Discussion Why trading is a BAD idea...

Is trading a bad idea?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 113 33.3%
  • Don't Care.

    Votes: 28 8.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 198 58.4%

  • Total voters
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That is a good idea though maybe a gifting option? ^ Like birthdays, good friends, Christmas, etc. (slightly irrelevant but it would be neat)
thats exactly what shouldnt happen, thats what people are scared of and i will say that would be unhealthy for the game

you shouldnt just be able to give items away for free regardless. That does take away from the value of the system in general
I just think they should put in everything in the last game( such as BP boss battle and RC quest) before ideas like this should even be explored. Also I feel that not all change is a good change and this could severely impact the purpose of looting which is one of the biggest aspects of the game.
That is exactly what TLOPO is focused on right now: bringing back the game we knew and loved from where it last left off. They have been messing around a little bit on the side to show us their mission isn't just to bring back POTCO but add to it. Add depth to it. I do believe that TLOPO has officially stated or people from TLOPO have stated new things like Escondida and new features will come after they deliver the old POTCO we lost in September '13. This is far from now. They might have made a few minor changes but they are minor. THey were things they decided to improve right then and there because it was already something in front of them. It is like building the door of your car and instead of just putting the normal basic radio speaker, you upgraded it with something that has better sound quality, the door was already being built so why not improve on it. THat is the only changes TLOPO has made. I only mention the example for perspective of the minor changes. The Ship AI-while I may disagree with the changes personally-would be one of those.
Trading is going to be a disaster
We don't know because we have not gone there. You can't make assumptions when it has not even been widely tested by them.
ANYTHING that causes this kind of reaction is probably not in the game's best interests.
AGAIN, ANYTHING that causes this much CONTROVERSY can in no way be in the game's best interests, it just can't.
The sad thing is that in this community everything cause controversy, lol.

Devs: "Were raising the level cap to 51"
Community: *RAGEEEE*
Okay think about the potential backlash if they decide to NOT add trading... Nothing really, we just move on with our lives.

Now think about the potential backlash if they DO add trading... Mass chaos and controversy!
This controversy between opinions of trading is much MUCH more severe than any other thing that TLOPO has added that POTCO didn't have.
Wow. Really? I am not going to use real life historical examples in effort to deter the argument of "that is overly dramatic."

There was a time when people wanted another remake (Pirates Online Rewritten) and TLOPO to shut down. People like myself protested their existence because we thought it would turn out terribly. We got on our soap boxes and made noise by banging our pans together, by shouting in our metaphorical megaphones. The reality is we were a vocal minority and we were proven wrong. I know I was, and thank goodness for that. That controversy was a big one for a while and many have forgotten because better things have happened and this game has finally blossomed. Just because in this "controversy" someone is using a louder setting on their megaphone and brings a couple more people to their rally doesn't mean it is representative of the entire community, of which does not interact on this site or most facets of social media/external communications TLOPO is on. It misrepresents a silent majority.

I actually take back my real life examples hold back. (Regardless of your views of either candidate) In just this past American Presidential election season, people assumed Hillary Clinton would win generally blue Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. In the case of Wisconsin, she did not visit it and it was generally assumed she would win it. A vocal minority deemed it so. Come election night, a silent majority made it clear they thought differently of her and our current President. There is a saying by Napoleon Bonaparte that would accurately portray this "
Ten people who speak make more noise than ten thousand who are silent." It is easy to say no No NO! on this site and portray it as the real voice of the people when there are 10 others to you that just remain silent not even part of this site.
looting is the primary in-game mechanic
Looting is a major aspect of this game, no matter who you are or what your stance on trading is.
It is right now. This is a game in beta. We are talking about a feature post-full release. This game has yet to prove that it will have various ways it can diversify and add depth post-full release and that looting won't be the main staple of this game. It might be right now, but down the road I doubt the devs want it to be this way, or people as a whole for that matter. Escondida is but one small way they intend to add depth and diversify.

