Pirates Online Closing 8/20/2013

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if anything this be the time to act we need to stick togather and tell disney we want our game! iv been playin since the beginin and if disney thinks i be goin down without a fight they best re-educate themselves because i have no intention of just given up me realm ta some fruity colored squablin' penguins, my whole life revolves around pirates i have dedicated me self 100% to pirates all because back in 2007 i saw the game comercial and decided ta try it out and i have been hooked (no pun intended) ever since i even belong to a local pirate group. i dont mean to spill me life out to ye but i have lost more this year than in me entire life. me school was shut down due to failure to act we just let it happen and i WILL NOT just sit around and let something else i love get taken away from me. if any of you wanna try and save our game or at least die tryin' please listen to me, the first step would be, e-mail, we need to flood disneys comunications, let them know we mean buissness, go online get as many people as you can to do the same, the second part be to get make as many accounts as ye can and use every computer you own and fill the servers. PLEASE HELP SAVE OUR GAME!
Wow....for Club Penguin too?!?!?... Wow, just wow. I never got to do a lot of things in this game (mostly due to laziness) but, i don't think I can get thunder spine, web, dark black silk vest, doom rattler, and abyss in a month :/
But ill miss the game. ALOT.
i also heard theirs only about 5000 people a day playing i remember back when abassa andaba and angassa were almost always full now we can barely keep abassa full and its disneys fault i havent seen a potco comercial in over 2 years how do they expect to get more players when nobody knows about it but i see all kinds of junk about this club penguin garbage
Heck no!!! I will not be getting this game.

Woo, amen Star! I wasn't planning on getting this game before, since it just looked to me like a Disney knockoff of that weird Skylanders game. Now I REALLY don't want anything Disney, not even in my house!

Good, don't support them. After closing these games, they've shown their true colors. Club Penguin isn't a better game, it's just making more money. So what do they do? They close these games to make CP even more profitable because they don't care about the customer in the end... they only care about the money. I say we boycott them.

I like your style Davy. Disney isn't looking at things in long term perspective, or being very creative in their trying to see the BIG picture. With an update or two, or maybe even a PROMISE for a major update, POTCO can easily surpass Club Penguin. I don't see what's wrong with keeping not one, but TWO games up to make that much MORE money. Isn't that what you want Disney? To make more money?
Woo, amen Star! I wasn't planning on getting this game before, since it just looked to me like a Disney knockoff of that weird Skylanders game.

I like your style Davy. Disney isn't looking at things in long term perspective, or being very creative in their trying to see the BIG picture. With an update or two, or maybe even a PROMISE for a major update, POTCO can easily surpass Club Penguin. I don't see what's wrong with keeping not one, but TWO games up to make that much MORE money. Isn't that what you want Disney? To make more money?

i wouldnt necessarily call club penguin a game but disney hasnt even aired a pirates comercial in over 2 years
I refuse to invest more time energy and money into another Disney game after all the stupid crashes glitches and two months of not able to use my ship I have remained loyal to this game only to be rewarded (along with so many others) with being told that my fav game is closing but OH HEY as a consulation prize here is a free unlimited access for a little bit UMM GREAT for what a day or two then poof its all gone no thanks I may just boycott everything Disney from here on out I guess
I got some inside intel from a Diz worker and she said that some of the highest Diz workers are making plans to buy out popular companies and drop them so they can get rid of their competition -_-
I refuse to invest more time energy and money into another Disney game after all the stupid crashes glitches and two months of not able to use my ship I have remained loyal to this game only to be rewarded (along with so many others) with being told that my fav game is closing but OH HEY as a consulation prize here is a free unlimited access for a little bit UMM GREAT for what a day or two then poof its all gone no thanks I may just boycott everything Disney from here on out I guess

my exact words when i found outwe should try and get johny depp to ask disney to keep pirates open, lol
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I got some inside intel from a Diz worker and she said that some of the highest Diz workers are making plans to buy out popular companies and drop them so they can get rid of their competition -_-

What a surprise...
It is said, that among the many business & enterprise branches, Entertainment is the most ruthless and honor-less... Diz doesn't seem to be the exception.
But then again, isn't that what they always do?
I know the Wow about Club Penguin seems daunting but remember when Pirates first started there were nearly 100 servers, and for years there are about 60 regular serves and there were hundreds of thousands of active paid accounts and there have been over 1 million pirates created.
I know the Wow about Club Penguin seems daunting but remember when Pirates first started there were nearly 100 servers, and for years there are about 60 regular serves and there were hundreds of thousands of active paid accounts and there have been over 1 million pirates created.

because disney knew how to advertise and keep people playing they just stopped carring
I hear there is a petition to save Toontown. Rumor floating around (though I'm not so sure how true it is) that Disney will rethink their decision to close the game if that petition gets 5k signatures (last I checked it was about 500 away, probably surpassed by now)... I have no idea if it's true that Disney is actually considering rethinking based on this petition, doubtful actually, but if it is true, and they are rethinking Toontown, maybe POTCO still has a chance. Obviously, they would be more quick to rethink Toontown (TT being the more profitable of the two Panda3D Disney MMO's) then they would Pirates... but who knows. Still, I'm preparing for the worst: a shut down of Pirates and me boycotting Disney with the sole exception of POTC 5 in 2015...
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