TLOPO Trading Teaser

You do realize you don't have to trade right? You'll quit if this is added? That's pretty selfish of you to say, If you want to just grind to get stuff then by all means do so but don't try and think saying something like " I'll quit " is going to stop them from implementing trading, I remember you said you'll quit if they put the padres sword in the game if they don't nerf it..
You most likely don't loot much, so you are ok with trading since you would get everything players like myself work day in and day out for.
No need to be rude, Sir Charles of Looting

If you don't want trading, then don't use it and then you can brag all about how you got it legit, another way to be an elite looter :D ;)
The faster every pirates gets every weapon. The faster the game will die. Not to mention the fact how people will just create tons of pirates farm the same spot and abuse the system....
You most likely don't loot much, so you are ok with trading since you would get everything players like myself work day in and day out for.
I've looted since january and have a ton of great items, I'm fine with people wanting to trade and I'd like to see some sort of rules to trading but if there's no rules then I'll just keep looting and actually feel some sort of accomplishment when I get something, no reason for me to quit and yes this is my opinion
The faster every pirates gets every weapon. The faster the game will die. Not to mention the fact how people will just create tons of pirates farm the same spot and abuse the system....
You realize people will have to give valuable things in exchange, correct?... It adds a dynamic element to an otherwise static system. If it goes wrong, I'm sure TLOPO can amend it or fix it.
I will tell you why. Ask yourself what keeps you playing day after day? Is it socializing with your guild? Then most likely trading will have little effect on those people.

Is it because of that elusive item that you want? Ok... What if you can get it by trading. What then? Now you have everything you wanted in the game. Do you know what happens to those people? They get bored and move on to another game.
I 100% agree.

Also I have actual experience of something similar to this happening.
So right near the close of POTCO there was an event where one of those Gamemasters came and gave everyone weapons in their inventories.
I got the famed desert claw - Only my second famed in POTCO (the other being the El Patron one which I had sold when I got this one )
Of course I was excited it was a famed.

When TLOPO re-released recently I was looting in Beckett's Quarry.
One if the Dragoons dropped a famed (my first famed in TLOPO and my first famed from looting period)
Which was more exciting??
The second one obviously because I worked so hard for it.
You realize people will have to give valuable things in exchange, correct?... It adds a dynamic element to an otherwise static system. If it goes wrong, I'm sure TLOPO can amend it or fix it.
If there are people who are new to the game and don't maybe understand it or young children who don't get what they are doing someone might can trick someone else into trading something bad for something good.
Trading would be fun for a few days when you get stacked or get a bunch of weapons you want. Then you would realize you have everything and you would be bored.

You realize people will have to give valuable things in exchange, correct?... It adds a dynamic element to an otherwise static system. If it goes wrong, I'm sure TLOPO can amend it or fix it.
Not to mention people who have dups of items or are just really nice might trade something good for something bad just to be nice. Similar to how people give away Beta keys just to be nice because they don't need them.
If there are people who are new to the game and don't maybe understand it or young children who don't get what they are doing someone might can trick someone else into trading something bad for something good.
If we are going to use extreme rare cases as the opposition/argument for not having features then this game would be nothing. I thought we had a mature audience, now all of a sudden everyone is young? Convenient
If we are going to use extreme rare cases as the opposition/argument for not having features then this game would be nothing. I thought we had a mature audience, now all of a sudden everyone is young? Convenient
I don't understand why people "think" everyone is older. Only about half the people in the forums have revealed their ages. In TLOPO you're not even supposed to give your age.
This is why trading should have rules on what you can trade for and maybe have multiple confirmations so new players think before accepting twice or three times before the trade is confirmed
Say if this were to make it in the game, I would most likely never use it. This is because like what most people are saying, it ruins the grind for looting.
However, I'm not against people if they want to trade items in-game. It shouldn't be my say or anyone's say what you need to have in a trade because it's YOUR trade. If someone wants to give away a legendary, I say let them.
So go ahead, implement it. I am most likely never going to use it, but that shouldn't stop other people from making trades just because I won't be using it. Really, there is no point to having a trade if it's limited anyways.
I think trading has a place but there does need to be some safe guards. One person said it is fine if both parties agree. Well, what if one party is an 8 yr old and the other is much older? I see that being an area for abuse. Another person said it would be difficult for a person to trade with one of his other pirates. No, it is very easy to setup even on one computer. How about it being setup like a pawn shop? You could go to one of these used weapons peddlers and trade-in a legendary for any other available in the shop/ Just brainstorming. Now if we are talking about trading-in iron ship material for steel or canvas for silk that is something I could get behind lol. ;)
Bottom line is this most likely isn't real. Like someone said, I doubt developing obviously controversial content is at all a priority right now.

