Discussion The next step...

This is kind of a weird argument - there are obviously implicit costs associated with account sales that aren't there when you can sell individual items. I'd never sell my account, but you can bet I'd sell my repeat legendaries.

It's also pretty revealing that you'd admit that you want trading because you "don't have time" for the grind.
I have a real life. I don't have time for the insane grind the game requires to get good items. Yeah, I'll buy some of them, and I'll buy some mats too. No shame in saying that. I hop on for short periods. I play for the story, not for the same enemy again and again and again and again.
I have a real life. I don't have time for the insane grind the game requires to get good items. Yeah, I'll buy some of them, and I'll buy some mats too. No shame in saying that. I hop on for short periods. I play for the story, not for the same enemy again and again and again and again.
There's absolutely shame in saying that. You're admitting that you want TLOPO to become a pay-to-win game for your own personal benefit.

For the final time, no thanks. See you all the next time we choose to beat this dead horse.
There's absolutely shame in saying that. You're admitting that you want this to become a pay-to-win game for your own personal benefit.

For the final time, no thanks. See you all the next time we choose to beat this dead horse.
What? How is it pay to win? Why do you assume I'd put real money into it? No, I want to go to a building that houses a merchant who can take my coin for a decent sword or gun that some other player did not need, not the trash the regular ones do. In game money for in game services. Not pay to win. Pay to win is trash. But it's ok. You misunderstand the entire topic and refuse to learn. That's ok.
It's a thing people do in any game with trading.

They exchange a valuable item for a worthless one, and then afterward, the party trading the worthless item sends some PayPal cash to the person who sold him the valuable item. In games like Counter Strike: Global Offensive and Team Fortress 2, it's not unusual for players to sell items for hundreds (and occasionally, thousands) of dollars.

You can imagine how common scams are in systems like this. People avoid predatory traders by using middlemen and only buying/selling from reputable dealers, but it still happens.

The players with the most valuable items in games like those are the ones who paid the most real-world cash for them. It's not something that can be avoided.

While players like me could potentially make a lot of money by selling items, I feel like the legitimacy of the current looting system would be too badly compromised by the threat of people doing this.
Some MMORPGs TOS state that you aren't allowed to exchange in-game items for real cash. So if you get scammed thats on you, you and your dealer already broke the TOS. *Accounts suspended* As for only in-game GUI trades, scamming is preventable. Like I said before, a scenario of possibly scamming are in-games events like I invite you to the guild for x amount of gold those will be case-by-case scenarios. I think you are just making it more difficult to analyze.
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What? How is it pay to win? Why do you assume I'd put real money into it? No, I want to go to a building that houses a merchant who can take my coin for a decent sword or gun that some other player did not need, not the trash the regular ones do. In game money for in game services. Not pay to win. Pay to win is trash. But it's ok. You misunderstand the entire topic and refuse to learn. That's ok.
The game won't literally be pay to win because the game will get shut down by Disney if the devs try to make any actual money off it. However, the playerbase themselves will make it a pay to win using their own out-of-pocket money to get the weapons they desire. This can't and won't be controlled.

trading isnt coming to tlopo. this means you (@Fred Anderson @Chris Swordshot) are flaming each other over something that doesnt and will never matter outside of this thread. peep the name i know a thing or two about flaming. youre also ruining your relationships with one another when maybe you might have become friends otherwise. most of all i feel bad for @Beggar because he shouldnt have had to waste his time proving to you what you could have looked up. mods wya>? thread has run its course

trading isnt coming to tlopo. this means you (@Fred Anderson @Chris Swordshot) are flaming each other over something that doesnt and will never matter outside of this thread. peep the name i know a thing or two about flaming. youre also ruining your relationships with one another when maybe you might have become friends otherwise. most of all i feel bad for @Beggar because he shouldnt have had to waste his time proving to you what you could have looked up. mods wya>? thread has run its course
I apologize, I forgot this was a discussion thread? We are just having a conversation and I respect his opinion hoping he does the same. Also, I don't think we should be afraid of this topic, it might come to play one day.
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The game won't literally be pay to win because the game will get shut down by Disney if the devs try to make any actual money off it. However, the playerbase themselves will make it a pay to win using their own out-of-pocket money to get the weapons they desire. This can't and won't be controlled.
No one ever said trading was going to use real money, and most of the player base is old enough to know that it's all scams when someone offers to pay real money.

trading isnt coming to tlopo. this means you (@Fred Anderson @Chris Swordshot) are flaming each other over something that doesnt and will never matter outside of this thread. peep the name i know a thing or two about flaming. youre also ruining your relationships with one another when maybe you might have become friends otherwise. most of all i feel bad for @Beggar because he shouldnt have had to waste his time proving to you what you could have looked up. mods wya>? thread has run its course
Can you please show me where a Dev said it would NEVER come to tlopo? I've looked and couldn't find it .
I/we have given it more than a "moment's thought". I may be the dumbest of those around, and not a trained statistician, but I *do* have a lot of practical experience and *can* consider different aspects of design decisions on new SW features.
Fair enough. I didn’t mean for that to be worded so condescendingly when I typed it. I apologize.

That said, I do think the adverse effects that a trading feature could have in TLOPO would be more apparent to you if you spent some time considering how similar features have affected other games.
Fair enough. I didn’t mean for that to be worded so condescendingly when I typed it. I apologize.

