Discussion The next step...

Trading pros and cons:


Trading will give a purpose to duplicate items.
Trading will allow those who do not wish to spend large sums of time looting to still be able to get the weapons the desire.
Trading will allow players to trade with their own pirates (alts).


Trading will allow those who do not wish to spend large sums of time looting, to still be able to get the weapons they desire, thus make those who do spend large sums of looting, 's finds less significant.
Trading will inevitably encourage players to use real money to trade items
Trading will, unless heavily regulated, allow players who wouldn't be able to attain certain weapons (i.e raven's cove story quest), to have them regardless.
Those who wish to acquire the "perfect inventory" will be able to do this much easier. (and thus make the effort many plays have already put into building said inventory, less significant.)

† Lets say that I wished to have Thunderspine Sword and I knew someone who was willing to give it to me. However, I have nothing to give him in return (like another legendary of equal value). So instead, I use real money like PayPal. This happens a lot with other games that have trading.

I hope all of this makes sense and if you have any cons/pros you'd like to be added to the list lmk.
From the point of view of a lot of people on the forums, yes.
They’re only pros in the same sense that a drunk referee is a pro.

Certain players don’t want to work for their legendaries, so they would prefer to either loot on multiple accounts simultaneously and transfer each one’s finds to their main account, or simply have a friend give them the legendary they want without ever having to loot for it.

I don’t see why such players’ opinions should matter.
They’re only pros in the same sense that a drunk referee is a pro.

Certain players don’t want to work for their legendaries, so they would prefer to either loot on multiple accounts simultaneously and transfer each one’s finds to their main account, or simply have a friend give them the legendary they want without ever having to loot for it.

I don’t see why such players’ opinions should matter.

That's an arrogant thing to say. For the record I'm against trading... I wanted to stay neutral for the purpose of this conversation but if you can't acknowledge their point of view then you're not being productive.
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...Trading will allow those who do not wish to spend large sums of time looting to still be able to get the weapons the desire.
I’ve got a con to list in response to this Pro I quoted above from you and your comment; the advantage of time itself.

While yes, trading will save everyone a lot of time hunting down coveted, sought-after items. But...one must consider too at what “opportunity cost?”

Think of the game in it’s current state this way. The more time ye spend looting the MORE opportunity ye have to inadvertently bump into other players ye might not have otherwise have met. Depending upon, or not, how much community means to ye this opportunity cost would greatly be reduced for the average bear whom comings and goings within the Caribbean would be impacted significantly if trading were to rule the land.

I personally feel POTCO was created for community purposes mostly and so to alter that significantly, any remake would simply seize to be POTCO if the “community” aspect got lost!
That's an arrogant thing to say. For the record I'm against trading... I wanted to stay neutral for the purpose of this conversation but if you can't acknowledge their point of view then you're not being productive.
It’s not arrogant at all. We shouldn’t entertain the perspectives of people who are so entitled that they want to introduce gameplay features that allow them to get legendary weapons without working for them.

Is everyone who is in favor of trading like that? No. Is everyone who is in favor of trading for those two reasons like that? Absolutely.
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A non-trading world (aka ‘the grind’) has a lot of positive implications which are not realized. Not only does it facilitate a greater sense of community (because your ‘interactive encounters’ are not limited to likely only a dozen or less other pirates) running around and exploring the game’s maps brings greater familiarity.

Familiarity, my fellow pirates, becomes not only beneficial to one’s (in-game) efficiencies but also map familiarity indirectly builds community if other pirates are helped by your own guidance and direction. It’s two-fold. *Now, does grinding for loot and weapons suck? I think in a way it does. But given you are a pirate today on a game which was dead in the water...I would say your level of “suck-age” is not quite as bad as you might feel it to be. ;)

Shamus -

p.s. I think trading would be cool to see. I just feel a remake of POTCO is not the place for it, given loot itself is just 1 aspect to the multiple enjoyments of this game.
They’re only pros in the same sense that a drunk referee is a pro.

Certain players don’t want to work for their legendaries, so they would prefer to either loot on multiple accounts simultaneously and transfer each one’s finds to their main account, or simply have a friend give them the legendary they want without ever having to loot for it.

I don’t see why such players’ opinions should matter.
My takeaway at this point: If you want trading, then your opinion on the subject doesn't matter.