The Beginning Tales Of The Iron Cousins

I don't like to wait . . . . hahaha. . . . plz write more Molly
It didn't seem long for Tia to arouse the spirits. She Seemed to have been just in the door way and she turned around with a big smile "Come let's see what has been done and let's see if Tia is strong enough to repair that which has been done." Achilles turned to the crew " Keep an eye out for anything gents. " All as one they all fanned out around the small little " river " they were all in.Morgan looked at Achilles and said " we need to hurry i think she is fading fast." Achilles looked down and indeed Molly was loosing color in her skin. But that wasn't what began to frighten him. He looked at Morgan, " Do you see her face?" Morgan looked and gasped, " What has he done to you cousin, QUICK INTO THE CABIN!!!!!" As they began to move Molly's face was beginning to change into a skeletal visage. Her facial skin, began to look like it was on her skull as a decoration, it was so tight and looked dried up and cracked. He once beatiful Strawberry Fire colored hair also be gan to turn white before they even reached Tia's door. Once to the door Achilles noticed they weren't the only ones here. Captain Walter of the Marceline guild was present. He was not alone either, Xavier Trench and a very young at the time Sandra Tue. He looked at Achilles with a nod " Achilles? Wha....." " I have no answer for you Captain it seems Jolly was plotting this for some time and we were ill prepared." Captain Walter look from Achilles to Tia " So it has begun then??? What can we do to help???" All eyes turned to Tia who was now looking at Molly and even she looked like she was afraid. "We must act quickly my friends it seems Jolly Roger has discovered a way to trump even the likes of Jolly Roger." Achilles took Molly to the cot in the back and turned to Captain Walter and Tia " So the good captain here has a really good question Tia, what are we to do?"
ops my bad Jolly Roger trumps Jolly Roger.... my apologies i was very tired. in the sentence of the case of trumping, Jolly Roger has found a way to trump the likes of Davy sincere apolodies truly...
My goodness girl.....I have just read all of your story and I can not believe how talented you are in writing. I felt like I was right there standing next to you all the way. Cheers! Well done!
Tia, seeming to know exactly what was going on, smiled and uttered "Me tinks ye be needing da tings on me table there Captain Walter. Achilles take da crew and assist him in place da totems around da islands. I have to deal wit deas two ladies. Now go, go quickly says Tia, before we all join Davy Jones in his locker." Achilles nodded and looked at Captain Walter "I guess that's that. Tia, i will be back once this is done." Tia smiled and kissed Achilles on the cheek and winked " I know you will child, now off wit ye." Achilles and Captain Walter exited as soon as they saw this was clearly out of they're hands. They're crews on they're heels. Tia now turned to Morgan "Seems dis child does not listen to sound advice." Morgan winced at the current turn of events. Molly is who know what. The Brethren Court is in upheavel. Jolly Roger is doing only the devil himself knows what. "Be at peace Iron Cousin. Ye tink Tia hasn't heard of da legendary lasses of the Carribean???" "Well I...." Morgan began and was interrupted by possibly the only human being capable of the feat " No worries child, Tia will see what ales your dear cousin." she turned and winked then looked down at Molly. " OOOO Jolly is truly evil...... he has drained her essence, a good portion of it also from da looks of it... hmmmm" Tia exploded into activity grabbing babbles and jars and incanting all the while. Molly sat straight up turned and looked at Tia and Morgan " He is burning the towns, OH MY GOD COUSIN HE'S LOOTING THE CARRIBEAN!!!!!!" Callapsing again into a shallow breath. Tia looked at Morgan then at Molly. " He is sharing his mind's eye wit er. Maybe we can learn exactly he is looking for. Tia, now with a mixing bowl in hand began to chant and grind what ever the contents were within her bowl. She stopped, just as Molly's eyes opened, she was crying again tears of what looked to be none other than solid gold. Tia grabbed a handful of the powder she was grinding and blew right into Molly's face " Espraza inkadha shukda day!!!!" Tia half yelled and half yelped. Molly's eyes grew more wide and open as she sat up and the tears subsided. Her face, now looked like that of a skeleton imprinted upon flesh. Gritting her teath and growling Molly looked right at Tia in a very menacing way " What is it she witch....what is the answers you seek......"
