Announcement Six Years of Pirates Forums

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I'm not quite sure how I found TLOPO, but I'm glad of it because now I have the chance to play the game again and meet a lot of new people! In all honesty, it's nice to see how well the community gets along with each other here, it's absolutely crazy to see hardly any arguments at all or even drama. Anyways, Happy 6th Anniversary to Pirates Forums! Hopefully, there are even more years of joy to come. :buds:
Wow, it's crazy that it has been 6 years already - man time flies!

As to how I found the forums, I don't remember because it was so long ago - I think someone in-game told me about them. Thank God they did. I love the great community we have here on the forums. I can't wait to spend the next 6 years with you all! :D
I found the forums when I was looking for a replacement for POTCO. I had followed a few projects before this but all of them have failed which was a disappointment. But then I found TLOPO which has gotten farther than any other project I have followed and I am so excited to see all the great work you guys have done recreating POTCO.
I knew that this forums existed for a long time now, don't know how I found out, but I never decided to join until now, in which TLOPO then came around. What strives me to continue being part of this community is the fact I enjoyed playing POTCO and seeing a lot of familiar faces from the game that are still here to this day.
Repost due to me not meeting criteria:

I found this when I met RoseFox in-game. She had directed me about 3 months ago to the forums when I wanted to become part of TLOPO when I met the alpha. Although I had been a member for about 8 months now I didn't have much fun until I met others (you know who you are). :) Alpha was really what brought me and and I really wanted to help the community by showing my support and my knowledge of what was once known as POTCO. Pirates brought me back to my childhood and makes me feel like a kid again :) one that I like :)
:bounce:I came across Pirates Forums when I was playing TLOPO. What drew me in to stay on the site was all the familiar names and the amazingly active community. Pirates Forums is a place where you can relate to almost everyone and have a laugh. It means a lot to me that so many old memories are shared, it makes me feel great. Cheers to a long healthy community. :buds:
Greetings to all!

As I lead into the main topic, I want to put something in perspective...

Pirates Online released on October 31, 2007. This year, it'll have been nine years old. How did the time fly by so quickly? Well, for one thing, I can say that time flies when you're with people you love and care about - and also when you're having fun.

On Pirates Forums, we've established a platform to effectively cater to this same dynamic. We've built a strong, passionate community of post-POTCO refugees and pirate lovers alike that are now patiently awaiting the reincarnation of the thing that brought us together - our mutual interest and link.

Coincidentally, Pirates Forums was also founded in the month of October, complementing that of Pirates Online's release. Today, October 12, happens to be the forum's 6th anniversary. As a community, we've been through a lot of difficulties that have tested our strength and dedication. We've also stuck together for the better part of a decade already - hard to believe, right?

I feel old.

Anyway, I'd like to take a moment to celebrate this awesome milestone. My heartfelt thanks goes out to our entire moderation team, support staff, TLOPO staff, and - let's not forget the man behind it all - @Davy Darkrage. Without all of you, Pirates Forums would not be the thriving, flourishing, and welcoming place it is today.

My thanks also should not neglect all of our wonderful community members. Our membership has skyrocketed in the past few months - our numbers are growing now more than they ever have before. I'm so excited to see all of you so willing to join us on our journey into TLOPO's Beta phase - there's a lot of hope for the future and it certainly is looking promising.

Now, the staff and I want to give you all a chance to walk down memory lane. It doesn't matter if you've been here 5 years, 5 months, or 5 minutes - we want to hear your voice! How did you come across Pirates Forums? What drew you in to the community? How has Pirates Forums impacted your life? Share your stories below! In exchange for replying, you'll be awarded a medal that will serve to commemorate the forum's 6th anniversary:

(kudos to @Irene!)
You have from now until October 19, 2016 at 12:00AM EDT to post your response. After this time, this thread will be locked and no additional medals will be awarded.

Thanks to everyone for being a part of it all. You rock! Our community is awesome.

Way to go tlopo!!! Like all you that supported this venture for me it is a job well done all the hard work you all put into this my deep hearted thank you!!!
I came across this forum when my friend Kris told me about the game revival. I definitely missed my friends and all the wonderful people I've met playing this game. I liked the idea of being able to reconnect with people of the past via the forums. I've had a multitude of amazing and longlasting friendships because of the community. So it is wonderful to have a place outside of the game where we could share our memories. Happy 6 years! :sparkler:
I knew of these forums when they were formed. On POTCO I was friends with Carlos AKA Treasurer and a member of his site (m) I would talk to him about the split between him and Davy and about the new forums (known as "dot co"). At the time I did not have both sides of the story so I really did not know if there was a right side and a wrong side or if anyone was to blame for the split. I was a member of the Spania forums mainly to preserve my name Kat Five Knives and prevent someone from pretending to be me. Eventually I did the same here, mostly to preserve my name. As time went by and POTCO closed, I found these forums remained active while all the others fell by the wayside. I found myself here more and more often to keep up with my non-guild pirate friends. After a few years I was given more responsibility - a moderator's position. It was exciting and I'm proud to serve this community in any way that I can.

I joined recently, but I've played PotCO when it first came out until (sadly) its closing. I actually didn't know there were such things as "forums" (was still a 'kid' back then). I'm so glad to have joined this community (I didn't realize so many others missed PotCO as much as I did) and I'm super excited for PO's return.

[My avi is the last screenshot I took of my character before PotCO's closing.]

