Discussion The next step...

Not at all. That's a poor analogy that's not even close. Nerfing a weapon effects everyone instantly without a choice. Trading is a choice.
If I trade a dagger legendary with joe pirate because I have dupes and he has dupe swords that I don't have and we trade, and now I have another legendary to use. How in the world did that effect you? Please explain how I just ruined your game, another player I don't even know?

Because you didn't have to work as hard for that legendary. Someone who loots all 22 legendaries on the same pirate has achieved something much greater than someone who found only 10, and traded the rest. Does that make sense?
Don't agree. To limit open trade would be to over burden a system that players would be creating a free enterprise system just like pirates had.
Well, within pirate reason that is. Who's right is it to tell me I can't trade whatever I loot in game? What is the real concern here? Is it because it lessons someones personal efforts in their eyes? "you got that for 'n' gold in one hour while I three weeks grinding Hex?" Really? Tough.
Is it because people feel other pirates will beat them in PVP? That's a very real reason, but shouldn't stop trading.
I wish for people to clarify the innuendos whether they truly mean pvp or not. Because none of the arguments against trading make a lick of sense in the pve realm.

Again, what other people have in their inventories and how much sweat equity and life wasting they did to find stuff IS NOT my concern. And shouldn't be. I'd feel like a total idiot if I was in the gold room alone and then someone came in and I told them they can't stay because I was there first. I won't join long time great guilds for that reason. Trading is the same way in my mind. If I want to trade, I should be able to trade anything because there's another pirate who can choose to buy it or trade for it. I can't make anyone do anything. Nor would I tell anyone in the game what they can't do.
I see nothing wrong in trying something out in game, considering it's a beta in the first place.
For some people the game is not as black and white as "I loot for this great weapon just so I can kill enemies better."
People like to collect things. People like to collect legendaries. People work hard to get these weapons and want to feel a sense of accomplishment for it. People won't like when they don't feel that because people don't have to work hard to get it anymore. Legendaries would at the very least have to be the only thing that people could collect and feel satisfied putting time in for meaning if trading is implemented, the ability to give another player one should not be touched just like the drop rate shouldnt be touched. You want to flood the game with hundreds of duplicates of legendaries.
But thats the point. Thats what makes them so valuable. You put the time in and you get the legendary. It sometimes sucks and isn't ideal but thats what the grind to get legendaries in both POTCO and TLOPO is. Thats what looting is
Well, yes it could be a grind. But you choose to grind. I have nothing to do with your decision. What you choose to do is your thing. What I choose to do is my thing. Our things don't cross - ever. So, when did it become other players responsibility to constantly monitor your progress and work for your collections and I have to worry I'm getting something easier than you? I don't see that in the tlopo guidelines.

I've been in the beta almost 2 years and never once felt a spec of remorse someone found a legendary. Usually if I see it, I grats people. And only joked in the past of someone getting something. I'm just not falling for the guilt trips looters are trying to put on people for whatever the reasons.

Trading won't effect the game community itself, just looters and their ilk and old time traditions that should not be pushed on newer or any players. Trading is just another facet that may or may not work. But the concept has the right to be tried at the very least.

Because you didn't have to work as hard for that legendary. Someone who loots all 22 legendaries on the same pirate has achieved something much greater than someone who found only 10, and traded the rest. Does that make sense?
Sure. But your personal triumphs are your own. I gain nothing from them. There is no leader board here so unfortunately your personal triumphs are not rewarded directly. However, fighting trading to keep your personal value system viable in your eyes to display for the community really isn't an important or functional part of this game. Sadly, all your personal triumphs, all your looting, all the shiny is for self, and as I said before, means basically nothing to game function or playability.
And absolutely nothing personal to you, but what you accomplish means nothing to me across the map.

Trading in game probably won't hurt anyone. It may take the gloss off someones collections and efforts, but well, that's a personal thing isn't it.

Well, yes it could be a grind. But you choose to grind. I have nothing to do with your decision. What you choose to do is your thing. What I choose to do is my thing. Our things don't cross - ever. So, when did it become other players responsibility to constantly monitor your progress and work for your collections and I have to worry I'm getting something easier than you? I don't see that in the tlopo guidelines.

I've been in the beta almost 2 years and never once felt a spec of remorse someone found a legendary. Usually if I see it, I grats people. And only joked in the past of someone getting something. I'm just not falling for the guilt trips looters are trying to put on people for whatever the reasons.

Trading won't effect the game community itself, just looters and their ilk and old time traditions that should not be pushed on newer or any players. Trading is just another facet that may or may not work. But the concept has the right to be tried at the very least.


No. You need to understand that what YOU have, DOES effect other people. Thats why there is competition in the looting community. If TLOPO was a single player game, it would be boring (in terms of looting at least). This is because people like to be competitive, whether its first to all 7, first to all 22 or first in your friends group. If everyone else had countless amount of legendaries, and you had nothing, wouldn't you feel left out? Or vise versa, if you we're the only person with a certain weapon, you'd feel special.
Sure. But your personal triumphs are your own. I gain nothing from them. There is no leader board here so unfortunately your personal triumphs are not rewarded directly. However, fighting trading to keep your personal value system viable in your eyes to display for the community really isn't an important or functional part of this game. Sadly, all your personal triumphs, all your looting, all the shiny is for self, and as I said before, means basically nothing to game function or playability.
And absolutely nothing personal to you, but what you accomplish means nothing to me across the map.

Trading in game probably won't hurt anyone. It may take the gloss off someones collections and efforts, but well, that's a personal thing isn't it.


This is not true! Looting isn't just for myself, its for everyone I loot with, too. When I see friends or guild mates find legendaries I cheer for them. Its fun to see others succeed and as I said in my last post, its fun to have competition.

