Revive Pirates of the Caribbean Online

I think that it serves as an important reminder that if anyone does have a disagreement and/or complaint as to the direction the Revive petition is going, that an effort be made here to post your concerns (as this is the 'only' way to assure that open communication is achieved). ;)

Let's solve things together, savvy? :D
I understand that there has been a recent post by Shamus about open communication, but other than that, it's been quiet. Is it going well?

P.S. Came back from a short break. However, I was still able to fulfill my duties.
Is it going well?
P.S. Came back from a short break. However, I was still able to fulfill my duties.
First of all, "welcome" back. :)

To answer your question, I can share with you that an effort has been made to re-establish contact again towards "half" of the individuals (25 out of 50) we had initially contacted when this movement first began. To date, no response has been directed back towards us except for the individual whom no longer works for DIMG due to the most recent restructuring affecting DIMG directly (note: back in 2012, we heard from a handful of others whom had worked within DIMG but they notified us at the time that they no longer work for Disney as well).

Other than that, efforts have been to further introduce the petition towards those whom are not familiar with POTCO (i.e., those whom 'don't play' the game) inorder to encourage them to endorse their support towards the petition. Besides this, discussion has been made towards organizing a possible 2nd revive POTCO "event." ;)
First of all, "welcome" back. :)

To answer your question, I can share with you that an effort has been made to re-establish contact again towards "half" of the individuals (25 out of 50) we had initially contacted when this movement first began. To date, no response has been directed back towards us except for the individual whom no longer works for DIMG due to the most recent restructuring affecting DIMG directly (note: back in 2012, we heard from a handful of others whom had worked within DIMG but they notified us at the time that they no longer work for Disney as well).

Other than that, efforts have been to further introduce the petition towards those whom are not familiar with POTCO (i.e., those whom 'don't play' the game) inorder to encourage them to endorse their support towards the petition. Besides this, discussion has been made towards organizing a possible 2nd revive POTCO "event." ;)

Once the date and time has been posted here or announced on Abassa about which server to go to I shall be there with my support
Bart took the words out of me mouth. If there's to be another Revive POTCO event I'll be there.
Currently, ideas are flowing and progress is being made towards the organizing of such an event. ;) More news/updates coming soon.
How many signatures do we need again? From last I heard I think it was 5,000, correct?
(Also, first post after a couple years of not posting! :D )
Welcome back and I appreciate you spending your fist post (since a few years) towards an inquiry made upon this thread. ;)

The amount of signatures required are set at no particular limit or number. Rather instead, the petition movement will continue for as long as POTCO players show an interest towards the game and for it to be improved and to be "revived."

While the movement itself is quickly approaching it's one year anniversary soon, I think it is safe to say that we - as Revive POTCO - are here to stay for the long haul as POTCO pirates are a stubborn group of buccaneers, misfits, and scallywags. :piratemickey:

"It's a Pirate's Life for Me," savvy?
Been with this game for nearly 6 years now.. I finally gave up on it. I feel as though there is no hope for it to ever get better.
Been with this game for nearly 6 years now.. I finally gave up on it. I feel as though there is no hope for it to ever get better.
There is still one thing that Disney can't shake entirely and remains also, an advantage and hope for POTCO. This, of course, is the "Pirates of the Caribbean" brand name.

Think about it for a moment. IF Disney were to truly turn their back upon this intellectual property of theirs (i.e., POTCO), would they not also be turning their back upon the highly successful POTC movies/films as well as the famously-known, themed-park ride which shares the same brand name?

Now listen, there is something to be said about a good name. This is especially true when it comes to you and I as individuals (in how we perceive our identity and how we would like to be perceived by others). This is also especially true when it comes to POTCO.

*In my opinion, POTCO has too much of a prestigious name attached to it to where Disney will just give up on it and allow it to go to waste. :confused: "Aye," I know this has been happening quite often lately but perhaps...just perhaps...the timing of Disney in relationship to a revived POTCO is just "off-balance" at the moment.

Not everything happening in the present is destined to last forever. :piratemickey:
Well change needs to happen soon... It's been since when, March 2012? When they even had slightly an update, if it even counts (The 5 new sail emblems). I agree, they can't just let this game go to waste. But the game is really on it's last legs. I understand they have a difficult budget, but it's ridiculous. They obviously have enough time to put up a bunch of pointless news in the Grog Blog and put up pointless events to buy time, but shouldn't they instead be using that time to develop and think of solutions? I haven't been able to log in for the last week because of the network issue they're having, that is apparently "Outside of their control." They should know how to control it. If it's outside of their control, then who's control is it in? The players? No. I'm just disappointed to see such a great game go to waste...