Now i t was Tia who seemed a little shaken, at first. Her eyes grew wide, "Tell me child, are you in league with Jolly Roger???" Grinning Molly turned and sat on the bed with her feet touching the floor. Tia looked down as the floor blackened and began to rot at the touch. Tia grabbed Moragn and said in a whisper "Careful now child we do not seek to upset thee, just a mere question as to what it is Jolly wants." Molly laughed " No need to whisper, i can hear everything Tia. the answer you seek is am i connected to Jolly Roger. i am but it is fleeting away." What ever it was she spoke the truth, her shin was transforming. From a ghastly very undead look to that of a pale whisper on skin. It was true they could now almost see threw Molly. Morgan turned away as she began to cry. Tia grabbed her by the chin and said " See what pure evil can do unchecked, even the immortal grand daughters of Morgan and Bartholomew can be affected. We thought merely to contain it, but it found a way to raise it's eery head threw the man we call Jolly Roger." Morgan looked at Molly, she stepped forward " Come back cousin before you become other worldly....." As if noticing her cousin for the first time Molly looked her in the eyes and spoke like a whip-o-will in the bayou " You were my fire, so i burned , and now there's nothing left of me." Tia grabbed Morgan by the right forearm " Ask her quickly and if there is anything you too hold dearly i suggest you say it if you wish to keep her here. she is fading..... " in a whisper Tia said half terrified and half amused " She is fading into shadow." Morgan turned and looked at Tia with shear anguish in her whole entire out look . Her face, her body language, and most of all her eyes. She was about to start crying agian. Tia barked " FOCUS CHILD OR SHE WILL BE LOST FOREVER TO JOLLY'S BLACK HEART!!!!!" Morgan turned like the yell aroused some long ago forgotten pirate. She stood, whipped away her tears and asked Molly " Dear cousin of mine what does Jolly Roger seek?" Molly turned and looked at Tia then back to Morgan. He seeks the utter distruction of all things in the Carribean. Jack Sparrow is a very short second on his to do list and third make me his undead bride." Morgan gasped, turned to Tia who spoke" Now we bring her back, it is as i feared Are ye ready child????" Morgan looked utterly spent and said "Aye, let's begin then...."
"WAIT!!!!" with a slight shout Tia stopped Morgan in mid turn. Morgan turned back to Molly in time to see her flashing in and out. Each time she flashed, a wave of golden enerygy would flow threw everything in Tia's little hut. She kept watching as Molly's face began to twist with anger. Then she stopped. " GET OUT OF MY MIND AND SPIRIT YOU ROTTING CORPSE OF A MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Morgan turned and looked at Tia, who just smiled back and shrugged her shoulders, as if to say i don't know. Morgan turned back around just in time to see the flashes slow and then Molly looked at both Tia and Morgan. " What treachery is this???? What have you done Jolly Roger?????? Oh no...... my lovely Madmartigan........ " Out of no where Molly stopped. "Why did this happen????" Molly looked herself but still in part misty form. Then FOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Morgan caught most of the energy release, but in doing so sent both her and Tia to the other side of the hut. Intense heat still was very evident in the air when both Tia and Morgan looked back at Molly. She stood there, motionless, then she noticed Morgan and Tia lieing on the ground. Morgan noticed that blood was now streaming down out of Molly's eyes and nose. As Tia and Morgan started to get up, Molly spoke not very loud as to disturb anything in the hut again. " Mistress Tia.... come on cousin we have work to do. Jolly Roger, that coward, has cost me my husband. I intend to exact my revenge in small pieces of that corpses bones." Morgan and Tia, now standing turned at the same time to see Molly take one step forward with gritting teeth. Then her eyes rolled up in her head and she began to fall forward. Quicker than a jungle cat Tia and Morgan jumped forward to catch Molly. As they caught her, Morgan looked at Tia with the now what look. Tia looked at Morgan and said " I like her, dis pirate has da spirit of a crashing rhino. We should feel lucky she came back at all Morgan." Morgan looked at her cousin and just cried. Molly will never be the same again. The Carribean will never be the same again for that matter. she lifeted her cousin and took her to the other cot in the hut as the one she was laying on was burnt to a crisp. Tia was now looking at the area where Molly was standing. The wood and the area were burnt to cinders. But the wood was also petrified. Solid as rock. Like it was drained of all it's essence and left as a husk. Morgan stood turned " So Tia will she be sane????" Tia turned to her left and looked up. "Dat pirate will stop at noting to get at Jolly Roger now. Da power of love is driving her now. There is no voodoo that will save Jolly roger from your cousin now, Morgan of the Iron Cousins."
