Pirates Online Closing 8/20/2013

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Honestly... I've had it with Disney at this point. An MMO around Pirates of the Caribbean had so much potential. I feel like ever since 2009 though, instead of using that potential, they've been slowing killing the game. They could have advertised more, made game cards readily available, added new story chapters, the Kraken, Davy Jones, and raked in a ton of cash while keeping their loyal fans happy. What did they do instead? They ruined the islands... loot was ok... mean while, we kept waiting for them to do something good. But they didn't care. And now were here, with the game closing in a month. And as a fan of both Toontown and Pirates, I can honestly say I am disappointed in Disney. Deeply disappointed. Possibly to the point of boycott. This started long before 2009 with Pirates, this started in the late 60's after Walt died and it's been steadily getting worse. I've had it.
No reason anymore to retrieve my hacked account5 years of hard work goneCan't even Group with my guild for the rest of my life, only a few have an account here :(

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I don't think I need to post this, but I will anyways. Many times people have said 'my friends are the reason I'm active in the POTCO community today'. That's exactly true to me. I knew the game would someday close, but what I really fear is that everyone is going to drift away. I encourage everyone to stay active on the forums as long as they can - I will come on every day like always and be fortunate enough to see all my great friends. :bang:
Really Disney? REALLY? I mean come on. I GREW UP with this game, this was a large part of my childhood and still is a fun thing to do today. And you just to be like "Huh he's played this game for 5 years and loves it, better go and delete it lol" ticks me off. It genuinely does. You have a community of AMAZING people willing to support you in making updates, yet you constantly ignore the community and fail to provide updates, to the point where it backfires so bad on you that you are literally losing money and have to close a game that so many people deeply love. In my opinion, it all started when you released the "new and improved" Port Royal in January 2009. From that point on, after old islands and body's were discontinued, there were 3 major updates over 3 years. Just sad. And the overall quality of the game slowly degraded until the point where lag and hacking were taking over the game. I know many people have said this and I will say it here, you have missed a great opportunity with POTCO. Me, along with countless others, will miss the game. I'm sure even when I get to be an old man I'll look back and say "Heh, I remember that video game I played as a kid, it was pretty neat." The game I've chosen to go with now is probably SWTOR, it seems quite promising. I hope to keep in touch with the friends I've made on game, because even though the actual game is gone, I don't want the friendships to be.
This really makes me sad, this game provided me some of the best times... But I think we all knew it was going to happen... eventually. Just the thought of this game no longer being around is depressing. It made me so many great friends, and so much more...

This game shall forever live on in our memories, and we will cherish these memories for a lifetime.​
Pirates Online​
October 31, 2007 - September 19, 2013​
Really Disney? REALLY? I mean come on. I GREW UP with this game, this was a large part of my childhood and still is a fun thing to do today. And you just to be like "Huh he's played this game for 5 years and loves it, better go and delete it lol" ticks me off. It genuinely does. You have a community of AMAZING people willing to support you in making updates, yet you constantly ignore the community and fail to provide updates, to the point where it backfires so bad on you that you are literally losing money and have to close a game that so many people deeply love. In my opinion, it all started when you released the "new and improved" Port Royal in January 2009. From that point on, after old islands and body's were discontinued, there were 3 major updates over 3 years. Just sad. And the overall quality of the game slowly degraded until the point where lag and hacking were taking over the game. I know many people have said this and I will say it here, you have missed a great opportunity with POTCO. Me, along with countless others, will miss the game. I'm sure even when I get to be an old man I'll look back and say "Heh, I remember that video game I played as a kid, it was pretty neat." The game I've chosen to go with now is probably SWTOR, it seems quite promising. I hope to keep in touch with the friends I've made on game, because even though the actual game is gone, I don't want the friendships to be.
James, you were a great friend! I can't wait to see you on SWTOR. This game will always have a reserved spot in my heart :) take care!!
I just...wow...ALL of that work for all of the cursed famed weapons for nothing! (Let's be honest, people, I'm not gonna get all of them before it closes down. :p Although, I can set that as my goal. I should just be glad I got Barracuda Blade.) I might try moving to SWTOR. Although, if someone could make a Minecraft server for the POTCO community, that would be great.

I'm really angry at Disney. I'm sure Walt Disney himself would have disapproved of this idea (mainly because of the fact we would lose friends). Fortunately, most of my friends are on these forums so that's good. I'm going to sign the Keep POTCO Petition.
How I feel in my head. At the fortissimo parts. (The tense parts.)

Start at 15:03.Then, go to 1:13:38 for a song that means sadness and a new beginning.
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Really for a stupid penguin game? I like see how they feel like it when there games gets closed down. One day just one day...

Trust is the largest element that defines any relationship. Why on earth would anyone put their trust in Disney to invest time and money for any type of online game in the future? Disney is about long lines with rides that last 40 seconds. At the longest, they are interested in keeping people entertained for a up to a week. Not long term relationships. They know kids will outgrow most of Disney but there is always a new crop waiting to take their place. Taking care of a customer long term is just not in the Disney business model.

I guess we should feel lucky POTCO lasted this long when it could have been a 1-2 year game.
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