That said, I do think the adverse effects that a trading feature could have in TLOPO would be more apparent to you if you spent some time considering how similar features have affected other games.
We have. Its boosted their player base and player retention. Now if you involve real money as an official part of the trading system, it crashes, but the devs are not eager for Disney to come crashing down upon them. Just don't be an idiot about it and it's fine.
The game won't literally be pay to win because the game will get shut down by Disney if the devs try to make any actual money off it. However, the playerbase themselves will make it a pay to win using their own out-of-pocket money to get the weapons they desire. This can't and won't be controlled.
I feel compelled to chime in on this, especially that very last sentence and point made.

Disney’s hand and control can reach even beyond the Devs and the player-base itself is not excluded. Therefore, it just depends on how big of an issue they feel it is for ANYONE to make a fast buck in lieu of this property they still own. All it takes is for one (1) person/bad apple to ruin it all for everyone and “BOOM”...they may pounce if they are in the mood or even having a bad day!

*You mates should keep talking about this issue because it helps everyone to understand both the pros and cons of this issue...which can be good for all. And NO...there has been no flaming yet, only back-and-forth discussion. “Flaming” is purposelessly burning someone to a crisp and so, this BBQ has (so far) only reached the temperature of meats turned to medium-well.
The OP created this thread to start a discussion on the subject.
Though it has been on the forums before, I would hope that posters would be able to keep this one civil this time.

So lets not start using words like "idiot" to make this thread start tumbling down the wrong direction. Also it does not contribute much to the discussion.

I have seen very good and in-depth discussions here on the forums. Lets make this one of them.

Going to be that guy for this post, but the next step shouldn't be (new) "features" at all.

Rather, I believe the next step should be dialing back and hammering harder at certain longstanding bugs within the game, and pushing out former POTCO content (e.g. Cannon Defense). Stabilizing the base game before tacking on anything else should be TLOPO's focus in early 2019.

However, that's just my opinion.
To re-iterate as well with Miss @Luna Storm,

Posts on hot topics are often the most valuable assets of information for the community to respond to. Things like this are how decisions are made based on the information given, and are responded to accordingly by Development teams and other factors of game development.

I would also like to mention, though some have apologized and looked past their transgressions, Flaming is NEVER allowed on a post regardless of topic. If you can't keep it civil, simply do not reply or attempt to provoke someone by different means. Thanks.

Fair Winds,

And NO...there has been no flaming yet, only back-and-forth discussion.

Maybe if you were stupid enough to believe someone would PayPal you said money, it's an issue .
I don't know about that one. Also, I do agree that we should definitely be careful with any transactions related to this game as they're all playing with fire. To rope this back on subject, trading will only encourage said transactions and it could lead to disaster. I know a guy once tried to sell his TLOPO account on Ebay and that was considered against the ToS.
I don't know about that one. Also, I do agree that we should definitely be careful with any transactions related to this game as they're all playing with fire. To rope this back on subject, trading will only encourage said transactions and it could lead to disaster. I know a guy once tried to sell his TLOPO account on Ebay and that was considered against the ToS.
If they put it in the ToS that it's against the rules for real world monetary transactions to happen, then it's their own fault, and they can't complain to the devs about it.
If they put it in the ToS that it's against the rules for real world monetary transactions to happen, then it's their own fault, and they can't complain to the devs about it.

Well, you see, the transaction itself is only part of it. Selling accounts has it's own complications, and this is from the notion you shouldn't give it away/share with anybody else. It is the account you created, with your pirates, and all the work you put forth. Let's consider two different scenarios here to illustrate this central point.

Scenario A
User 1 sells their account on eBay. User 2 purchases said account, and is given access to it via the seller. A few weeks after the transaction, User 1 regrets selling their account, and decides to take it back. Due to the fact both sides will dispute account access, it is undoubtedly going to drag in TLOPO staff. So, who wins out? User 1.

Players cannot change emails themselves, and therefore must contact staff to have it performed for them. User 1 gave account access to User 2, but did not have emails switched, and therefore holds power over resetting passwords and communicating with support as the account holder (i.e. the email tied to the account). However, this does not mean they will get off scot-free.

They may regain control over the account, but will likely face a ban due to the fact they sold it. So, in essence, both sides lose. Even if emails were switched, and User 2 managed to claim control instead of User 1, the end result would remain the same (banned due to ToS violation).

Scenario B
User 1 is friends with User 2, and both share User 1's account/pirates. A few months later, both friends end up getting into an argument, and User 2 ends up deleting User 1's pirates out of anger. At the same time, User 1 changes the account password - locking out User 2. As a consequence for allowing others into their account, User 1 has lost the progress they made.

Scenario C
Similarly to Scenario B, User 1 and 2 share User 1's account/pirates. During a standard play session, User 2 ends up saying a slew of foul language on User 1's primary pirate. Due to the extensive rule breaking, TLOPO ends up issuing disciplinary actions against the account. User 1 protests and states they weren't the ones who said anything wrong. However, due to the fact it was still their account, they become liable.

In conclusion, all three scenarios illustrate why these provisions exist. Real-world transactions for trading would only make things more complicated for staff, and it would be even harder to solve due to the logistics of solving such disputes in the first place.
Why are we still having this discussion... Haven't we talked about this on like 15 other threads already?

Trading will hurt the game more than it will benefit. The cons outweigh the pros in this situation, unfortunately.
I am against trading for several reasons: 1) It would open avenues for people to bully or otherwise coerce others into trading. 2) It would devalue top items as they would become more common in the game, of course this could be mitigated by reducing drop rates but I bet that would be met with violent objections. 3) It would change the balance of the game, as more and more people get closer to their ideal inventory faster. 4) There is a danger that Disney might see this as a modification of their game for profit. Even if it's not directly benefiting the developers.

There are probably more but those are the ones at the top of my mind.

I only see trading as a way for those who can't compete to even the score.