Petition for a better POTCO

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  • Revive

    Votes: 24 63.2%
  • Revitalize

    Votes: 14 36.8%

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Would the petition really be effective though? Chances are well work hard to write one amazing petition and the next day we'll receive the same robotic pre-typed message of thank you for your concerns blah blah.
I think it was Jade, whom had said it the "best:"
I'd like to point out that - as many skeptics out there who think that this effort is a waste of time and energy - there are players who think it is worth our time and energy. At least we will know in the end how far our effort might bring us, that we might not know otherwise unless we do it.

Look. No doubt, the "odds" are stacked up against us. :facepalm: Those of us whom are in support towards this petition, are not blinded to this fact. *I cannot speak for anyone else but, for my own self & the way I see things - if a person truly & sincerely believes in something, the results DON'T particularly matter! It becomes the personal satisfaction therefore of at least "trying."

LOL. I guess you could say, I have a "certain" passion towards role-playing on the net as a pirate; it is this passion which drives me to do all that I can do for the sake of at least trying to make a difference (as opposed to just sitting comfortably on the side-lines).

I know sometimes I am known for becoming "deep" but I do hope this video (however 'off topic' it may seem) reminds each of you to be dedicated towards a passion, whatever in life that may be.
I think that all of us who try know that there is a possibility nothing will change but we truly want to see the game thrive and not die out. I say we practically force the officials to read it. Send it by mail (multiple times) to even the highest Disney officials rather than just the branch dealing with POTCO. You can't get what you want by just sitting there and complaining or wishing. We have to make an effort to do something in the hopes that we get what we asked for. Like Shamus said, it's pretty satisfying to try to get something done. If you don't try for it, you will always be wondering what would have happened if you did. Maybe to some it seems ridiculous to try to 'save' an online video game, but for those of us who are trying to do so, we know all of the different reasons of why we care about it so much. In truth, we are doing Disney a favor. Because of this game's potential, they can still make SO much money off of it if they would only put in the effort- especially because it serves players of ALL ages. ;) I think we have a good shot.
80% of kids are not gonna read anything if they are under 12..

Not saying what age I am, but I'm under 12 and I read the whole thing, lol...then again, I've always loved to read. :p

Anyway, I agree wholly with this petition. POTCO may be on its last legs, but we can bring it to the height of the Empire State Building. With the addition of all of that, I also hope Disney gets stronger software to protect against hacking, like the issue we are experiencing. If this petition really does work, POTCO may actually shine again. I remember when there used to be TV ads...let's help POTCO bring those back to further increase the game's popularity. A lot of MMOs are rising above POTCO, but if we, and the team behind it, work hard, we can maybe even reach the top MMOs.
Brings joy to me cold heart to see that we are finally standing as one against this issue. Let me just start by saying, Leo this idea is amazing (Like most of yer ideas), and all suggestions made thus far were great as well. I think possibly if we stand together as one against the issues listed above, Disney may finally open their eyes, and see everything wrong with this game. Don't get me wrong, I have always loved the game, and always will, however this game has too much potential to be in the state it is currently in. It has more potential than any other Disney game, because it is based off of the Pirates movies, which gives literally tons of possibilities.

With Pirates gathering together as one, with a formal petition, we may finally get something done. It seems that Disney ignores small numbers, so if we "attack" them with thousands of e-mails, and entries of this petition (once finalized, and with given consent of Leo of course) they may take action on the game, and start to revive it, to it's older state.

What I mean by this is basically that the game was better in the beginning, and it needs to return to that state. Now don't get me wrong it wasn't perfect, however In my opinion it was much better than it is now. If we were to revive the old POTCO, new players, and old alike would be able to see the game in it's best state. They would be able to play the game in it's true prime. Although this is all I have to say for the moment, expect much more input from me, as we progress with this "campaign" of sorts.
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Mates, maybe we can call POTCO many times or have one appointed pirate call them about the petition and tell them a summerized version of the petition. They can't tell us a robotic message there.
Contacting DIMG and all other's will be done after the petition reaches the max amount of signatures it can get.

