Pirates Online Closing 8/20/2013

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I am not saying everyone should do this as I am not even sure that I should but, I have been reviewing articles online through Google which do happen to announce the closure of all 3 games (POTCO, TT, and Pixie Hollows) and I have been trying to comment in a intellectual way to where I "clue" them in on the challenges which faced Revive POTCO.

As I see it, many of these articles paint a picture which is rosy:rose: in color but not entirely accurate of Disney's overall responsibility to the fate of how POTCO and the other games ended up.

Avast! Many of these articles are just "reporting" on the news without giving much thought as to the WHAT Disney is in fact doing in eliminating these games for the sole purpose and goal towards the pursuit of Club Penguin which targets only a single demographic along with Disney Infinity which basically mimics :flag1:the POTCO universe (as far as that aspect of the game is concerned).

idk. I guess this is all I can do besides look out my window and ponder how POTCO's fate came to this...
...I have been reviewing articles online through Google which do happen to announce the closure of all 3 games (POTCO, TT, and Pixie Hollows) and I have been trying to comment in a intellectual way to where I "clue" them in on the challenges which faced Revive POTCO.
As I see it, many of these articles paint a picture which is rosy:rose: in color but not entirely accurate of Disney's overall responsibility to the fate of how POTCO and the other games ended up.
Not saying my own words will work but if anyone is interested, just copy and paste the message below that I am using in order to reply to such online articles (just include your own 'name' to the post).

Here is what I am writing in response to POTCO, Toontown, and Pixie Hollows closing:
While Disney and Disney Interactive does seek to eliminate the high risks associated in basing multiple games upon the short-term successes and popularity of corresponding movies and/or characters, the point to be made is that Disney could have enriched these properties it had at its disposal without turning its back entirely upon such games and the corresponding (player) “communities” whom voices and legitimate concerns were in essence, blatantly ignored.

For example, players loyal to the game "Pirates of the Caribbean Online" (POTCO) maintained an ongoing petition movement for over a year which involved the gain of some 3,000 signatures from players whom had voiced their
legitimate concern about the game and the status it was allowed to be kept.

To date (in the shadow of this report), no hint of acknowledgement of such concerns were ever received by the POTCO community from an official representative of Disney or Disney Interactive.

Sigh, i knew after Disney wasn't updating/ doing anything that this game would wind up closing.. (not trying to be negative, it is a good game). Why won't they just make the whole game free? Or They can do what Forsaken world did, and Pirates of the burning sea, make it all free but if you want like a ''DLC'' or certain gear, (what ever you want to call it) buy it.

everyone i re did my video here it is thanks for watching :)

It is pretty weird why they are closing the game for club penguin, lol you don't really do anything :confused:
Celtics? I have a guild called Celtic warriors Kelly was gm but now my alt is bc it was not doing to well not that it matters cause were all gonna be obliterated D': im never playing a Disney game again
Everyone we might be able to save it if we send e mails asking potco to keep it we don't play other Disney games that way there not bringing in cash and sign the petition

thats what my plan was we need to show disney how many people still really care about pirates it makes me sick to even think about losin' her. i understand pirates isnt what it once was but thats 100% disneys advertising departments fault. like a said many times i havent seen a commercial for the game in over 2 years. they dont know how to balance the attention of all their games if they had a few pirates commercials sprinkled into the marathon of that trash club penguin game commercials they would have decent numbers but disney is so mainstream that they do a little research and guess what "oh kids between the ages of 5-12 like colors and penguins, lets make a game and only focus on that and not give 2 sea cucumbers about all our other games." im 17 and clearly have a better understanding on how this all works than whatever lot of imbeciles they have running disney
Thanks Sage :) I e mailed them signed petition twice and put up advertisement for petition on another game wich has more players than all the Disney games combinedEveryone post link for petition on Facebook and another game u play that way we can get enough signatures and e mail it to potco
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Thanks Sage :) I e mailed them signed petition twice and put up advertisement for petition on another game wich has more players than all the Disney games combinedEveryone post link for petition on Facebook and another game u play that way we can get enough signatures and e mail it to potco

How did you email POTCO? It only lets me email if there is a billing problem
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I almost had a seizure coming on here after being caught up with days of pure work and sending up a few lines of Zz's to see this message blaring on the Forums..for I knew that it had to be true.

I suspected this day would come, but like many others, I did NOT expect it so soon, and so VERY soon to a GM Event..though I guess in retrospect that the whole scenario should have been an indicator that SOMETHING was happening.

Any other words seem futile at this point, and best kept to myself. The only thing I hope for is that those of us who are on the Forums keep active so as to keep in touch as to where we are..and to remind each other that we still will care for each other..in spite of the Code.

As Captain Jack Sparrow always says:

Drink up, me hearties, yo-ho!

Ben Cabingrin (till September 19)

P.S. I plan on moving to SWTOR and LOTRO, then return to my alt Runescape account, as well as join some other computer games (I.e. War Thunder, Roblox, possibly Minecraft), get a PS3 or PS4 and get some games for it (I.e. Assassin's Creed IV, Battlefield 4, GTA V, Watch Dogs). This will happen at least by the end of the year so maybe some of us can get together and start some clan or group called POTCO's Veterans or Jolly Roger's Bane or something similar that will only mean something to us.
Thanks Sage :) I e mailed them signed petition twice and put up advertisement for petition on another game wich has more players than all the Disney games combinedEveryone post link for petition on Facebook and another game u play that way we can get enough signatures and e mail it to potco
wheres the link to the petition?i will admit i left the game for a couple of months and sort of lost interest for a while but if we can save the game i will never for as long as the seas be blue and the sun be bright neglect the game again.heres a quote i found from walt disney himself proving that by supporting only club penguin heres a quote for you disney "You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
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If I could I would take my spine crest sword and ...This is so sad! I will recommend some of my favorite games below:

World of Tanks

I hope some of you will find some comfort by playing these games.

P.S. I am not watching Disney or playing their games for a while.
If you really care about the game go to revivepotco.org and sign the petition.
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