sorry about the delay i have been a good cousin and helping my cousin... she went under the knife this last week for her hernia so i am back and forth so bare with me as i will get back to the story soon
Family first! You do what you need to do! Wishing your cousin a fast recovery. I Miss you!!!!!!!!
"Now see here mates!!!" Holly said, looking around the room. It had gotten uneasily quiet in the tavern as the flashes of lightning had passed and abated. The storm itself had been a good one but was now weakening. As the rain came down, every eye was on Holly. She looked every scarred face in the room. They all seemed to be sucked in by what had been told to them. Holly looked at Joshamee "Ye know when me ma passed out, Tia and me auntie had a time getting her back into her bed. They said she fewt like a long nine cannon." Joshamee me looked at Holly "Hahaha, sounds like yer ma was a handful Holly." Holly looked around the room again. " Aye that be true Joshamee, but they said it was the healing time that was a tryful on the unusual side. Me auntie says me ma kept whispering and talking in her exhausted state." Joshamee looked inquisitive now, eyes narrowing " Come on then spit it out Holly. N
EDIT (Apr 2, 2011 8:13 PM):
No more suspense." Holly only leaned back in her chair " According to Morgan she kept saying ' I see you, but i can't feel you, and now i am losing my mind. I see you, but i can't hear you, so now I hesitate.' " Joshmee looked at Holly " That makes sense i think lass, she probably is talking about Madmartigan. Poor lad gave all he had to save yer ma he did. No telling what Jolly would have become if it weren't for him. " Holly chuckled a little " Aye that's what me auntie says too... she said there was visit from Jolly during that time also. Mind you he didn't come in the unflesh. As Tia, would have dealt with him good and proper mates, right there and then." Joshamee sat upright now and wide eyed "Really.... as in otherworldy????" Holly looked at him back like she meant to gut him "Aye he did, like a wisp of fog on the Pantano banks he did." Holly calming a little. Joshamee looking back a little more comfortably now. " She was saying in her sleep, ' You won everything, i'm still here and now there's nothing left of me.' According to Morgan she said an apparition of Jolly appeared over Molly and spoke " 'Not everything my dear, and there is more to you than you can possibly believe.' " Now this is where Tia caught site of Jolly and waved her hands and said "BEGONE YOU CANCER!!!! LEAVE THIS PLACE!!!!! You are not welcome here!!! ' " Now Morgan says Jolly looked at Tia and laughed " Voodo Witch, your powers are considerable, your knowledge vast, but you can not order me away!!" "LEAVE!!!!!!!!" When Tia said that it was as if Jolly's mist trembled and blew out the walls of the hut. But he was laughing the whole while still. Tia looked down at Morgan and says "We need to talk Morgan, it seems there is more to this tail than meets the eye."