In the meanwhile, do not bombard them with this. It wont do much good to us if were all just annoying them in an unorganized manner. All the writings, the signatures and other info will be send in in the end.
I agree with you, Leo. But in the event that months have passed and we still have no reply whatsoever (after we have sent everything in), I think that annoying them in an organized manner might do a little good. ;)
I don't think it's possible to annoy them in an organized manner. We pirates would be ashamed. :cool:

Anyway, I do hope this changes the state of the game. I would love to see it thrive the way it once did.
I don't mean to start a fight here, but isn't this basically a formal way of saying that the game stinks as it is currently? I mean, I don't like the fact that the game is more or less routine and unchanged, and have even said as much here on the forums, but it seems to me that if we accept the game as it is, and relish when they add stuff, we would be a lot happier. That's the mentality that I've started to adopt, and it works for me.
I don't mean to start a fight here, but isn't this basically a formal way of saying that the game stinks as it is currently? I mean, I don't like the fact that the game is more or less routine and unchanged, and have even said as much here on the forums, but it seems to me that if we accept the game as it is, and relish when they add stuff, we would be a lot happier. That's the mentality that I've started to adopt, and it works for me.
That's one way of thinking of it. But there is a lot of competition on the gaming industry. For the game to survive, there has to be changes for the good. If POTCO or any game stayed the same since its release, it would have resulted in a business failure. Players would just Quit. That's a nice mentality you have there but it doesn't apply to most. If you can play the same thing over and over and get used to the interruptions than the game would just keep going down and down until it would reach the bottom..

This petition cannot harm POTCO in anyway. So the worst that can happen is that the game continues on the same path it is going.
You guys together should put this much effort in real life things, instead of an online game. The world could need help.

Hmmm. You are onto something there...& it is a valid point to be made. *However, this petition represents to me the principle of the matter of things. Also, what happens online is only a reflection of what is happening in real, agreed?

What is important to remember is if you, or I, or anyone else here on the forums feels "compelled" about making a difference towards bettering something (whether it is an 'online' game or not) then each of us should take such a risk.

When it is all said & done, what shall we have printed on our own headstone: "here lies .... who believed in making a difference toward the good of this world," - or - "here lies ... who risked little & stayed safe within a comfort zone?"
You guys together should put this much effort in real life things, instead of an online game. The world could need help.
I think everyone does put this much effort into something they care about. It's great that we can bond together for the same cause, which at this time happens to be the future of the game.
You guys together should put this much effort in real life things, instead of an online game. The world could need help.
Do you always like to contradict yourself? Why are you posting this if you are giving life advice to people? You seem to not even know what real life is... Stop judging others in stuff you don't know.

If you are not gonna give something positive and constructive to this, than don't write anything at all. Stop getting off topic. The petition has been decided to move forward with, and you either will support it or sit back...
i prefer the old bodies, there not all great but they were the "classic" people say i began playing September 2008 it was a good game no lagg, the only thing i had a problem was it was challenging tbh now its to easy!
I think Leo's point is... the decision to continue on with this petition has been made. No doubt we could use a few like-minded people standing together for the "greater of good"..but... we're trying to change PotCO. To make it better. You never know... this could be setting an example for someone to "change the world".

It's not the negative people who change things for the better. Its the positive people. Now, it won't kill you to say they're doing a good job, will it? They're trying. That's better than most of us can say of our selves.

Anyway.. I hope my "warped" way of saying things is understandable and agreeable.

LEO ..Let me know when its time to sign the petition.

Tell your friend... Thank you for writing this. :)
Like others have said, at least we are trying to do something about a thing we care about rather than sit back and complain and get nothing accomplished. In this day and time, an age of technology, it is not unusual to see people create petitions via the internet. Also, for many, this game is a stress reliever and a way to relax and 'get away from' one's everyday problems for a while- besides the fact that it is an awesome game. Although a strange comparison, take this example: Vast amounts of people drink Starbucks, even go out of their way to get one or to sit in their little cafe to relax and unwind. What if Starbucks was shut down? People would be protesting, creating petitions, and doing whatever they could to get it back and keep it running. Sure, there are many other coffee shops and cafes with great coffee and relaxing atmospheres but it's not the same. POTCO is a Starbucks to quite a few of us- and to many, it's worth saving. Moving on from the weird example, I obviously think petitioning is a great idea and I thank Leo for bringing it to the front of our minds and getting things started. Let us know when the second part has arrived. :)

*Obviously many of us have different opinions on this situation. Let us say "to each his own" and not start a long dialogue of argument.
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