really? AGAIN?

how strange... I logged onto POTCO hours ago.. nobody from spania said hello and I could see many were on.. tried a couple of times to chat with no response.. so I went out looking.. I found what everyone here is reporting.. everyone's pirates just standing around in limbo.. and I found that the enemies, like Molosks were attacking me even when I was keeping my distance.. I'm feeling so all alone.. so weird.. I think I'm gonna be sorry I lvl'd up my potions tonight.. should have been here first.. sigh..
Well I just tried that many guildies and friends just frozen. Managed to log in my second pirate Beth Darksilver but it was so spooky...!

Kat has a black screen and is currently frozen on a war galleon on the high seas where she was fighting the Treasure Fleet..
PotCO should just be closed and they can open it when they fix the dang thing, its annoying when they think that we will just keep on playing with the constant fails :mad:
I'm afraid to level up for treasure hunt.. so I went on a field trip for my friends.. I found jade..
Great alot of my friends are stuck online on their main characters and enemys are lagging like crazy today
Before i start playing, Is it worth logging in? or Is the game still messed up?
its still screwed up :p
one of my pirates is still online, i just dont know what server lol
you can loot and kill stuff, but you never know if a friend thats online is REALLY on line
theres probably gonna be a rollback :p
disney fails xD
ok they are working their behind off to solve the issues on this fine sunday. (been on live chat bc I was told to come back today)
I guess we just need to have a little patience.

I agree that it would be nice for us if they just closed the game, but they actually need it to run to figure out what is wrong and how to fix it so in a way we are test people ;)