I've already talked to SEVERAL prominent looters in the TLOPO community who said they were going to QUIT the game if trading is implemented. One of these people being @Charles Warmonk
losing dozens of thousands.
That's their prerogative. If they want to leave because of something they disagree, they may do so. That is their individual right, and no one is stopping them. Just because they are prominent does not mean that the hard working, limited play time TLOPO Fan's support for a feature should be immediately dismissed. If 3 prominent, prolific fans get their way over the 10,000 unknown fans who have not spoken on this matter and may very well never do so because they don't want to waste their time dealing with people that will tell them their thinking is wrong, is a bad idea.... that is a problem. When those people come in droves and say they disagree, then yes, you're right. More than just 3 people left. However, the fact 3 "celebs" threaten to quit is meaningless when there is a plethora of people who are not even prominent on this thread voicing their personal support for this feature, or even personal opposition. Additionally, there is no way to measure dozens of thousands. That's just... a terrible and very generalized assumption. We don't know how many will "quit" for sure. It could be more than 3, it could be 20,000, it could be none at all. We. Don't. Know.

Oh yes sorry i forgot about scams with real money and possibly children involved.

I would give away a repeat world eater blade for free to a good friend.

I stated in the first page all my arguments against "don't trade if it's a problem to you", wont paste anything again
you could already scam people for real money by offering leveling and looting services. It happens alot in MMOS and MOBAS
People have been scamming people on POTCO when it was POTCO for services unrelated to trading. Most of the people who "got hacked" were people who took up those services. Heck, I remember on Facebook in the POTCO Community that there was an underground trade for old body accounts. Scams were more prominent in POTCO than you may realize. It will happen regardless of trading. Scamming happens to people at my work place while they ar eon the clock. It doesn't mean we should shut down the store because our own employees get scammed, it just means we have to push for being educated on the matter. We have to educate people on not falling for scams, it is as simple as that. There is only so much we can do. Trading or not scamming will happen. There is no honor among thieves.

The Disney developers didn't put in trading for a reason, and I think we should keep it that way.
The Disney developers were fired a couple years before it was shut down. They were working on it and then got canned. That is why they didn't put it in the game. They couldn't because big wigs thought this game should die.
you shouldn't be allowed to skip the hours it takes others to put good weapons into circulation
What about the people who work long hours and still play this game and do everything they can to enoy this game and level their pirate but don't have as much time as the prolific, prominent looters to get the famed? Oh well? Maybe some of them do try. The average player is not going to necessarily have all the time in their life to spend on this game. Trading lets them feel like the work they did put into this game in their time off that they got something out of it even if it means through means of trading.
That is exactly what TLOPO is focused on right now: bringing back the game we knew and loved from where it last left off. They have been messing around a little bit on the side to show us their mission isn't just to bring back POTCO but add to it. Add depth to it. I do believe that TLOPO has officially stated or people from TLOPO have stated new things like Escondida and new features will come after they deliver the old POTCO we lost in September '13. This is far from now. They might have made a few minor changes but they are minor. THey were things they decided to improve right then and there because it was already something in front of them. It is like building the door of your car and instead of just putting the normal basic radio speaker, you upgraded it with something that has better sound quality, the door was already being built so why not improve on it. THat is the only changes TLOPO has made. I only mention the example for perspective of the minor changes. The Ship AI-while I may disagree with the changes personally-would be one of those.

We don't know because we have not gone there. You can't make assumptions when it has not even been widely tested by them.

Wow. Really? I am not going to use real life historical examples in effort to deter the argument of "that is overly dramatic."

There was a time when people wanted another remake (Pirates Online Rewritten) and TLOPO to shut down. People like myself protested their existence because we thought it would turn out terribly. We got on our soap boxes and made noise by banging our pans together, by shouting in our metaphorical megaphones. The reality is we were a vocal minority and we were proven wrong. I know I was, and thank goodness for that. That controversy was a big one for a while and many have forgotten because better things have happened and this game has finally blossomed. Just because in this "controversy" someone is using a louder setting on their megaphone and brings a couple more people to their rally doesn't mean it is representative of the entire community, of which does not interact on this site or most facets of social media/external communications TLOPO is on. It misrepresents a silent majority.

I actually take back my real life examples hold back. (Regardless of your views of either candidate) In just this past American Presidential election season, people assumed Hillary Clinton would win generally blue Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. In the case of Wisconsin, she did not visit it and it was generally assumed she would win it. A vocal minority deemed it so. Come election night, a silent majority made it clear they thought differently of her and our current President. There is a saying by Napoleon Bonaparte that would accurately portray this "
Ten people who speak make more noise than ten thousand who are silent." It is easy to say no No NO! on this site and portray it as the real voice of the people when there are 10 others to you that just remain silent not even part of this site.