Here's to a grand future of Pirates of the Caribbean, mates!
I've only been a member of this particular forum for about 2 months, but it has been wonderful. :) Everyone is friendly, and it's been nice getting to know the pirates I may soon be sailing the seas with in beta. I found this forum through the TLOPO website when I first joined alpha.

:stars::star:Happy 6th Anniversary PiratesForums!:star::stars:
Greetings to all!

As I lead into the main topic, I want to put something in perspective...

Pirates Online released on October 31, 2007. This year, it'll have been nine years old. How did the time fly by so quickly? Well, for one thing, I can say that time flies when you're with people you love and care about - and also when you're having fun.

On Pirates Forums, we've established a platform to effectively cater to this same dynamic. We've built a strong, passionate community of post-POTCO refugees and pirate lovers alike that are now patiently awaiting the reincarnation of the thing that brought us together - our mutual interest and link.

Coincidentally, Pirates Forums was also founded in the month of October, complementing that of Pirates Online's release. Today, October 12, happens to be the forum's 6th anniversary. As a community, we've been through a lot of difficulties that have tested our strength and dedication. We've also stuck together for the better part of a decade already - hard to believe, right?

I feel old.

Anyway, I'd like to take a moment to celebrate this awesome milestone. My heartfelt thanks goes out to our entire moderation team, support staff, TLOPO staff, and - let's not forget the man behind it all - @Davy Darkrage. Without all of you, Pirates Forums would not be the thriving, flourishing, and welcoming place it is today.

My thanks also should not neglect all of our wonderful community members. Our membership has skyrocketed in the past few months - our numbers are growing now more than they ever have before. I'm so excited to see all of you so willing to join us on our journey into TLOPO's Beta phase - there's a lot of hope for the future and it certainly is looking promising.

Now, the staff and I want to give you all a chance to walk down memory lane. It doesn't matter if you've been here 5 years, 5 months, or 5 minutes - we want to hear your voice! How did you come across Pirates Forums? What drew you in to the community? How has Pirates Forums impacted your life? Share your stories below! In exchange for replying, you'll be awarded a medal that will serve to commemorate the forum's 6th anniversary:

(kudos to @Irene!)
You have from now until October 19, 2016 at 12:00AM EDT to post your response. After this time, this thread will be locked and no additional medals will be awarded.

Thanks to everyone for being a part of it all. You rock! Our community is awesome.

I'm glad I made it back in time to check on the process of evolution for this game. I absolutely love being on forums and discussing with people.
Here goes:
I've only been here for about five minutes, but I've been checking on the website for a little over a year, and it eventually got to a point where I struggled for an alpha key, I didn't get one alas. :( But that's okay, I used to play the Pirates Online game in a dedicated fashion, and used to love taking out my Galleon! I preferred the looks over the usage, but I absolutely loved the ship. I was a free user though, so there was only so much I could do as a kid with no bank account haha.
But reminiscence led me to look for any updates that may have happened in terms of revival of the game, and lo and behold, here I am! (I'm hoping I can get in to the Beta (I assume all players are eligible, I asked a few folks in the IRC chat.)
Greetings to all!

As I lead into the main topic, I want to put something in perspective...

Pirates Online released on October 31, 2007. This year, it'll have been nine years old. How did the time fly by so quickly? Well, for one thing, I can say that time flies when you're with people you love and care about - and also when you're having fun.

On Pirates Forums, we've established a platform to effectively cater to this same dynamic. We've built a strong, passionate community of post-POTCO refugees and pirate lovers alike that are now patiently awaiting the reincarnation of the thing that brought us together - our mutual interest and link.

Coincidentally, Pirates Forums was also founded in the month of October, complementing that of Pirates Online's release. Today, October 12, happens to be the forum's 6th anniversary. As a community, we've been through a lot of difficulties that have tested our strength and dedication. We've also stuck together for the better part of a decade already - hard to believe, right?

I feel old.

Anyway, I'd like to take a moment to celebrate this awesome milestone. My heartfelt thanks goes out to our entire moderation team, support staff, TLOPO staff, and - let's not forget the man behind it all - @Davy Darkrage. Without all of you, Pirates Forums would not be the thriving, flourishing, and welcoming place it is today.

My thanks also should not neglect all of our wonderful community members. Our membership has skyrocketed in the past few months - our numbers are growing now more than they ever have before. I'm so excited to see all of you so willing to join us on our journey into TLOPO's Beta phase - there's a lot of hope for the future and it certainly is looking promising.

Now, the staff and I want to give you all a chance to walk down memory lane. It doesn't matter if you've been here 5 years, 5 months, or 5 minutes - we want to hear your voice! How did you come across Pirates Forums? What drew you in to the community? How has Pirates Forums impacted your life? Share your stories below! In exchange for replying, you'll be awarded a medal that will serve to commemorate the forum's 6th anniversary:

(kudos to @Irene!)
You have from now until October 19, 2016 at 12:00AM EDT to post your response. After this time, this thread will be locked and no additional medals will be awarded.

Thanks to everyone for being a part of it all. You rock! Our community is awesome.

I got into Pirates with the original Disney version shortly after seeing a TV commercial advertising the game. I played every day for about 3 years and had saw it advance. I never really took part in Forums back then simply because I met many people during gameplay that kept e abreast of what was happening. I played before potions and fishing came out..... when the cap on notoriety was 40 and weapons was 25. I have seen it progress and then was heartbroken to learn it was being cancelled, but now that the rewrite is bringing the game I love back I decided to join the Forums to keep in touch with current happenings and am excited with where things are going.
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