Pirates Online Closing 8/20/2013

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one of me favorite parts in all the pirates movies was in the third movie when elizebeth gives the hoist the colors speech, and that what makes fighting for this all worth it,
"You all listen to me! LISTEN! The other ships will still be looking to us, the Black Pearl to lead, and what will they see? Frightened bilgerats aboard a derelict ship? No, they will see free men and freedom! And the enemy will see the flash of our canons and they will hear the ringing of our swords and they will know what we can do! With the sweat of our brow and the strength of our backs and the courage in our hearts! Gentlemen, Hoist the Colours!""
I hear there is a petition to save Toontown. Rumor floating around (though I'm not so sure how true it is) that Disney will rethink their decision to close the game if that petition gets 5k signatures (last I checked it was about 500 away, probably surpassed by now)... I have no idea if it's true that Disney is actually considering rethinking based on this petition, doubtful actually, but if it is true, and they are rethinking Toontown, maybe POTCO still has a chance. Obviously, they would be more quick to rethink Toontown (TT being the more profitable of the two Panda3D Disney MMO's) then they would Pirates... but who knows. Still, I'm preparing for the worst: a shut down of Pirates and me boycotting Disney with the sole exception of POTC 5 in 2015...
I haven't watched their channels or movies ( with the exception of finding Nemo and the incredibles ( two movies that need sequels ) ) because their TERRIBLE. Pixar is way better than Disney alone, and that's saying something. The point is, Disney- %99.99 business, %.1 heart.
I haven't watched their channels or movies ( with the exception of finding Nemo and the incredibles ( two movies that need sequels ) ) because their TERRIBLE. Pixar is way better than Disney alone, and that's saying something. The point is, Disney- %99.99 business, %.1 heart.

i will do whatever it takes to get this game off the chopping block i will work night and day until i have succeeded this is not just a game for me (not to sound overly dramatic) its become a way of life for me everything i do envolves pirates all because i tried out this game six years ago and fell in love with everything pirate.
I haven't watched their channels or movies ( with the exception of finding Nemo and the incredibles ( two movies that need sequels ) ) because their TERRIBLE. Pixar is way better than Disney alone, and that's saying something. The point is, Disney- %99.99 business, %.1 heart.

oh and that petition is real
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I am so saddened by this news. I am at a total lack of words to express my feelings.

i can think of some not very nice oneshow real is this toon town petition because if its real i'l be darned if we dont get one for pirates online
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I am deeply saddened by the news announcement that Disney I.M.G. is deciding to shut down Pirates Online. The same with Pixie Hollow and ToonTown. 5 years of precious memories that will be cherished forever in my heart. :( But what I don't understand is that if Disney is going bankrupt, then - how - is their company still able to afford to pay for every single Pirate's Unlimited Access for until the end of the month? :?
.. Ya dun goofed, Disney. :c
I got some inside intel from a Diz worker and she said that some of the highest Diz workers are making plans to buy out popular companies and drop them so they can get rid of their competition -_-
What we - as POTCO :piratemickey: players - need to understand is that the Walt Disney Company (via strategies implemented particularly by CEO, Robert Iger) has proactively been AXING Disney jobs as a direct response towards cutting in-house redundancies and efforts considered as "loose-ends." Basically, the corporation is out to revolutionize itself by becoming more profitable and more leaner for the purpose of bettering themselves and their share-holder support.

Now, Robert Iger's contract has been extended up until 2016 (his contract was 'suppose' to become expired by this year - 2013). Until his contract as CEO expires, expect plenty more of the usual strategy of the elimination of Disney jobs along with the buying out of competitors for the sole purpose of canceling them in order to uphold the company's control within a particular market sector.

Understanding this, it is likely that the closing down of POTCO, ToonTown, and Pixie Hollows has been on Mr. Iger's list of reductions for quite some time (perhaps delayed by the initial launching of 'Disney Infinity' as Fortune suspects).

What is worthy to note is that only a few months ago, not even ESPN was "excluded" from such cut-backs/elimination of jobs despite this particular sector remaining Disney's largest profit-earning potential amongst the various divisions established within the company.
All they ha
I am deeply saddened by the news announcement that Disney I.M.G. is deciding to shut down Pirates Online. The same with Pixie Hollow and ToonTown. 5 years of precious memories that will be cherished forever in my heart. :( But what I don't understand is that if Disney is going bankrupt, then - how - is their company still able to afford to pay for every single Pirate's Unlimited Access for until the end of the month? :?
.. Ya dun goofed, Disney. :c

They don't have to pay for unlimited access. We do.
What is worthy to note is that only a few months ago, not even ESPN was "excluded" from such cut-backs/elimination of jobs despite this particular sector remaining Disney's largest profit-earning potential amongst the various divisions established within the company.

Well, I'm not too sure about that being anything ominous for Disney. A majority of the cuts happened in my neck of the woods, and I do know a few who lost their job. It seems they did it for two reasons; firstly to cut down on the number of inefficient jobs at ESPN, and to replace the higher-earning employees with younger, cheaper, more qualified employees.

And despite some posts in this thread, Disney is in no sort of financial trouble. Their stock price when the game opened was 27.11, it is now 61.14. They know what they are doing.
And despite some posts in this thread, Disney is in no sort of financial trouble. Their stock price when the game opened was 27.11, it is now 61.14. They know what they are doing.

True. The only section of the company overall that was failing financially was the video game group which is a small part of their overall business. Overall they are making a large profit quarterly (especially at the parks). Profits can always be higher. It is far easier for an executive to cut a department that is losing 200 million per year than to make 200 million in profit in another department.
I got some inside intel from a Diz worker and she said that some of the highest Diz workers are making plans to buy out popular companies and drop them so they can get rid of their competition -_-

This is just pathetic. I can't stand people this desperate for money that they will take over perfectly fine businesses and companies and destroy them by pulling the plug on their operations and then laying off every person who worked for that now dead company :(

Me and the Disney CEO if we ever meet::fight1:
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