It is right now. This is a game in beta. We are talking about a feature post-full release. This game has yet to prove that it will have various ways it can diversify and add depth post-full release and that looting won't be the main staple of this game. It might be right now, but down the road I doubt the devs want it to be this way, or people as a whole for that matter. Escondida is but one small way they intend to add depth and diversify.

That's their prerogative. If they want to leave because of something they disagree, they may do so. That is their individual right, and no one is stopping them. Just because they are prominent does not mean that the hard working, limited play time TLOPO Fan's support for a feature should be immediately dismissed. If 3 prominent, prolific fans get their way over the 10,000 unknown fans who have not spoken on this matter and may very well never do so because they don't want to waste their time dealing with people that will tell them their thinking is wrong, is a bad idea.... that is a problem. When those people come in droves and say they disagree, then yes, you're right. More than just 3 people left. However, the fact 3 "celebs" threaten to quit is meaningless when there is a plethora of people who are not even prominent on this thread voicing their personal support for this feature, or even personal opposition. Additionally, there is no way to measure dozens of thousands. That's just... a terrible and very generalized assumption. We don't know how many will "quit" for sure. It could be more than 3, it could be 20,000, it could be none at all. We. Don't. Know.

People have been scamming people on POTCO when it was POTCO for services unrelated to trading. Most of the people who "got hacked" were people who took up those services. Heck, I remember on Facebook in the POTCO Community that there was an underground trade for old body accounts. Scams were more prominent in POTCO than you may realize. It will happen regardless of trading. Scamming happens to people at my work place while they ar eon the clock. It doesn't mean we should shut down the store because our own employees get scammed, it just means we have to push for being educated on the matter. We have to educate people on not falling for scams, it is as simple as that. There is only so much we can do. Trading or not scamming will happen. There is no honor among thieves.

The Disney developers were fired a couple years before it was shut down. They were working on it and then got canned. That is why they didn't put it in the game. They couldn't because big wigs thought this game should die.

What about the people who work long hours and still play this game and do everything they can to enoy this game and level their pirate but don't have as much time as the prolific, prominent looters to get the famed? Oh well? Maybe some of them do try. The average player is not going to necessarily have all the time in their life to spend on this game. Trading lets them feel like the work they did put into this game in their time off that they got something out of it even if it means through means of trading.
EDIT: This post was old and is not true anymore. I do want trading but it's a tough thing to add.
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That is a good idea though maybe a gifting option? ^ Like birthdays, good friends, Christmas, etc. (slightly irrelevant but it would be neat)

A gifting option isn't exactly an idea of mine, but response to some people who say that they would never give a repeat legendary to a friend through trading.
Does anyone get tired of this constant bickering of "Oh, the devs did this! The game is ruined! Oh, the devs did X! I won't play TLOPO anymore because X happened!"

1. Devs haven't yet impletented trading nor officially said they will (i believe)
2. I have never seen anyone call TLOPO ruined because of an update (excluding bugs of beta, which are unintended and temporary). And trading is quite a different thing, since it would be such a huge change, of course it triggers major reactions.
My opinion is basicly this:
Firstly every MMORPG has trading, you need trading to make it flourish and become better - more complex mangment of weapons, new oportunities, more teamwork for that matter etc the list goes on.
Secondly, I don't see why people are complaining it could be a bad idea, I mean sure - trading a web to a lvl 1 player is not right, but that can be fixed because guess what - we live in a world where we can talk, not argue. My point is that trading is a good idea, but requires some restrictions:
Those restrictions from MY point of view, which would make trading balanced should be: trading equal quality items 1:1 , 2:2 equal ratios and equal qualities. A few exemples: World Eater Blade for Lost sword. Admiral's Cutlass for Beweled Broadsword etc, potions are NOT tradable ( talking about those made via the mini game - the normal ones sure I don't see a huge problem in that ), materials too but in equal quantities: Like 100 pine for 100 canvas, or rare materials on the same basis 100 steel for 100 silk.
This from what I think ( in potco I had 4 legendaries so I do know how it is to grind all the way for one let alone 4 ) I would say this method would keep the same "quality" that looting has, and would have, just the only trick is now that besides shooting and killing you also have to be a little bit social so for exemple if you get lost sword, and you hate it ( why lol ) but you love silver freezee, you can trade with another person matching an opposite ideology to yours.
Looting is still looting ✓
More social game ✓
More in debth to what is worth and what not ✓
End this fighting topic ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Waiting for some impressions....and yes scams! I think everyone who has a legendary can read what it does and what the other guy is offering does....
I bet it's gonna happen anyway. Watch me call it right now. Lol.


