Your Famed & Legendary Weapons

Lol I'm planning on posting updates videos of nightwolf and darkmonk although old bones has a few famed I dont wanna make a vid of him for some reason. The videos are in the section videos by will. heres my latest famed
i only have... 5 famed (Corair's dagger, bloodfire cutlass, spinecrest sword, broadsword of inquisition, and demon fang knives) and 1 legendary.. (lost sword of el patron)... :sad1:
I just got another silver freeze this time from darkhart. I actually feel like I earned this one cause foul gives them out like crazy but dh hardly gives them out.
We have a post for famed weapons but not for legendary to my knowledge. So just pictures or videos or just tell us what your legendary weapons our! I have the freeze dagger!
Lol I'll be on when the maintenance stops You better be there :p
oh... I was, you were but alas, I could not stay very long.. and the boss.. well he did not inspire me with his yellow and green weapon drops..... but if you're willing.. I'll try again :) :)