Edit: This is also why we post legendaries on the forums. And why I'm holding Sapphire in my signature.
Sure. But your personal triumphs are your own. I gain nothing from them. There is no leader board here so unfortunately your personal triumphs are not rewarded directly. However, fighting trading to keep your personal value system viable in your eyes to display for the community really isn't an important or functional part of this game. Sadly, all your personal triumphs, all your looting, all the shiny is for self, and as I said before, means basically nothing to game function or playability.
And absolutely nothing personal to you, but what you accomplish means nothing to me across the map.

Trading in game probably won't hurt anyone. It may take the gloss off someones collections and efforts, but well, that's a personal thing isn't it.

Legendaries shouldnt be tradable.
Looters and looting are a massive part of this game, the biggest part of this game, and you shouldn't take that away just because you don't want to put as much effort in to get a certain weapon. Thats on you. Legendaries are the endgame.

Looting and putting together your collection of legendaries is the endgame of TLOPO and it can't be, it shouldn't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with.
Use that brainpower to figure out a way to shift the focus of the game away from looting if you want, but think of new ideas. Not ideas that were fought for since the day loot was released. There are other ways to improve the game besides adding something that a very large part of the community dislikes because you "don't care about other people's feelings"
it can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with

Yes, someone trade me leviathan please. - I don't have time to loot anymore, so I want someone to give it to me please. Thanks! :D
Just give it to you? Heck no Chaz. How about that copperhead ship ya got? Or 150K gold?
I'm not giving you anything free. You got to trade me for it.
And I think you need to make some personal sacrifices to find time to loot, I can't help you out there Charles.
What I remember from POCTO was that there were only 7 legendaries and most people searched for them at Tormenta. Though I never found any cursed legendaries myself, it was very common for people to find duplicates. This would be upsetting for obvious reasons, but thats what made it difficult. As JackScurvyGull said, legendaries are the end game. If people could trade their duplicates, then it would be easier to get all 7.
Just give it to you? Heck no Chaz. How about that copperhead ship ya got? Or 150K gold?
I'm not giving you anything free. You got to trade me for it.
And I think you need to make some personal sacrifices to find time to loot, I can't help you out there Charles.

I wonder if he was being sarcastic...
Legendaries shouldnt be tradable.
Looters and looting are a massive part of this game, the biggest part of this game, and you shouldn't take that away just because you don't want to put as much effort in to get a certain weapon. Thats on you. Legendaries are the endgame.

Looting and putting together your collection of legendaries is the endgame of TLOPO and it can't be, it shouldn't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with.
Use that brainpower to figure out a way to shift the focus of the game away from looting if you want, but think of new ideas. Not ideas that were fought for since the day loot was released. There are other ways to improve the game besides adding something that a very large part of the community dislikes because you "don't care about other people's feelings"
Looting and putting together your collection of legendaries is the endgame of TLOPO and it can't be, it shouldn't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with.
Well, that's an entirely personal and subjective contention you have there about legendary. Your belief is again your own. It's no where in the game rules at all. It says no where in tlopo that for you to be worthy you have to loot. That's on you. And I'm not trying to tell anyone to do anything. My point isn't about personal gain or triumphs or bragging rights. I've only advocated trying trading and giving players the right to do so. Not demand they put it in. That's not my decision.

Whether looting is a massive part of this game, again that's a subjective subject open to debate. But the thread is about trading. Anderson the original poster came in with a positive attitude about trying trading and immediately minority came in to defend looting. This thread isn't about looting. Trading technically is just doing something with your loot and items. The OP feels it's a feature we can live with.

If you're not referring to imbalance in PVP from trading, then I don't see any arguments holding water when it comes to pve where you do your own thing. Not talking about guilds or any of that stuff either. Because, yes, you can play pve with other people.

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Bottom line is that you put the time and effort into looting and you may get a legendary out of it.
Looking for a legendary is tedious, boring, and not even guaranteed to lead anywhere. You want to make getting legendaries less tedious and grindy, but thats literally the whole point of it. Thats the test. Anything else just defeats the purpose. If you're not the grindy looter type then maybe you should do one of the activities in the aforementioned post.

Looting and putting together your collection of legendaries is the endgame of TLOPO and it can't be, it shouldn't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with.
Well, that's an entirely personal and subjective contention you have there about legendary. Your belief is again your own. It's no where in the game rules at all. It says no where in tlopo that for you to be worthy you have to loot. That's on you. And I'm not trying to tell anyone to do anything. My point isn't about personal gain or triumphs or bragging rights. I've only advocated trying trading and giving players the right to do so. Not demand they put it in. That's not my decision.

Whether looting is a massive part of this game, again that's a subjective subject open to debate. But the thread is about trading. Anderson the original poster came in with a positive attitude about trying trading and immediately minority came in to defend looting. This thread isn't about looting. Trading technically is just doing something with your loot and items. The OP feels it's a feature we can live with.

If you're not referring to imbalance in PVP from trading, then I don't see any arguments holding water when it comes to pve where you do your own thing. Not talking about guilds or any of that stuff either. Because, yes, you can play pve with other people.


This thread definitely ties to looting because trading directly effects it. Whether looting is a massive part of this game, is NOT subjective. Thats ridiculous.
and this is why I said the devs said no already as it will risk copy right to be inacted by disney
Please stop. That is categorically wrong. I'm pretty sure no developer has directly weighed in on this with a final decision.
so I think you've been misinformed.
still don't want trading
And that's perfectly fine that your opinion is not wanting trading, and you have the right to say this is so. And we should respect that, and do.
But demanding a public thread be closed because you don't like the topic is not your right.