Glitch  Anyone Join Pirate Guild 0?

Well, when looking at the guild spot on my pirate, it is empty. No one is in a guild as of the moment. And if you are not in a guild, of course you will not have the guild chat option. This is a glitch that needs to be fixed sooner than later, as pirates are going a tad bit crazy over it.

Does anyone know if they did maintenance at some point this morning?
I have not seen them do any manintainance or heard anything ; ( getting loopy
I feel that while we all are just "kicking" back, trying to figure out what had happened...I would contribute to the mood by providing some music that explains how we feel...
...And, I don't even like soccer! *Hopefully problem will be fixed soon!
haha i like soccer and ronaldo is a boss

Whats your method then
  1. Get Officer/guild master from ur past guild
  2. Get them to kick u out of guild
  3. Get them to add them back