Would you rather

i would say no to both

question: would you rather not play pirates or a week
Or: would you losse your membership for a month
would you rather give away your computer or your celphone?
( i know what the answer for this will be ;D )
A: I would rather have Blackbeard after me.

Q: Would you rather be a founder without test server access or have test access and not be a founder?
A: Definitely have the test access and not be a founder. For me.

Q: Would you rather have unlimited money in the world or one "granted to be fulfilled" wish?
the wish :D

would you rather eat peanut butter off a public thelephone thigy, or clean the bathroom at Mcdonalds?
A: Clean the McDonald's bathroom (I can't believe I just said that, eek)!

Q: Would you rather scream until your voice box exploded or stick your hand in a blender and turn it on, and leave it on until your whole arm is gone.
Pirates Online, I have LOTRO

Would you rather die quickly and painlessly, but have a high chance to go to forever torment, or die slowly and painfully with no chance of eternal torments? couldn't think of anything else lol
Ouch! Impaled through the heart - "Rush me to the hospital & insert a baboon's heart in me!"

Would you rather give away $_ money_$ to a homeless person this Christmas season - or - would you rather use the money to purchase a gift for someone you like (but not sure if they like you the same way or not)?
A. Give money to a homeless person this Christmas Season

Q.Would you rather Fly in an airplane in a cloud of smog, or Listen to a huge crowd of people repeatedly say "I am coming to get you" forever and you trapped with them?
A: I fly all the time so Listen to a huge crowd of people. (Because im really conceeded and it would go to my head :p)
Q: Would you rather be on fire or thrown into icy water this christmas season?
A: I would rather be on fire. I'm not freezing to death in an ocean/lake/pond.
Q: Would you rather live forever as 7 inches tall or be entirely made of peanut butter? :fight: