Another TLOPO forum?

plus have you posted this in other venues yet? don't neglect them. like those members may be more receptive in comparison to here.

i think it's because there a certain wall against TLOPO. i'm slowly understanding it, but schism and protest happens. Just look to what it has done to Christianity,

i too would like a central place. and if i cant get it from the game house itself, i'm staying here.

Not a Christian but, that is completely different...
no. it's not completely different. Christianity has been divided up due to many reasons. some as basic as if someone disagrees with doctrine, law, policy, etc or thinks they can do better/present a more definitive reasoning in their interpretation then off shoots the new, green branch and a division is made.

but again. this isn't a theological discussion //leaves that discussion//

check out steve's new thread:
Hey Will,

With TLOPO firing up and showing more and more promise, it's enticing to want to start up another community. However, my gripe is that we should not be focusing on creating more - we should be building upon one another.

This isn't specifically directed at you per se, but more so in a general fashion - everybody seems to have a tendency to want to "lead" and not join an already existing platform of discussion or development.

I suppose my main point is this: we seriously need to CONSOLIDATE ourselves. A community is no good if it is spread across ten different sources of congregation. It would be stronger and more tightly knit as one unified entity. This is my same argument to all of the different POTCO remake startups.

Not to smash your light-bulb in fury, but I beg you to consider other alternatives. Pirates Forums has always been a central hub of pirate discussion. We are always open to suggestions should you want to propose something new to be added to the site (Site Feedback section). A lot of what you mentioned is already true here - we do share lots of YouTube videos and streams, graphics, screenshots, stories, and music. Why reinvent the wheel?

United we stand, divided we fall.
