The Banned Page

Have You Ever Been Banned

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7 Bans :mad: and never been terminated.

I would go crazy if i did
Yes, I have been banned once for mentioning my previous guild site add (Last year around april).

1 warning for saying myspace (3 years ago xD)

Thats about it. Hope I dont get anymore this year :)
just got banned for saying this " inappropriate " language

  • 09:06:03 : u got xfire or youtube?
  • 10:55:03 : put on xfire
  • 12:56:00 : gg and auto clicker ftw
  • 13:07:01 : u got xfire blade?
  • 13:54:01 : gg and auto clicker
just got banned for saying this " inappropriate " language

  • 09:06:03 : u got xfire or youtube?
  • 10:55:03 : put on xfire
  • 12:56:00 : gg and auto clicker ftw
  • 13:07:01 : u got xfire blade?
  • 13:54:01 : gg and auto clicker

fight that . they have no reason
thats dumb all you did was mention xfire and youtube. not like you were hacking or anything. disney disney disney. well i guess that they use 3rd party software. they have a youtube accnt.
I'm pretty sure that they're talking about the auto-clicker, not about YT or xFire.
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I'm pretty sure that they're talking about the auto-clicker, not about YT or xFire.
But still, half of the reasons are from xfire and youtube... and really auto clicker isnt really a 3rd party.. its not a hack its a thing that makes u click automatically.. it came wih my computer :confused:
But still, half of the reasons are from xfire and youtube... and really auto clicker isnt really a 3rd party.. its not a hack its a thing that makes u click automatically.. it came wih my computer :confused:

Did they specifically say that xFire and YT are part of it? If so, I would find it strange that they whack you for just mentioning it..

But, a third party program is not the same as a hack. When they reference third party programs, it just means an application that was not developed or endorsed by disney that has an effect on in-gameplay. Yes, even computer system settings can be considered "third-party" if you say, set the clock. You could try to arguing that to them, but they would probably just say it gives you an unfair advantage in-game.

I should note that in contrast a hack is literally tearing apart or altering the game's code.
Did they specifically say that xFire and YT are part of it? If so, I would find it strange that they whack you for just mentioning it..

But, a third party program is not the same as a hack. When they reference third party programs, it just means an application that was not developed or endorsed by disney that has an effect on in-gameplay. Yes, even computer system settings can be considered "third-party" if you say, set the clock. You could try to arguing that to them, but they would probably just say it gives you an unfair advantage in-game.

I should note that in contrast a hack is literally tearing apart or altering the game's code.
Yes, they did when they sent me that e-mail.... it's in there correct? They specifically said it if they put it in there....... also, they were all at different times......... so it's no like it's the whole chat that they copy and pasted.... Not trying to sound rude to you aurora I was just pointing out some facts very quickly.
Yes, they did when they sent me that e-mail.... it's in there correct? They specifically said it if they put it in there....... also, they were all at different times......... so it's no like it's the whole chat that they copy and pasted.... Not trying to sound rude to you aurora I was just pointing out some facts very quickly.
i personally believe you deserve it if you were using auto-clicker.
i personally believe you deserve it if you were using auto-clicker.
-Sigh- It isn't hurting the game, nor cheating.... I simply just got something that clicked for me...besides my index finger is broken and cant click... this is all by my one hand.So, really, I used auto-clicker for a right reason.
I use auto clicker all the time and ive never been banned or even gotten a warning for using it i even said in chat:

using auto clicker so i dont get kicked out of cannon defense while im on brb

so yea it was either for saying x-fire and youtube or ur unlucky or im lucky lol
I use auto clicker all the time and ive never been banned or even gotten a warning for using it i even said in chat:

using auto clicker so i dont get kicked out of cannon defense while im on brb

so yea it was either for saying x-fire and youtube or ur unlucky or im lucky lol
for real... its rediculous.
The Xfire thing is in regarding to chat software outside of Disney's control, they consider discussing outside chat programs the same as exchanging personal contact info among players. One of my long ago bans was also related to Xfire. One of my friends approached me in game and told me that they were quitting POTCO but wanted to stay in contact with me. They then asked if I had Xfire and gave out their Xfire username. My response was that I did not have Xfire installed on my computer, I didn't give out any contact info. Both of us recieved 72 hour bans for discussing Xfire. Discussing Yahoo chat, Ventrillo or any other outside chat programs is dangerous ground and can quickly result in a ban.
The Xfire thing is in regarding to chat software outside of Disney's control, they consider discussing outside chat programs the same as exchanging personal contact info among players. One of my long ago bans was also related to Xfire. One of my friends approached me in game and told me that they were quitting POTCO but wanted to stay in contact with me. They then asked if I had Xfire and gave out their Xfire username. My response was that I did not have Xfire installed on my computer, I didn't give out any contact info. Both of us recieved 72 hour bans for discussing Xfire. Discussing Yahoo chat, Ventrillo or any other outside chat programs is dangerous ground and can quickly result in a ban.
thats ridiculous IMO
I get warnings all the time because of something i didn't even know is " bad " so now i have to check twice before i post x)
Never been warned or banned. I test them regularly though I'm sure. I don't allow bullying in my line of sight and I don't put up with ignorance and stupidity.

I'm the type of person that simply does not care and will ALWAYS figure a way around whatever trivial punishment is dished out by the corporate (or private) aggressor.

If they ban or terminate one account, I simply go to my other OR start a brand new one. You can't keep me out, so why try? It's like anything on the inter-webs. If I want in, it's simply too easy to gain access.

I will say what I want, when it is justified, to whomever I please. I don't start trouble, but will not tolerate unwarranted trouble being aimed in my direction either. If Disney warned, banned, or terminated me, I'd not-so-politely let them know I was back on AND playing within 15 minutes. I have an account for me and another family member AND CAN create more if need be. I don't take lightly the objective curtailing of one's rights. If I've done nothing wrong, and you punish me for no good and logical reason, EXPECT ME to become a thorn in your side AND flaunt it in your face.

I read some of these and it really did irk me. Warned, Banned, Terminated for stupid mess?? Disney should know better.

Sorry for the rant, but doing crazy mess to folks just bothers me. If you deserve it, that's one thing. DO NOT start something you cannot finish.

However, if it's just because it hurt's your little feelings, OR you alone are offended by it...... puhleeeease. I live for those moments. I crave those moments.

