Question How to deal With someone that stealing your farming zone and rep?

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I still don't understand why you think an area is yours, That's absurd the areas are owned by Disney and the game developers and NOT YOU
I still don't understand why you think an area is yours, That's absurd the areas are owned by Disney and the game developers and NOT YOU

I'm afraid I have to correct you here this is NOT Disney POTCO game but is TLOPO project that is owned by TLOPO developers!
and also you can read about is

also nobody speaks for owning area in the game but for Respect and farming and Not stealing reputation from the other players.
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I'm afraid I have to correct you here this is NOT Disney POTCO game but is TLOPO project that is owned by TLOPO developers!
and also you can read about is

also nobody speaks for owning area in the game but for Respect and farming and Not stealing reputation from the other players.
Stealing require you to have ownership of something. So tell us all what you own that is being stolen?

You keep saying people are stealing your reputation... Prove. Capture the video of your pirate with the notoriety going down, because until you do that you not talking about anyone really stealing your reputation only about being upset you lost out on a CHANCE to gain reputation by someone else that was faster on the click.
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