Discussion The Captains Quarters: An Ongoing Captaining Discussion!

I was talking about this one just last night. The problem is, people don't actually see other player ships in their actual location - the position syncing in sailing is terrible right now. As a result, you can kind of crash into the empty air around other ships. If it looks like it'll be a narrow miss, it's definitely going to be a crash.

The area directly in front of a ship is usually its actual location.

Probably should have that mentioned somewhere in the big sailing thread or other places people visit on the forums so it's easier to get this knowledge shared. But my syncing is usually good since I hit the ships themselves and not the invisible wall
There's a good topic: mob/cluster/fleet sailing. What are your techniques for doing this successfully?

I try to not change my pattern so the other Captain won't run into me. I.e. if I'm sailing counter clockwise around the outside of the other ships, I'll try and hold that position.

But then, what do you do when you get boxed in? I got pinned smack in the middle of two warships and two bounty hunters and nothing I was doing was working to get my ship free.
There's a good topic: mob/cluster/fleet sailing. What are your techniques for doing this successfully?

I try to not change my pattern so the other Captain won't run into me. I.e. if I'm sailing counter clockwise around the outside of the other ships, I'll try and hold that position.

But then, what do you do when you get boxed in? I got pinned smack in the middle of two warships and two bounty hunters and nothing I was doing was working to get my ship free.

When I get boxed in I pray to my lucky hat and hope I will not sink since people got me stuck. When I get free I just broadside in their direction as some kind of "what in the seven blazes do you think you're doing?!?!" If that even gets across. Since most people just want to get a tag. I can sail for mats pretty easy on my war galleon but not making gold since I have no patience for any card game.
I have an idea, to remedy the problem of player ships getting in the way, due to bad syncing. Remove collision physics with player ships in SvE. Keep them for SvS, but that way, players don't get in each others way, and get others sunk. At least until something better is thought up. Just an idea
Hoping in the future to see better hunter/warship spawning, they are too unpredictable lately. 3 runs in a row, and neither showed up for my crew tonight.
Seems to be a consistent issue lately since 1.4.4. Before it was fine. Maybe the devs fiddled with something under the hood ?
It's been on and off for a while, but I did notice it pick back up after 1.4.4. I know of a few people that are really hurting for materials lol, hoping they get some soon
That's a good observation. I will say though, I've had a lot of late night material runs though too. Maybe it varies drastically from server to server, and night to night?

Possible. It could be due to the fact there's less players with bounties on the sea late at night, and it being a chance based thing to begin with. A certain percentage of player ships in a mat party may not be getting any spawn themselves.

Or maybe Abassa just gets worn out...who knows
It's a good ocean to fill up quickly on materials. If you can stand bad captaining and the lag. And the performance.
I like to charge into the fleet with my copperhead while solo and just sink everything. I'll always be using both broadsides as soon as they're off cooldown. It's glorious.
I like to charge into the fleet with my copperhead while solo and just sink everything. I'll always be using both broadsides as soon as they're off cooldown. It's glorious.

That's all fine and dandy. I just hope where you watch where you are going. xD
I can't stand the lag, not to mention how unstable the server can be. I literally lose half my frames on Abassa from all the lag lol
Copperheads are like emergency vehicles. We have the right of way. Heavy hitters take priority, lol! These fortune hunter plebs need to learn their place.
Hey pal, look. We "Fortune Hunter plebs" take pride in our pretty colored ships, and large cargo space. Lol jk, but I'm a fortune hunter lover
Copperheads are like emergency vehicles. We have the right of way. Heavy hitters take priority, lol! These fortune hunter plebs need to learn their place.

I watch my heading, but I dont like it if your actions cause me to get that royale broadside just because you want your 'way'.
Obvious joke is obvious. But seriously, if we could get this issue of lagging displays - ships not being where they appear to be - fixed, this wouldn't be nearly as big a problem. I see people make dumb decisions all the time, and I just think, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!!" From their perspective, it looked like a good choice.

I look at it like a mosh pit though...enter at your own risk. Us players don't have the capability to have good enough communication to make a mat party go perfectly smoothly.

P.S. Copperhead master race