Y'all can't think of "trading" as something that has a very specific system like you already know the way it's going to work for this game. That's like saying, "Ah! TLOPO is adding dragons!" when all they said was, "You better keep a wary eye turned upwards!"

If you don't know how it works, don't act like you do, and stop talking about it until you know the plan.

^ That said:

The people on this thread who are giving constructive criticism to the idea are the true heroes and I applaud you guys.

The people on this thread who are giving their closed-minded opinions and giving no leeway and repeating the same thing over again, expecting different responses, need to wake up. The U.S. Congress (you know, the House of Representatives and the Senate and stuff?) does this thing, where an idea will be proposed and allll those people get to debate it. If it's an idea that can really go one way or the other, do you know what they do?

They make *amendments* in order to make the proposition work for everybody!

Wow. What a concept.
^ That said:

The people on this thread who are giving constructive criticism to the idea are the true heroes and I applaud you guys.

The people on this thread who are giving their closed-minded opinions and giving no leeway and repeating the same thing over again, expecting different responses, need to wake up. The U.S. Congress (you know, the House of Representatives and the Senate and stuff?) does this thing, where an idea will be proposed and allll those people get to debate it. If it's an idea that can really go one way or the other, do you know what they do?

They make *amendments* in order to make the proposition work for everybody!

Wow. What a concept.
For exemple, did my post help?
thats exactly what shouldnt happen, thats what people are scared of and i will say that would be unhealthy for the game

you shouldnt just be able to give items away for free regardless. That does take away from the value of the system in general
It wouldn't really need to be valuable items. I had common clothes I always throw away but my friend likes the look of. And if it's trading then it wouldn't be free then. I was only trying to add to a previous person's reply though. I don't really wanna be caught up in this thread because I don't mind either way. I don't have an opinion on the matter.
It wouldn't really need to be valuable items. I had common clothes I always throw away but my friend likes the look of. And if it's trading then it wouldn't be free then. I was only trying to add to a previous person's reply though. I don't really wanna be caught up in this thread because I don't mind either way. I don't have an opinion on the matter.
something like clothes commons and rares yeah sure, i dont mind those in the least and i doubt most people would but you get into dangerous territory when you start offering rare weapons as well
That is exactly what TLOPO is focused on right now: bringing back the game we knew and loved from where it last left off. They have been messing around a little bit on the side to show us their mission isn't just to bring back POTCO but add to it. Add depth to it. I do believe that TLOPO has officially stated or people from TLOPO have stated new things like Escondida and new features will come after they deliver the old POTCO we lost in September '13. This is far from now. They might have made a few minor changes but they are minor. THey were things they decided to improve right then and there because it was already something in front of them. It is like building the door of your car and instead of just putting the normal basic radio speaker, you upgraded it with something that has better sound quality, the door was already being built so why not improve on it. THat is the only changes TLOPO has made. I only mention the example for perspective of the minor changes. The Ship AI-while I may disagree with the changes personally-would be one of those.

We don't know because we have not gone there. You can't make assumptions when it has not even been widely tested by them.

Wow. Really? I am not going to use real life historical examples in effort to deter the argument of "that is overly dramatic."

There was a time when people wanted another remake (Pirates Online Rewritten) and TLOPO to shut down. People like myself protested their existence because we thought it would turn out terribly. We got on our soap boxes and made noise by banging our pans together, by shouting in our metaphorical megaphones. The reality is we were a vocal minority and we were proven wrong. I know I was, and thank goodness for that. That controversy was a big one for a while and many have forgotten because better things have happened and this game has finally blossomed. Just because in this "controversy" someone is using a louder setting on their megaphone and brings a couple more people to their rally doesn't mean it is representative of the entire community, of which does not interact on this site or most facets of social media/external communications TLOPO is on. It misrepresents a silent majority.

I actually take back my real life examples hold back. (Regardless of your views of either candidate) In just this past American Presidential election season, people assumed Hillary Clinton would win generally blue Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. In the case of Wisconsin, she did not visit it and it was generally assumed she would win it. A vocal minority deemed it so. Come election night, a silent majority made it clear they thought differently of her and our current President. There is a saying by Napoleon Bonaparte that would accurately portray this "
Ten people who speak make more noise than ten thousand who are silent." It is easy to say no No NO! on this site and portray it as the real voice of the people when there are 10 others to you that just remain silent not even part of this site.