On the other hand, I've yet to see those in favor address my point about the game in its current state being not ideal for trading.

One thing I must say: I might be in favor of raising the odds to get good loot just a bit. They do seem abysmally low for those of us who haven't made offerings to the RNG gods. So low, that it borderlines on me losing some sanity after looting for what seems like eons. Think about it...those rates were purposely designed to keep us chucking in those unlimited access payments month after month.
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Bottom line is this most likely isn't real. Like someone said, I doubt developing obviously controversial content is at all a priority right now.

On the other hand, I've yet to see those in favor address my point about the game in its current state being not ideal for trading.

One thing I must say: I might be in favor of raising the odds to get good loot just a bit. They do seem abysmally low for those of us who haven't made offerings to the RNG gods. So low, that it borderlines on me losing some sanity after looting for what seems like eons. Think about it...those rates were purposely designed to keep us chucking in those unlimited access payments month after month.
I really don't think drop rates are low. If anything, they're high. I personally have only gotten 4 famed, but the thing is, 2 of those were from fishing. That may not seem crazy by itself, but I can tell you I have done way more looting on land/plundering than I have done fishing, so the amount of famed I have should not be a 50/50 split between. But I'm not calling to raise the drop rates for land looting/plundering, rather, I think fishing loot needs a serious nerf. I'm honestly really surprised it hasn't happened yet. Just about every forum post in the famed items thread shows someone getting a famed/legendary from fishing, not actual looting. And furthermore, there are people who have entire inventories already stocked full of famed items. The game hasn't been in active beta for that long, and famed/legendary items are supposed to be the rarest of the rare. I don't really think there should be too many people who already have 20 famed items.
People begged for trading in POTCO, but now it's being treated as a huge crime to implement? If you don't like the idea of trading, do not trade with players at all. It's as simple as that. There are a handful of people who prefer retrieving good items the easy way and another handful who prefer earning those items by looting.

A six-second video, that we do not know for sure if it's real or not, showcasing a player clicking an unfamiliar button on another player's card somehow makes some people on this thread get off the hook and scream "OH HECK NO!" in fear of trading being a bad idea.
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You most likely don't loot much, so you are ok with trading since you would get everything players like myself work day in and day out for.
Work? Looting is work? I thought we were playing a video game here. Not trying to be stringent, but I think maybe we should tone it down a tad. We're still just playing a game.
No need to be rude, Sir Charles of Looting

If you don't want trading, then don't use it and then you can brag all about how you got it legit, another way to be an elite looter :D ;)
But if it's braking the game (not saying it is or isn't, just if) then I think we should definitely be concerned as to whether or not/how it is implemented.
That is indeed a fair point Dreadful. And I'm definitely not jumping on the bandwagon of wanting things to be easy. It's just that in my own personal experience, the luck has been so try. It's unusual for me to even get a green tag item. I think in my entire time of playing Pirates Online, POTCO and TLOPO combined, I've looted only 2 famed items and no legendaries.

I'm not really sure where to go from here though. All of my previous posts pretty much cover my thoughts on this topic.