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Okay so today I was on pirates and it said that i was disconnected due to someone else logging into my account from another computer! I changed my password LAST NIGHT. No one knows what it is but me. so i log back in a few minutes later and it says my password is CHANGED.

So I went to the piratesonline site to change my password and it asks for my birthday..
I put in a fake birthday and can't remember what it was!!!!!! The pirate's name is Matthew McBreaker and he is lvl 50, a member of Dark Archive.. anyone in the dark archive? kick him. i don't want him screwing around with you guys. when i get my pirate back i will re join Dark Archive. for now, kick him.

Any ideas on what i should do? PLEASE HELP!!!!
there's been a lot of hacking going on, someone named Adam hacked me on the 28th of November, real messed up one of my pirates and lost one possibly forever, and got all my accounts a ban, -_- spotless until that point. except for one minor misunderstanding with Disney
The chances of Disney doing anything to him other than a smack on the wrist are slim to none. I have had similar things happen and they don't do anything. This is what they see. It's o ly one person. We are either getting 0-10 dollars a month. They are a small loss and it would be to much work and effort to keep loyal customers who are being hacked.
I would be happy to do all I can to help you get your account back. Let me know if I can help. I will just need to know everything you know about the hacker. I have never retrieved accounts from games before. I mostly do hacked emails and websites. But if you need me I will to my best to help.

Might I make the suggestion that more then one person call Disney about this. If more then one person brings this to Disney it might open there eyes and they might do something about it. I would be more then happy to call for you if you want. Just shoot me a message or post.
Yes please call! It was Sunday, at 2:24 pm about. Some pirate came up and asked to share accts. i said no. I logged off and later my password changed so i suppose it was him. He is a havker and threatened to destroy my pirate
I hope you get your account back Matthew. Call Disney today and if they are able to return it to you, request a new user name and password.
(((( Matt )))))

If ANYONE asks for your account information I suggest you take a screen shot at that moment with the conversation AND the player's card up on the screen ( so there is a date and time stamp) and send it to Disney. Press F9 if you have a windows computer to take a screen shot.

It's up to Disney to stop these bullies from preying on innocent people. There is no good reason to hack an account on this game other than to be cruel. It's not like WoW where you can sell gear and steal money or rob the guild - we don't have player trading on this game.
Rapid Z asked me a while ago to tell him my account info so he could get me lots of brights. I didn't report him but I un-friended him. (Should have reported -_-) He is another one of these bad guys everyone should watch out for.
i think im in danger cause when i went to potco i talk to davy o'bones and i notice he has xsmashorocks on it and i think he was hacked so i talked to ppl on my friends list but didn't answered. so i see xsmashorocks back on and but another one of my friends i think was hacked! im afraid!!! what do i do?:sad1:
i think im in danger cause when i went to potco i talk to davy o'bones and i notice he has xsmashorocks on it and i think he was hacked so i talked to ppl on my friends list but didn't answered. so i see xsmashorocks back on and but another one of my friends i think was hacked! im afraid!!! what do i do?:sad1:
Lay low, avoid anyone who asks for account information and such.. That's what I did, and I'm fine. Captain Leon even SAID to me, that he wanted to play on my pirate because I have 'cool stuff'.
Lay low, avoid anyone who asks for account information and such.. That's what I did, and I'm fine. Captain Leon even SAID to me, that he wanted to play on my pirate because I have 'cool stuff'.
Yeah that's the best thing to do, I've had multiple people ask me to share accounts, When I hear this, I always just delete them from friends list. I'd rather lose someone from my list than get my account hacked. As long as you don't give out any personal info, or take a screen of your pirate selection screen and post it somewhere. I've seen this happen where someone did it, then someone hacked them because they got their username from that picture.
oh ok but i dont understand that it shows x smasho rocks when i put my mouse on one of my friends list but i delete them already any way
I honestly think Leon know's how to hack someone JUST by knowing there D-Name, but idk, nobody freak out lol, It's just a guess.
Ok guys, heres what I did when I myself got hacked I called disney and they asked me all these questions, when they asked for my b-day I said I put in a random one, and guessed it (and I was really lucky cuz I thought I forgot it lol..)So after that, I went and changed my password.But, that didn't save my account, within the day he wuz in possession of my account, I still got term, I went to complain to Disney, but they didn't believe me ^^
So...for those of us unfamiliar with hackers, this does happen often to individual player potco accounts?
I have heard from a friend whom told me a mutual friend of ours had this same thing happen. *I did not realize the problem was so wide spread. UGH. It's a shame.
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