Your Famed & Legendary Weapons

Don't have unlimited anymore... hoping to get it back soon. But this is what I got.... So far...
your luck is unbelievable.

A lot of people have better luck than me I'm just the only whos actually posting every single famed I get.
Feel free to post your famed and legendary weapons so we cant keep this thread at the number one spot that it has been since practically the start of this website, anyone can post on this thread don't be shy.
Kaaaaaaateeeeee We're sis and bro
Got my emerald curse in the mines

What did you name yours? :p
Love to meet you In Game
I've just recently recieved the legendary cursed blade Emerald Curse from a random weapon drop on Tormenta using my voodoo staff! :cool: Lucky Me!!! I also have Lost Sword of El Patron, Generals Broadsword, and Nautilous Blade along with a few other rare cursed blades in my weapons chest!View attachment 2504
where in tormenta did you get it and how long did it take ?
I found a picture of someone getting it in the treasure room. This is not me getting it it's someone else who I've never met before.
where in tormenta did you get it and how long did it take ?

Actually i had just walked into the caves and the second guy i killed by the entrance is where i got it, Like I said, it was pretty random. I think it was a lower lvl Urchinfest, but I cant remember exactly.
In the words of Johnny Mak "Here's the catch of the day". I played cannon defense with Igor and a few others I got dc at round 75 and with a cannoneer short we lost at round 78. Heres the 4 famed I got I only kept bloodhound and Searing.
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