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So...for those of us unfamiliar with hackers, this does happen often to individual player potco accounts?
I have heard from a friend whom told me a mutual friend of ours had this same thing happen. *I did not realize the problem was so wide spread. UGH. It's a shame.

Shamus my acct was deactivated by the hacker. Gone.

I'm done.
I'm so sorry Matthew. POTCO must take some of the blame here because I sent them screen shots of the conversation I had with your hacker, where he admitted he had hacked your account and even told me who he was. The entire conversation PLUS the email you sent to me telling me you were hacked and could not log on to your account was sent to Disney moments after it happened. They had every opportunity to make things right with you and they did not. I am so sorry.. Pirates has lost a good player and the DA has lost a good member. It's a shame... a real shame. I hope they find a way to stop these people whose lives are so empty they have to cause havoc to make themselves feel important. They are just loser techno nerds bullies and most likely from broken homes.. and they clearly have nothing better to do.
A guy named Jose Dreadskull hacked me... I can't find him anywhere. I asked a bunch of people if they knew where he was, but he's untraceable... If you know anyone by that name, give me a call (I got the acct back but still...).

I'm really sorry, Matthew. I wish I could do something for you. I really do.
Rapid Z asked me a while ago to tell him my account info so he could get me lots of brights. I didn't report him but I un-friended him. (Should have reported -_-) He is another one of these bad guys everyone should watch out for.
Wow he asked me for my acct too.. I reported him though
Thanks guys...

Its just that i put so much TIME and EFFORT and goo memories into that pirate.

And cougar, i came from a broken home. Read the 9/11 thread and look at my story.

I came from a broken home, and im not like that hacker jerk.
Thanks guys...

Its just that i put so much TIME and EFFORT and goo memories into that pirate.

And cougar, i came from a broken home. Read the 9/11 thread and look at my story.

I came from a broken home, and im not like that hacker jerk.
Coming from a broken home does not mean you will turn out like those people. I am a teacher and I teach teens and many who are from broken homes turn out perfectly fine. However, when I encounter kids who take pleasure in bullying others... a VAST majority of the time they are from dysfunctional homes.

Please don't misinterpret what I meant by that comment - I can tell from working with you that you are a kind, respectful, and thoughtful person - nothing like the jerk who took your account.
Coming from a broken home does not mean you will turn out like those people. I am a teacher and I teach teens and many who are from broken homes turn out perfectly fine. However, when I encounter kids who take pleasure in bullying others... a VAST majority of the time they are from dysfunctional homes.

Please don't misinterpret what I meant by that comment - I can tell from working with you that you are a kind, respectful, and thoughtful person - nothing like the jerk who took your account.

Aww thanks! ((( Cougar )))

I mean, i DO have my angry moments but who doesnt?
Matthew..."I'm sorry" this happen to you & if I could...I would try to help in some way inorder to keep you from leaving the game.
UGH. What is wrong with people these days? I feel like throwing a "tomato" @ something :(..."Yes," I am this upset.
Matthew..."I'm sorry" this happen to you & if I could...I would try to help in some way inorder to keep you from leaving the game.
UGH. What is wrong with people these days? I feel like throwing a "tomato" @ something :(..."Yes," I am this upset.
Well Shamus, that's just the kind of people that are on the internet. You have to suppose level 50s are the best target for hacking in PotCO. I mean, they're the cream of the crop; the best the game has to offer level-wise.
Well Shamus, that's just the kind of people that are on the internet.

To be lied to, used, hacked, or "what have you"...these are things which make me seriously want to start playing tennis again & smack a few balls with "brute" force :cannon:into the net!
I would use 'tomatoes' but, things could get messy!!!
To be lied to, used, hacked, or "what have you"...these are things which make me seriously want to start playing tennis again & smack a few balls with "brute" force :cannon:into the net!
I would use 'tomatoes' but, things could get messy!!!
I know, those things make me furious too. But my question is: Who would have the motive to hack Matthew? Matthew is a nice person, and I couldn't think of any motive to hack him if I spent the rest of my weekend trying to think of motives. So, this makes me wonder: Was this hack specifically targetting Matthew, or did this hacker just want a lv50 account?
I know, those things make me furious too. But my question is: Who would have the motive to hack Matthew? Matthew is a nice person, and I couldn't think of any motive to hack him if I spent the rest of my weekend trying to think of motives. So, this makes me wonder: Was this hack specifically targetting Matthew, or did this hacker just want a lv50 account?
i dont think they specifically targeted matthew. i think they saw him. he looked like he had a nice account. one that they would think to be "good to trash". so they did whatever they did and trashed his account. and there hackers or whatever you want to call them and they dont care who they hurt. they just wanna hurt as many ppl as they can. and trash there hard work for fun. basically they are total and complete (fill in with your word of choice)
i dont think they specifically targeted matthew. i think they saw him. he looked like he had a nice account. one that they would think to be "good to trash". so they did whatever they did and trashed his account. and there hackers or whatever you want to call them and they dont care who they hurt. they just wanna hurt as many ppl as they can. and trash there hard work for fun. basically they are total and complete (fill in with your word of choice)
Maybe a small piece of advice? Change your password every few weeks to month. Even just changing a character or two, make some change. This may seem like a 'job', but it will better protect your account from attacks like this.
Some advice: put passwords that have nothing at all to do with the acc name, pirates, etc.. and are kind of long. Write them down, and hide it in a place that only you know about. Same with username. Except maybe the long part, lol.
i dont think they specifically targeted matthew. i think they saw him. he looked like he had a nice account. one that they would think to be "good to trash". so they did whatever they did and trashed his account. and there hackers or whatever you want to call them and they dont care who they hurt. they just wanna hurt as many ppl as they can. and trash there hard work for fun. basically they are total and complete (fill in with your word of choice)

My word of choice would get me in trouble so ill say....

No life loser?
today Bartholomew o' spinner was hacked by smasho. ik it was smasho bc he he said hEY GUYS ITS SMASHO HEHEHEHE. bart is a guy in DA. smasho also trashed everything in his inventory and spent all of his money.
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