Your Famed & Legendary Weapons

New bayou dagger for nightwolf.
Why is it that I can fight hours on end at these locations with other friends and NOT get anything but common and crude items? Ugh.
I only have one famed weapon and that the bloodfire broadsword.
Best drop ever:

While ranking in Port Royal, a gravedigger drops a loot sack. What's in it you ask? Golden Sailing Charm.

3 hours later, I head over to Darkhart with two others. The most I get out of him is 150 gold and a finger. Very, very strange lol
I am completely full of famed in my inventory in exception for 4: Two Legendaries , a grenade pouch and me staff.

Shall I make a video? Just in the spirit of showing off? :oops:
Best drop ever:

While ranking in Port Royal, a gravedigger drops a loot sack. What's in it you ask? Golden Sailing Charm.

3 hours later, I head over to Darkhart with two others. The most I get out of him is 150 gold and a finger. Very, very strange lol

hehe, your funny, darkhart actually was very kind to me one day, surprisingly there were so many people there i thought why me, i never win anything, (yes i do resort to cheating a bit in blackjack), but he gave up el patron sword.....Wait, was that a famed, or legendary finger? :oops:
I am completely full of famed in my inventory in exception for 4: Two Legendaries , a grenade pouch and me staff.

Shall I make a video? Just in the spirit of showing off? :oops:

If you do I'm gonna make one hopefully we can get more people to make vids of their invetory this way.
I have Seven Seas Cutlass, Masterwork Broadsword ( have had two of these but I sold the second for money ), Bejeweled Broadsword, Foul Bane Repeater Pistol, Scoundrel's Musket, Hawk Idol Throwing Knives ( newest ), and I also had Bejeweled Sabre but it stunk so I sold it for money. I also had two Famed sailing charms but I was Basic so I trashed 'em... smart move, eh?
well. The first Famed weapon I ever found was The Cutlass of Inquisition, I was like level 24. I found it leveling 2 days strait on the Isla Cangrejos, 68 damage plus 3 health boost plus 3 voodoo damage. Voodoo users such as Tim and General Hex can't even attack me. lol I told someone about this before and they found the sword in like 3 hours so you never know... but over all I have a famed Banshee doll, Sacred Pistol, Traitors dagger and silver freeze dagger.
If we cud trade I'd give you one for free. I want a famed repeater or throwing knives I dont get excited when I see a famed doll or sword anymore. I remember my first famed I was like no it's a doll, but luckily in less than an hour I got my bloodfire cutlass and that made me pretty happy.

I seem to get everything, but just sell them if they are not higher than my highest attack level, but the won thing i never get, and you know how much i want this, i WANT A DOLL, and i know you dont play with dolls anymore, so please will, just save a high one for me, i know the trading system has to come in some day, and i either buy it from you, or sit down to a game of poker and win it from you, :piratemickey:(cant even trade it for something, you already have everything):)
I seem to get everything, but just sell them if they are not higher than my highest attack level, but the won thing i never get, and you know how much i want this, i WANT A DOLL, and i know you dont play with dolls anymore, so please will, just save a high one for me, i know the trading system has to come in some day, and i either buy it from you, or sit down to a game of poker and win it from you, :piratemickey:(cant even trade it for something, you already have everything):)

Bella hang out with Will in the game while he is trying for famed and you might just get it. He seems to bring good luck in the famed weapon department. :)
Bella hang out with Will in the game while he is trying for famed and you might just get it. He seems to bring good luck in the famed weapon department. :)

I think if i had a way to get ahold of him, (not sure if he is 21, though), i would drag him to vegas, never met anyone as lucky as that guy. We would all be rich. Heck with the doll!:woot:
i am jealous, jealous,jealous,jealous, and those are words i swore would never come out of my mouth, (septembers either for that matter) Bella, is not a jealous person, but i want those, where did you get those hart, ?:confused:

Silver freeze throwing knives Foulberto in Ravens lost souls

Behemoth in Tormenta cursed cavens