Auto clicking returns :(

What's this about bagels? I don't understand
It's because you don't read... Regardless of any other post on this thread... This is this only warning you will get from me for autoclicking or auto digging... End of discussion if I come across you or someone lets me know they see anyone... I show up... Then a dev shows up and sends the ban hammer your way
She could just go to the group of veterans in Kingshead. Super easy to level staff there...
What I meant was that she did it the easy way of just auto clicking without her being behind her pc. Soon as I saw that she wasn't responding to me or picking up loot and was hitting air, I reported her right away.
*sigh* don't think of it as snitching, if you are adverse to "snitching"... Think of it as " protecting the community."
There should be no reason to cheat, hack, bot, or whatever in a game designed to prove fun to you and others. Hacking, botting, and cheating make things less fun for others.
Also, I find that the word snitching is generally used as a derogatory statement, in most contexts that I have heard it used...
That said, with myself being up at 1:21 am with a cold, I'm quite crabby. So sorry if anything came out harsh!
~Andromidus (AKA Captain Bren)

-Edit sorry for the very late response, I didn't see page 4...
I shall offer my opinion in this regard...

I have had several times when I come to a spot, and start farming for some time. Then, some pirate comes, puts on their auto clicker, and just goes somewhere else. By the time I am done farming, they may have not gained as much rep as me, but in the couple hours I may come back to log in? THEY ARE STILL THERE and in the time I was doing other things they already got more rep than me and they didn't dedicate any of their time except to download a program.

Although the advantage gained is small (depending how long they stand there...). It is still one nonetheless and I consider it cheating. I think it should be punishable, not very harsh but it needs to put the point across

As for banning guilds for auto-clicking, I would say ban the individuals rather than the whole entire guild, but if the a significant amount or a majority of the guild are using it...they need to be punished.

Finally, as something a bit off topic, I do not mind people reporting, but when you use people's names then the person you are calling out may get a bit offended at you. All other games to my knowledge when you do this kind of stuff say to cover the persons name when posting on a forum environment and report the actual person in game. In this case the it was no big deal to the one being reported, but if this was another person this may have turned out different.
Finally, as something a bit off topic, I do not mind people reporting, but when you use people's names then the person you are calling out may get a bit offended at you. All other games to my knowledge when you do this kind of stuff say to cover the persons name when posting on a forum environment and report the actual person in game. In this case the it was no big deal to the one being reported, but if this was another person this may have turned out different.

Lol people are going to be offended because they were caught cheating? That's like getting offended for being called a thief while you hold money you just stole from someone. Maybe if they don't want to get called out they shouldn't cheat.
For my personal opinion I would say this

Banning: One time is forgiveable. Two times can result in a day suspension, and a third time results in a ban for a reasonable amount of time.

Solution: If your hand gets tired of clicking after a long time, take a break. It's ok, take 15 minutes to eat and drink something to rest your hand. It is cheating which will therefore result in an eventual ban. We want as many people to keep playing so remember that it is not worth the possibility of a ban.

- Spider
Okay well see here's another problem now, I see everyone moaning and complaining over using autoclickers but for God's sake people are getting banned just for farming now! The way these mods go about checking for autoclickers is LITERALLY by sending a text in chat or a crew invite then 10 seconds later they will perma ban you if you don't respond. I've been banned because I was farming in a single particular area using my gun to level it up because it had been falling behind, I had a podcast open so I could watch something to keep me busy, right? Well obviously I don't have 50 eyes, I have 2, and I can't move them separately to focus on 2 things at the same time. They aren't just banning people who are using autoclickers, they are banning those who want to play the game correctly but make it as easy as possible for themselves, I.E. having something to do while they sit in a chair clicking their mouse all day. I was checking back on the game every 10-15 minutes and the funniest thing is I see gray text in the chat and a crew invite on my last check and before I even get a CHANCE to check to see what was said or who invited me I was BANNED. BANNED FOR PLAYING THE GAME LIKE I WAS SUPPOSED TO. And the worst part is I have given evidence to me being there IN PERSON WITHOUT AN AUTOCLICKER to the support email and they have refused to respond to me about it after their initial 2 responses. Every time they replied I was instant in responding back, and so was whoever was working the email. But as soon as I hit them with the facts to prove I was there playing like a normal person they just completely ignored my email and have yet to unban me. I get the point of banning people that use an autoclicker, but are you kidding me? Banning people who just want to watch a video, read a book, do SOMETHING instead of look at a single animation of a pirate shooting and reloading over and over for hours on end? And then IGNORING their emails about it? That's crossing the line. I could understand mistakenly banning someone as long as they're unbanned shortly after, but it has been an entire DAY and I still have yet to be unbanned, despite my attempts to explain that I wasn't using an autoclicker.

