O'fury's Court

I joined it twice and left it because I was a guild hopper and had no clue what a 'guild' really was.. lol. I doubt I would be let back in >_<
Well I'm a veteran and I could sneak you in....


then again I probably shouldn't of told you that.... I just got promoted wouldn't want to get demoted... Lol <3

tom think of it this way, I'm helping you get more members... </3
In effect of July 17th 2011. O'fury's Court will shut down. No new members will be allowed in the guild. All Veterans Demoted and some Officers. Please do not panic if you are demoted you will be able to regain it. Nobody is to join not even friends. Drama has been causing problems for me lately. With people leaving and I think its time the guild shuts down and does an inner clean for a while. We will probably be closed for a few weeks possibly even a month. New rules might come into place. Changes WILL be happening. If you wish to leave then you may. If you stay and help with the cleaning and the changes you will be rewarded.
Thank you for reading
Guildmaster of O'fury's Court