have You Ever Been Banned

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never been banned
hoping to never get banned
but probably will get banned
for something that wasnt ban-worthy :confused:
I got banned i think four times, the first two i remember for saying ' stabbed ' and loser. i'm not proud of the last one, but they let you say stabbed, so why should you get reported for it?
1 warning for telling a friend to look up a funny video on youtube so then I emailed them about it and they said it was only a warning (the email i got said it was a ban) they said it was only a warning because i didnt give out my account info (at the time i didnt even have a youtube account)

1 ban for calling some guy a r-tard for kicking me out of the crew for swinging a sword at my friend at kingshead (i mean come on at least a warning would have been ok i didnt even know saying that wasnt allowed because everyone and prob including my 5 year old cousin have said that word! and yet there are ppl who insult others all day get reported and dont get banned)

and thus the reason why i hate roleplayers and the potco dev.

oh and a few of my friends got banned for saying killed, stabbed and just about anything else u would expect to have ppl say in a pirates game (im suprised they dont ban u for saying rum...) i mean come on ppl r getting banned for no reason at all no warning nothing and yet we have ppl who should but dont get banned disney rly is rediculous sometimes
I Have never been banned, Never Had warning and i really do wonder why... I Hang out with a guild called "Lion hearted Pirate" and trust me the name says it all....I Have never did these things but i get involved if ya know what i mean We all have houses and if someone we dont know is to go into our houses this is what is said "Hello random guy/girl" or "Get of My house" We have stuck up for friends through thick and thin and because of this our guild and members of our guild has been put on "Wanted Lists" We can get into some very big fights and we are at dark heart all the time earning gold we hate some guilds....Dont want to say any names and we steal Rum :D Our safe house is the rum cellar which says it all ._.
1. I told the guy I could boot him from the game, when I meant to say guild, and he reported me, he was being rude to other members of my guild of which I was Guildmaster, so I was gonna boot him, but got banned for accidently saying I could boot him from the game.
2. I cursed a guy out for messing with a friend of mine, who was a low level, and I got banned for it even though he started it.
3. This one was a warning, but again for cursing because someone made me mad, Mainly because I have a short temper and went off on him, but only got a warning because I only said one word.
Those were all in late 2007 and 2008, since then I have been trying to not get banned again. Oh BTW all of them bans were 3 day bans.
1. I told the guy I could boot him from the game, when I meant to say guild, and he reported me, he was being rude to other members of my guild of which I was Guildmaster, so I was gonna boot him, but got banned for accidently saying I could boot him from the game.
2. I cursed a guy out for messing with a friend of mine, who was a low level, and I got banned for it even though he started it.
3. This one was a warning, but again for cursing because someone made me mad, Mainly because I have a short temper and went off on him, but only got a warning because I only said one word.
Those were all in late 2007 and 2008, since then I have been trying to not get banned again. Oh BTW all of them bans were 3 day bans.
I'm also told I have a short temper, but I believe it's just that I don't deal with bull.
u know there is something wrong here when there are more ppl banned than not banned givin some of us deserved the ban (i admit it!!!! i didnt do it.... yea ok i did do it)
Was banned a few times, Tend to have very little patience when dealing with idiots or some of the more obnoxious denizens of the carribean. Was banned once for some comments regarding Disney customer service staff and the creative uses of a scalping knife. Been on pretty good behavior and don't have any bans in over a year.
hmm and sometime someone gets a warning for Maybe implying a word but not really saying it? hmm
I honestly surprised I haven't been term'd yet. There was once a day where I went off on someone and I said every curse word in the book. I didn't do the cutesy say something that sounded like it. I legitly spelled out the words.

I'm also told I have a short temper, but I believe it's just that I don't deal with bull.
I'm the same way. There's times when you have to take garbage like at work or in other situations. But no matter what anyone says their are times that you need to stand up and make your point no matter how you have to say it.

But as long as you don't get violent and actually have reasoning to back up what you say all is good. But you should always start off reasonable and only work your way higher when needed.
I honestly surprised I haven't been term'd yet. There was once a day where I went off on someone and I said every curse word in the book. I didn't do the cutesy say something that sounded like it. I legitly spelled out the words.

I'm the same way. There's times when you have to take garbage like at work or in other situations. But no matter what anyone says their are times that you need to stand up and make your point no matter how you have to say it.

But as long as you don't get violent and actually have reasoning to back up what you say all is good. But you should always start off reasonable and only work your way higher when needed.
You can mess with me and get away with it, but when you mess with my friends, you get a can of Whoop-butt opened on you, free of charge.
I got warned one time for saying rofl twice in the game (seriously?), and then I got banned or suspended whatever you wanna call it for talking about "Swine Flu" and giving my take on what I thought happened. See below:
09:03:05 : yes i got it
09:03:05 : the deadly thing
09:04:00 : they trying to flip us out
09:04:02 : it only got across because "so and so" people crossed the border.
Replaced a word in that last sentence there so it didn't offend anymore to "so and so" instead of what it originally was.
I got banned for this:
We have banned your account based on the inappropriate language found within your chat log, shown below:

  • January 13, 2011 6:59:41 PM PST : he a fail / name taker-er/ wanna be me / so and so LOL
Sounds to me that their policy is more objective than subjective. They are applying their personal thoughts and feelings into any an all bans, from what I can see. How the heck you get banned for saying LOL twice is beyond me when you've got childish players (maybe they are kids or not, but very immature is what I'm meaning) that are using the Ctrl + C to copy something and then Ctrl + V to paste it over and over again and again in the chat box.

What they need to do is the following: Stop trying to police everything anyone says. Set up a system that automatically flags chat logs when someone uses a bad word (I'm sure they have the complete list), uses derogatory words (I'm sure we all know these as well), and when someone inputs either a phone number or an address. Then and only then they review and if there is definite evidence of any of the above they send a ban to the account. Also, any account of a minor needs to be connected to an email of the parent so that any ban/warning email goes directly to the parent, requiring this connection to allow the account to log in and play after downloading/creating the account. After all its the jobs of the parents to parent a child, not Disney's. If they would understand that then us adults wouldn't have to deal with Disney trying to parent us.

Now, that being said, do I think Disney will try to simplify their system? NO. They need to realize though that if they do, it would make their job much easier. Oh, and then they could remove the "report player" from the game and then eliminate those unneeded false reports. All we need is the "ignore" and we'll be happy. I don't like rude people, but unfortunately we have to deal with them all the time in real life, why should we expect everyone in POTCO to have etiquette, morals and be kind??
2 Warnings.
0 Bans.

I plan to keep it that way.

The first ban I was typing Big in capital but I put in an "N" so I was like AHHH!!! But you can't blame meh N is right next to B so I was like Omg omg!!

The second one I forgot.
I flipped the objective and subjective around. LOL.
I meant in the first sentence to say that they are making it subjective instead of objective and inserting their own opinions/feelings.
Sorry if I confused anyone.