It is right now. This is a game in beta. We are talking about a feature post-full release. This game has yet to prove that it will have various ways it can diversify and add depth post-full release and that looting won't be the main staple of this game. It might be right now, but down the road I doubt the devs want it to be this way, or people as a whole for that matter. Escondida is but one small way they intend to add depth and diversify.

That's their prerogative. If they want to leave because of something they disagree, they may do so. That is their individual right, and no one is stopping them. Just because they are prominent does not mean that the hard working, limited play time TLOPO Fan's support for a feature should be immediately dismissed. If 3 prominent, prolific fans get their way over the 10,000 unknown fans who have not spoken on this matter and may very well never do so because they don't want to waste their time dealing with people that will tell them their thinking is wrong, is a bad idea.... that is a problem. When those people come in droves and say they disagree, then yes, you're right. More than just 3 people left. However, the fact 3 "celebs" threaten to quit is meaningless when there is a plethora of people who are not even prominent on this thread voicing their personal support for this feature, or even personal opposition. Additionally, there is no way to measure dozens of thousands. That's just... a terrible and very generalized assumption. We don't know how many will "quit" for sure. It could be more than 3, it could be 20,000, it could be none at all. We. Don't. Know.

People have been scamming people on POTCO when it was POTCO for services unrelated to trading. Most of the people who "got hacked" were people who took up those services. Heck, I remember on Facebook in the POTCO Community that there was an underground trade for old body accounts. Scams were more prominent in POTCO than you may realize. It will happen regardless of trading. Scamming happens to people at my work place while they ar eon the clock. It doesn't mean we should shut down the store because our own employees get scammed, it just means we have to push for being educated on the matter. We have to educate people on not falling for scams, it is as simple as that. There is only so much we can do. Trading or not scamming will happen. There is no honor among thieves.

The Disney developers were fired a couple years before it was shut down. They were working on it and then got canned. That is why they didn't put it in the game. They couldn't because big wigs thought this game should die.

What about the people who work long hours and still play this game and do everything they can to enoy this game and level their pirate but don't have as much time as the prolific, prominent looters to get the famed? Oh well? Maybe some of them do try. The average player is not going to necessarily have all the time in their life to spend on this game. Trading lets them feel like the work they did put into this game in their time off that they got something out of it even if it means through means of trading.

100% i agree with this statement in its entirety
you shouldnt just be able to give items away for free regardless.
I agree.. because if this is made possible I have this nightmare vision of never being able to even enter the gold room or any other place with bosses anymore, because they be crowded with toonies punching in for work to make famed and legendaries available somewhere else on the Internet, for say 25 real life dollars, and then pass them "as a gift" to whoever pays.
You all have seen this on other games.
You all have seen those games ruined by it.
They all started with wishing for a storage alt.
You all have seen that it couldn't be controlled.
They make *amendments* in order to make the proposition work for everybody!
I would hope that the devs, if they deem fit to implement such a proposition, will restrict it as a narrow system, where the main priority should be maintaining abuse control.
For instance make this only available to guild officers, as a guild internal system, where they would need to get the gift approved before giving the items away. In the same manner as the name system works today.

Be well everyone and enjoy the game! Either way careful what you wish for!
There are a lot of possible ups and downs to trading and it is impossible to see the outcome from here. My only thought is concerning the "Looting is the only reason pirates stay" idea. I played POTCO way back before looting was a thing. I was a maxed level 40, full gold ( no ship cust. so not a thing to spend it on), full maxed weapons and had finished the BP quest. We didn't have the weapons and stuff to go after and yet we stayed. I think the key was a great community full of online friends you enjoyed playing with. We created games ( hide and seek, ship races ) pushed afk guild members into the sea ( I wish you could still do this ;) ) and such. When they added SvS I spent hours upon hours playing. Every new feature created new ways to spend your time and I think not moving forward at all would be the greater evil in the end. I think TLOPO is much more than looting and I feel it is wrong to reduce it to this one element.
Person 1: I'll give you world eater blade if you pay me 10$ on paypal
Person 2 (possibly a child): Sure.
Person 1: takes money and logs off.
As everyone makes it so apparent with the constant chat moderation, a lot of children play this game and don't know better on who's telling the truth and not. This could be a big issue for scamming.
As for ruining the experience, you'd have to be really dumb to just give away a world eater blade. Who would actually give those away for free? Or any legendary weapon at that. Even if you get repeats of legendarys which is rare they still wont exactly be in large supply. It will not ruin the experience, barely anyone has multiples of these legendarys or the legendarys in the first place so it should not be a problem. Also again if you just dont trade it wont be a problem for you.
If that video is real, and somebody does get scammed by this system, this is not TLOPO's problem. They have it listed in their Terms of Service that anyone who tries to tell you anything related to TLOPO is a scam, and that any damages from these sales are the responsibility of the players and not TLOPO. I'm sure if/when trading comes out they'll definitely clarify the Terms of Service more for the new feature.