EDIT: Oh how ironic, as soon as I make this post they hit me with an email simply saying they cannot erase or decrease the ban. Okay so what about all the other people that get wrongfully banned? Just a big "go away"? This is an utter disappointment.
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Okay well see here's another problem now, I see everyone moaning and complaining over using autoclickers but for God's sake people are getting banned just for farming now! The way these mods go about checking for autoclickers is LITERALLY by sending a text in chat or a crew invite then 10 seconds later they will perma ban you if you don't respond. I've been banned because I was farming in a single particular area using my gun to level it up because it had been falling behind, I had a podcast open so I could watch something to keep me busy, right? Well obviously I don't have 50 eyes, I have 2, and I can't move them separately to focus on 2 things at the same time. They aren't just banning people who are using autoclickers, they are banning those who want to play the game correctly but make it as easy as possible for themselves, I.E. having something to do while they sit in a chair clicking their mouse all day. I was checking back on the game every 10-15 minutes and the funniest thing is I see gray text in the chat and a crew invite on my last check and before I even get a CHANCE to check to see what was said or who invited me I was BANNED. BANNED FOR PLAYING THE GAME LIKE I WAS SUPPOSED TO. And the worst part is I have given evidence to me being there IN PERSON WITHOUT AN AUTOCLICKER to the support email and they have refused to respond to me about it after their initial 2 responses. Every time they replied I was instant in responding back, and so was whoever was working the email. But as soon as I hit them with the facts to prove I was there playing like a normal person they just completely ignored my email and have yet to unban me. I get the point of banning people that use an autoclicker, but are you kidding me? Banning people who just want to watch a video, read a book, do SOMETHING instead of look at a single animation of a pirate shooting and reloading over and over for hours on end? And then IGNORING their emails about it? That's crossing the line. I could understand mistakenly banning someone as long as they're unbanned shortly after, but it has been an entire DAY and I still have yet to be unbanned, despite my attempts to explain that I wasn't using an autoclicker.

EDIT: Oh how ironic, as soon as I make this post they hit me with an email simply saying they cannot erase or decrease the ban. Okay so what about all the other people that get wrongfully banned? Just a big "*********"? This is an utter disappointment.
The only problem is, the developers can't place a script that can scan for autoclickers, because they are internal on people's computers, and that is a breach of privacy. The team can get in some serious legal trouble, since they're a non-profit, third party studio. So they have to go based completely on what they see. But I understand what you're trying to say.
The only problem is, the developers can't place a script that can scan for autoclickers, because they are internal on people's computers, and that is a breach of privacy. The team can get in some serious legal trouble, since they're a non-profit, third party studio. So they have to go based completely on what they see. But I understand what you're trying to say.
Sure they can. You misunderstand the possibilities of what they can "see". However, there are plenty of workarounds. You'll never catch everyone.

Furthermore, I don't see a huge problem here. *I* only have a problem with things that harm OTHERS. Who does this harm? What is your purpose for pursuing it?

This is a loving recreation, not some uptight community that bows and worships the ban hammer. Pull yourselves together.
Sure they can. You misunderstand the possibilities of what they can "see". However, there are plenty of workarounds. You'll never catch everyone.

Furthermore, I don't see a huge problem here. *I* only have a problem with things that harm OTHERS. Who does this harm? What is your purpose for pursuing it?
I think you fail to understand my point. They can easily put in a script to detect auto clickers. But that's why a warning system needs to exist before directly banning.
If someone doesn't actually auto click, and just fails to respond, and gets auto banned, through a script, it's a breach of privacy. And that person wasn't necessarily breaching the terms of service they agreed to at the start of the game.
The team can get into major legal trouble, and even lose the game, with even one mishap.