As night began to creep into the tavern, Holly noticed the crowd was getting more cramped and bigger by the hour. " Me ma of course recollects nothing, to this day mates." Tankerd in hand "Seems Jolly did more to her than me auntie and Tia thought." Taking a deep draught from the tankerd followed by a shot of whiskey, Holly smiled and grimaced at the same time " See, she only remembers parts of the poker game and that seems to be it. Stranger still, she remembers me but not me dad." With a scouling look and a belch " Morgan and Tia tried to figure out what was wrong with me ma, but that was something of a side adventure all in itself." Belching and smiling now and a disticnt "ahhhh good drink mate" Holly looked around and said " See to find out what happened to me ma, they had to take the miserable wretch at the time with them. they're journey took them to a young Mistress Tew's island of Jamaca and to a relatively unknown island at the time Raven's Cove." Holly looked down at the table while saying the last part. " Eagads why on god's mercy would they go there for??" Joshamee broke in. " To research notes from the book of the dead that was hidden there." Holly replied quickly. "The Necronomican, in Raven's Cove surely you jest Holly." Holly looked Joshamee dead in the eyes " Aye none other than that cursed book. True story. Tia knew she was not getting everything she needed to know just from her 'Arts'. So she went to find some answers. " But why the book of the dead???" Holly did a half toothed grin and a chuckle. " To even the playing field against Jolly Roger who is now quite the undead pirate scourge. His abilities now rival that of old hobb himself Davy Jones. So Tia figured from that archaic book how to seal Jolly Roger out, correction, how to really weaken him if he shoulf try to invade the islands." Joshmee almost shouted " The totems....not only will they transport you at instant speed between islands, so they say, but they are there to continuessly hamper Jolly Roger!!!!" Holly now looked at Joshamee and laughed" Aye Joshamee, those are the ones i speak of. But they wouldn't be useful till Molly woke. According to me auntie Morgan, Tia used Molly as the anchor for the spell to bind Jolly. Since she had so many close events recently with Jolly Roger." Holly looked around now, as whispers began to flow threw the crowds. " Then she did something interesting. Tia Dalma did that is....."
" See according to Morgan, Tia used every article on Molly's person to make trinkets if you will to ward off Jolly Roger. But the totems are there to weaken Jolly Roger the further in land he goes. That is why when the Scourge attacks the islands, the Marceline guild warns us. That is also how they warn us, the trinkets go off around the islands when Jolly is on the move. The spirits are another thing all together, as they are the victums of the Black fleet, sailors lost to Jolly instead of being sent to the other side. Then again who wants to work on the Dutchman?" Joshamee raised his eye brows "Aye, who indeed would want to be on that ship???" He looked back at Holly, as if the question was asked directly at her, instead of the crowd. " Well now that's the strange thing. Jolly has power to rival even Davy Jones, but he doesn't challenge Davy. So who then Blackbeard maybe????" There a deep inhale from everybody in the tavern. Joshamee spat at the ground " The most feared pirate in all the Carribean??? What would he want???" Holly smiled " That is the one million pounds of gold question eh mates??? What could a pirate like Blackbeard want???"
" Aye what indeed....?? But before i continue down that road in the tail, there was a piece of the story i missed. " Holly now very sober looking, despite all the drink. " See me dad, Madmartigan, visited me ma in spirit. It was surreal according to me aunt. She says when he came it was at dusk, when the sun was setting in the waters, that he had a look of great sorrow. " Looking the crowd over, Holly glanced at the door, standing in it now was Secret. " Look now cousin....are you telling the tail of the day you mum almost fell from grace??" With a wink and a turn of her head, " Aye cousin, come in and stay awhile, will ye?? " Secret walked rapidly to the nearest chair and took a seat at the table which was now simi incircled with pirates near and far. "I love it when she tells this part of the tail... ye have the gift cousin of spinning a fine weave. " Secret, looking at the barmaid, held up two fingers and made a circling motion, that sent a cry of thanks threw the tavern. " I'm feeling a little thirsty mates, no sense of not sharing i says. " She smiled and winked at Holly, who gave a smile back and a nod as the crowd got they're drinks in hand. They spread out and made a concave of the rest of the tables. In the shape of a half moon, the rest of the crowd made do with standing room only accomadations. " Alright then we settled in for the night mates??? " Joshammee asked with a huff. "AYE!!!" Was the reply from all in attendance, as more poured in by the minute. Holly looked everybody, over then walked into the middle of the tavern. " Right then, as i was say'n me dad, Madmartigan, visited me ma on a midsummer's eve on Cuba......."