Screen Shot 2017-07-02 at 12.38.35 PM.png

Also, if somebody is really going around scamming others with items, they have the ability to terminate those accounts. Which the mod team would know that the offending account does have a world eater blade on it. If they lost that pirate, they'd be devastated. The moderation team is very thorough when they set a ban on an account, this would never have the ability to get an account terminated who did not do anything wrong.
My opinion is basicly this:
Firstly every MMORPG has trading, you need trading to make it flourish and become better - more complex mangment of weapons, new oportunities, more teamwork for that matter etc the list goes on.
Secondly, I don't see why people are complaining it could be a bad idea, I mean sure - trading a web to a lvl 1 player is not right, but that can be fixed because guess what - we live in a world where we can talk, not argue. My point is that trading is a good idea, but requires some restrictions:
Those restrictions from MY point of view, which would make trading balanced should be: trading equal quality items 1:1 , 2:2 equal ratios and equal qualities. A few exemples: World Eater Blade for Lost sword. Admiral's Cutlass for Beweled Broadsword etc, potions are NOT tradable ( talking about those made via the mini game - the normal ones sure I don't see a huge problem in that ), materials too but in equal quantities: Like 100 pine for 100 canvas, or rare materials on the same basis 100 steel for 100 silk.
This from what I think ( in potco I had 4 legendaries so I do know how it is to grind all the way for one let alone 4 ) I would say this method would keep the same "quality" that looting has, and would have, just the only trick is now that besides shooting and killing you also have to be a little bit social so for exemple if you get lost sword, and you hate it ( why lol ) but you love silver freezee, you can trade with another person matching an opposite ideology to yours.
Looting is still looting ✓
More social game ✓
More in debth to what is worth and what not ✓
End this fighting topic ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Waiting for some impressions....and yes scams! I think everyone who has a legendary can read what it does and what the other guy is offering does....
if trading had to be implemented I agree with your post and think this would be the best way to implement it. Meaning Legendary for Legendary 100 canvas for 100 pine. A famed for a famed. A rare for a rare. and so on.
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Nyah, pirates should only trade gold! After all, you can already kind of do that with poker, but this would just optimize it.
When the original POTCO was waning, their development staff had already been reduced to a handful. That meant their chances of finishing the other big chapters of the game had dwindled.

Also the number of players was dropping off due to the lack of new material, and SVS and PVP wasn't enough to keep people playing.

The El Patrons quest was a big deal. It not only created a new location, new quests but added a bulk of the new items.

I give this backstory because looting items were not always priority but after it was well known the original developers had been looking into creating trading.

It was addressed numerous times in news items. The demise of Disney Interactive is likely the only reason it never occurred.

On the flip side, we know the TLOPO development team is working on other new chapters and quests to continue where Disney didn't. New locations and new quests to pirates even more to accomplish.
Here's an idea, if you don't like trading, then don't trade. Oh wait, you don't like it so you have to raise your voice and possibly guilt-trip devs into not implementing it? How about I guilt trip you into deleting your account for this terrible idea. Don't like dudes marrying other dudes? then don't marry others of same anatomy as you.
Here's an idea, if you don't like trading, then don't trade. Oh wait, you don't like it so you have to raise your voice and possibly guilt-trip devs into not implementing it? How about I guilt trip you into deleting your account for this terrible idea. Don't like dudes marrying other dudes? then don't marry others of same anatomy as you.
Here's an idea, if you don't like trading, then don't trade. Oh wait, you don't like it so you have to raise your voice and possibly guilt-trip devs into not implementing it? How about I guilt trip you into deleting your account for this terrible idea. Don't like dudes marrying other dudes? then don't marry others of same anatomy as you.
Nicely done
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