These events, were witnessed by me auntie Morgan and Tia who have different opinions about said visit. As the sun began to settle in the western seas, Molly rose from a tempered sleep at best. As Morgan and Tia had been working on keeping her cool and rested Molly sat straight up in bed that evening. "He's coming Morgan....." As Morgan and Tia both came in the room, they noticed a shadow in the wall by foot of Molly's bed. Drawing her ever present these days Foulbane Repeater, Morgan pointed the pistol at the ever increasing shadow..." Ye best be making your piece there shadow or forever hold it." AS she pointed the pistol the shadow began to glow from the middle and the shape of a man formed. " No need to get testy Morgan, i am here for a visit and then no more." Morgan couldn't believe her eyes, standing at the foot of a now open eyed Molly, was none other than Madmartigan.Molly jumped out of bed and ran to hug Madmartigan who opened his arms and recieved a charging crying Molly. Morgan and Tia looked at each other and just looked back, there stood Madmartigan in the flesh. But they new he was gone, so how was he here?? Then he spoke. "Molly...., i am here for a short space of time. So i am here to tell you the fates have allowed my return. Know that any minions who are under me as my new found job under Jolly Roger. They will attack if pressed, but if attacked and backed off they will be ablidgingly so." Molly, with tears in her eyes and slowly falling to the floor, "Oh Mad what has happened to you??? You feel cold and have no smile nor tan???" " Molly, my one true love in this world, i am being dragged into shadow as the new me. Jolly Rogers powers drain all that is good in a pirate and leaves the corpse of evil."Right before everybody's eyes Mad began to fade. "Molly i am still me but ido not know for how long. But that promise i will make to ye. No minion of mine will attack with true aggression. That includes me as i am sure Jolly will not let me rest now for challenging him." Mad began to walk back towards the wall fading the whole time. "NO.... Mad i can't live without you." Mad stopped and glared "I know you my love this is but a set back for ye, but ye must move on...." He bagan now to fade completely in to the large shadow shape in the wall. Molly ran and fell in front of the wall crying. Morgan Tia ran to catch her but she began to sing while on the floor crying " Mad i love you, but I'm broken and i'm lonesome, i don't fell right since you've gone away." and then they both sang the last piece "You've gone away, you can't feel me...... anymore " As they all looked up he appeared this one last time "Molly, i will love you forever, till forever is broken." as he finished the shadow slowly disapaited and was gone leaving Molly laying on the floor sobbing " Oh Mad what am i suppose to do now?????" she placed a hand on the wall as the last tendrils of shadow slipt away. Morgan and Tia reached down picked Molly up, who stopped crying and sobbing cuz she was sound asleep. "Dis poor child has conflicts within conflicts...and now i am afraid she is going to have more......
Sipping on her mug fo ale, Holly looked outside the sky was clear. She looked at the crowd now some look like the be ready to bust out in tears so Holly to a long draft and spoke " I think i will continue in the mornin Joshamee and current company." All were moans and groans as they heard her say these words. " No worries mates, this will be a short night as i am going to be staying at the Faithful Bride." Joshamee sat back in his chair "Aye tiss i abit late Missy and we be need some shut eye when we come back. Ye really need to tell the story of how the good Captain Jack Sparrow and your ma sailed up the Pantano River and first met Tia Dalma." "I will another day Mr Gibbs, for now i will be filling in the blanks. As the Black Fleet began to grow and become a stain on the Carribean waters, and what me ma and aunty had to do and say about that. Some pirates have no clue as to how they came about or why. They ask and say it's cuz of Jolly Roger, me thinks it is something else entirely." Holly noticed the crowd had already thinned, and nodded at Joshamee " Shall we convene to the Bride mate?" Joshamee turned and replied "Aye Miss Holly to the bride we be goin. I believe Jack Sparrow may want to speak with you about the whereabouts of your ma and aunty." Holly winked and simply said " Now why would witty Jack be askin something like that.....????" Now grinning from ear to ear Holly rose from the chair and Joshamee followed suit. "Maybe he is on to something and needs they're council???" Joshamee said over his shoulder chatting with pirates on his way out." Who knows when it comes to Captain Jack Sparrow...."